





網友Manmeet Raj也不喜歡皮草,但他顯然有更為深刻的原因。

A lot of girls like to wear fur, and of course I admit that fur is really beautiful. But I don't think everyone knows how cruel the price of this fur's beauty is. In fact, our daily use of fur clothing, bags are stained with blood. While high-end fur ready-to-wear. Is the fur industry production, the most cruel one. At this moment, hundreds of millions of animals are being held in forced iron cages around the world, ready to face abuse and killing.


Take the mink, which accounts for most of the industry's production. Tens of millions of otters need to give their fur to humans every year.


This is a night-time activity of the ferns, like to live alone fur warmth is very strong also with the flash . In a farm, otters are kept in tiny cages from an early age until death, which is the equivalent of keeping a person in a suitcase all his life.


For a long time, most of them suffered from severe mental illness and most of the otters were gnawing at iron cages all the time trying to escape. But any escaped otter will be trampled to the ground as punishment and thrown back into the cage. Self-harm, gnawing of the same kind of situation every day in the cage injured otters will not receive any treatment. This is done not to less of their suffering, but to make it easier for workers to peel if they lose their ability to attack and escape. The otter's powerless workers came forward to cut off four legs, cut open the opening from the tail, and peeled off the whole piece of fur.




讓我們來看看網友Vaibhav Agrawal的講述。

I know wearing masks is not a fashion but more of a necessity today. But people have turned this custom of wearing masks into a fashion. The doctors suggest the use of N-95 masks or the 3 layered masks only. But people want to be fashion icons and they have came up with masks like this:


There are popular clothing brands who have started selling branded cloth masks. These masks provided zero protection to the virus but look fashionable and this is attracting customers. There's a popular brand that my father likes and he wanted to buy masks from that brand. The cheapest category the store was selling had 4 masks priced at Rs 1,700. More than 400 rupees for a single mask looks wastage of money, specially when those kind of masks doesn't do anything, doesn't offer any resistance to the virus.

Taking advantage of the situation many companies have come up with ideas like customized masks. What they will do is that they will print your face on your mask. Now do note that these masks offer no protection but on the other hand, you might be at the risk of inhaling the harmful chemicals used in the colors while printing. Kindly do not risk your health at the cost of fashion.





下面是來自網友Louisa Liu的轉述。

I’m gonna get a lot of sting for my answer. But I need to speak out. It’s disturbing. It’s the Burqa and the Niqab.


Honestly I’m the very last person that would criticize a woman on her wardrobe. Its her body, her choice but I have very strong objection on this way of “purifying” your self from prying eyes. I live in Indonesia, yes we are a Muslim majority country but women here enjoy so much freedom, so much. They are protected, their rights are respected and their status under the law is equal to men.


Thankfully I managed to talk to one of them a few months back. I ask “Could you tell me what made you take that leap?” She replied in a very emotionless tone “Because its the way they do it in Saudi” .

I know you cannot generalize but how can I keep it to my self when a girl tells me the reason why she did it is because some foreigner tells her to do it. Indonesia is not Saudi. Islam and women in this country are viewed differently. To see Indonesians give up the freedom given by their own country for the sake of being a copy cat version of Saudi is beyond me.




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