
紐約-亞馬遜執行長傑夫·貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)計劃在2030年之前將他向貝佐斯地球基金(Bezos Earth Fund)投資的100億美元用於該基金。

安德魯·斯蒂爾(Andrew Steer)週二被任命為該基金的執行長,他在一系列推文中提供了一些細節,包括貝索斯(Bezos)的“目標是在現在到2030年之間花掉這筆錢”。這樣算下來,每年的收入將超過10億美元。

“地球基金將投資於科學家,非政府組織,活動家和私營部門,以幫助推動新技術,投資,政策變化和行為,” Steer發推文說。“我們將強調社會正義,因為氣候變化會嚴重損害貧困和邊緣化社群。”

Steer曾是環境非營利組織世界資源研究所(World Resources Institute)的總裁兼執行長,是貝佐斯地球基金(Bezos Earth Fund)的首任總裁兼執行長。



他說:“我將專注於推動系統性變革,以應對氣候和自然危機為重點。” “太多最具創意的計劃因缺乏資金,風險管理或正確的合作伙伴關係而受苦。這是地球基金會將提供幫助的地方。”


NEW YORK -- Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos plans to spend the $10 billion he invested in the Bezos Earth Fund by 2030, the fund’s new CEO said Tuesday.

Since Bezos announced the fund in February 2020, little has been revealed about how it would be used combat the climate crisis.

Andrew Steer was named as the fund's CEO on Tuesday, and in a series of tweets, he offered a few details, including that Bezos' “goal is to spend it down between now and 2030.” That would work out to a pace of more than a $1 billion a year.

“The Earth Fund will invest in scientists, NGOs, activists, and the private sector to help drive new technologies, investments, policy change and behavior,” Steer tweeted. “We will emphasize social justice, as climate change disproportionately hurts poor and marginalized communities.”

Steer, who had been the president and CEO of the environmental nonprofit the World Resources Institute, is the Bezos Earth Fund’s first president and CEO.

“Lauren and I are thrilled to have Andrew aboard and very energized about what lies ahead for the Fund and our partners,” Bezos wrote in an Instagram post, referring to his girlfriend, journalist Lauren Sanchez.

Bezos, who announced plans to step down as Amazon’s CEO last month to focus on philanthropic and science interests, cited Steer’s decades of experience in environmental and climate science, as well as his environmental work with World Resources Institute, which received a grant from the Earth Fund in November.

In a statement, Steer said he felt “incredibly fortunate” to join the fund.

“I will focus on driving systemic change to address the climate and nature crises, with a focus on people,” he said. “Too many of the most creative initiatives suffer for a lack of finance, risk management or the right partnerships. This is where the Earth Fund will be helpful.”

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