
麥田土壤重金屬超標及其誘發的小麥安全生產問題是當前我國的重要農業環境問題。近日,中國農科院環發所楊建軍研究員課題組在Science of The Total Environment上發表了題為 “Mercury fractionation, bioavailability, and the major factors predicting its transfer and accumulation in soil–wheat systems”的研究論文。該研究基於全國不同類型土壤探究了小麥在汞超標土壤的吸收累積特徵,系統揭示了土壤汞生物有效性及其主控因子,並利用多元迴歸構建小麥汞吸收累積的預測模型,為土壤汞有效性預測及麥田汞安全閾值構建提供了重要理論依據。



Shoot Hg content positively correlated to soil total/available Hg, and Amo-Mn.

Hg uptake and accumulation was affected by exchangeable/organically bound Hg.

Soil pH role was determinant in Hg mobility and soil-shoot bioaccumulation.

Acidic soils tend to bear a lower grain yield compared to alkaline soils.


Soil mercury (Hg) and its bioaccumulation in food crops have attracted widespread concerns globally due to its harmful effects on biota. However, soil mercury fractionation, bioavailability, and the major factors predicting its transfer and accumulation in soil–wheat-systems have not been thoroughly explored. Twenty-one (21) soil samples collected throughout China with a wide spectrum of physico-chemical characteristics were contaminated with HgCl2 and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown on the soils in a greenhouse pot-culture experiment for 180 days. A four-step sequential extraction was used segregating soil Hg into water-soluble (F1, 0.21 %), exchangeable (F2, 0.07 %), organically bound (F3, 16.40 %), and residual fractions (F4, 83.32 %). Step-wise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and path analysis (PA) were used to develop a prediction model and identify the major controlling factors of soil-wheat Hg transference. The SMLR results revealed that wheat Hg in leaves, husk, and grain was positively correlated with soil total and available Hg, and crystalline manganese (Cryst-Mn), while negatively correlated with soil pH, amorphous manganese (Amor-Mn) and crystalline aluminium (Cryst-Al). Bioconcentration factor (BCF) values were significantly higher in acidic soils (highest 0.05), with phytotoxic effects in some soils, as compared to alkaline soils (lowest 0.006). Furthermore, wheat grain Hg was significantly correlated with total (R2 = 0.25), water-soluble (R2 = 0.54) and NH4Ac-extractable Hg (R2 = 0.43) while also had a good correlation with soil pH (R2 = 0.20). In conclusion, the soil total and available Hg (water-soluble + exchangeable fraction), pH, organic matter, and Amor-Mn are the most important soil variables that support Hg uptake in the wheat plants, which benefit managing Hg-enriched agricultural soils for safe wheat production.


Fig. 1. Hg concentration (in milligrams per kilogram) in the different parts of the wheat (a) Hg concentration in grain (b) Hg concentration in husk and (c) Hg concentration in leaf.

Fig. 2. BCF of the wheat in the 21 investigated soils under different Hg treatments; (CK), low Hg (spiking level 1) and high Hg (spiking level 2).

Fig. 3. Path diagram for the relationship between soil properties, including soil total and available Hg and wheat grain Hg contents.




校對和審核:張陽 王農

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