
南京農業大學資環學院土壤微生物與有機肥團隊關於根際微生物群落組裝與土傳病害預測的最新研究成果“Small changes in rhizosphere microbiome composition predict disease outcomes earlier than pathogen density variations”在The ISME journal在線發表,成果證明了植物發育早期能夠快速分異出不同的根際微生物組,繼而決定後期土傳病害的發生,且根際微生物組比病原菌丰度更早地預測了病害的發生。

博士畢業生谷益安為文章第一作者,韋中教授為通訊作者,沈其榮院士、徐陽春教授、Alexandre Jousset教授、北達卡他州立大學Samiran Banerjee教授、賓夕法尼亞州立大學Francisco Dini-Andreote博士等參與了該項研究,該研究得到國家重點研發計劃青年科學家項目和國家自然科學基金等項目的資助。



Even in homogeneous conditions, plants facing a soilborne pathogen tend to show a binary outcome with individuals either remaining fully healthy or developing severe to lethal disease symptoms. As the rhizosphere microbiome is a major determinant of plant health, we postulated that such a binary outcome may result from an early divergence in the rhizosphere microbiome assembly that may further cascade into varying disease suppression abilities. We tested this hypothesis by setting up a longitudinal study of tomato plants growing in a natural but homogenized soil infested with the soilborne bacterial pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Starting from an originally identical species pool, individual rhizosphere microbiome compositions rapidly diverged into multiple configurations during the plant vegetative growth. This variation in community composition was strongly associated with later disease development during the later fruiting state. Most interestingly, these patterns also significantly predicted disease outcomes 2 weeks before any difference in pathogen density became apparent between the healthy and diseased groups. In this system, a total of 135 bacterial OTUs were associated with persistent healthy plants. Five of these enriched OTUs (Lysinibacillus, Pseudarthrobacter, Bordetella, Bacillus, and Chryseobacterium) were isolated and shown to reduce disease severity by 30.4–100% when co-introduced with the pathogen. Overall, our results demonstrated that an initially homogenized soil can rapidly diverge into rhizosphere microbiomes varying in their ability to promote plant protection. This suggests that early life interventions may have significant effects on later microbiome states, and highlights an exciting opportunity for microbiome diagnostics and plant disease prevention.




校對和審核:張陽 王農

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