
中國科學院東北地理與農業生態研究所草地農牧業學科組基於“玉米秸稈養牛-糞便基質化-草生菌栽培”循環系統,探究了莫能菌素及秸稈種類對氮回收率的影響,旨在明確該循環系統中氮的回收率,並揭示莫能菌素影響循環系統中氮轉化的微生物學機制。相關成果發表於Waste Management(IF=8.816)。




Mushroom cultivation recycled 3.33–5.88 % N from straw and cattle manure.

Monensin reduced N loss by inhibiting ammonification and denitrification.

Monensin decreased recycled N mainly by inhibiting growth of Agaricus bisporus.

Corn straw was better than wheat straw as substrate due to lower N loss.


Although crop-livestock integration recycling systems improve nitrogen (N) utilization in agroecosystems, there are limited studies regarding impacts of residual antibiotics in livestock manure on N transformation in entire recycling system. The objective was to evaluate effects of feeding monensin on N recycling during “straw feeding-substrate fermentation-mushroom cultivation”. This experiment contained 3 steps. During straw feeding, beef cattle were allocated into 2 groups and fed diets with or without monensin, respectively. During fermentation, beef cattle manure (with or without monensin) and straw (corn or wheat) and were co-fermented for 35 d to produce substrates. During cultivation, Agaricus bisporus was cultivated on 4 substrates to recycle N in the form of mushrooms. Rates of N retention during fermentation were significant higher for monensin and corn straw treatments and there was an significant interaction between straw and antibiotic on N retention rate during cultivation. However, residual monensin significantly reduced amount of recycled N during entire recycling system, due to changes in N transformation-associated enzyme activity, ammonification and denitrification plus microbial community structure and succession. Specifically, residual monensin inhibited growth of dominant bacterial phylum Bacteroidetes and fungal phylum Neocallimastigomycota, and increased bacterial phylla Actinobacteriota and Firmicutes. These alterations in functional microbes increased N retention rates but reduced mushroom yields in antibiotic treatments during cultivation. In conclusion, monensin decreased the N recycling rate in recycling system, but also reduced N losses during fermentation by inhibiting ammonification and denitrification, so, avoiding antibiotics usage is an effective strategy to improve the efficiency of recycling systems.



表1 基質發酵、蘑菇栽培及採收過程中的氮回收率

NC= no-antibiotic manure and corn straw, NW: no-antibiotic manure and wheat straw, AC= antibiotic manure and corn straw, AW= antibiotic manure and wheat straw, N retention rate= Total N in fermented substrate/Total N in starting substrate, N retention rate= Total N in cultivated substrate/Total N in fermented substrate, N recycled rate= Total N in fruit body of mushroom/ Total N in starting substrate.

表2 基質發酵和蘑菇栽培過程中的關鍵酶活性

圖1 基質發酵第0天(a)、14天(b)、35天(c)基於16S rDNA測序的門水平相對丰度;堆肥第0天(d)、14天(e)、35 天(f)基於ITS測序的門水平相對丰度。

校對和審核:張陽 王農

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