

In the autumn, there was a place where spread nursery rhymes about cate – Hunan Cuisine. It is one of the eight famous Chinese cuisines. Spicy, is the soul of Hunan Cuisine. Chili bring out bright and colorful in food and the taste is mainly fresh spicy. From October 18th, The Westin Xian invited the guest chef from Changde, take you to enjoy authentic food.

近日,萬豪國際集團任命董嘉琪(Ms. Tiffany Tung)女士為西安威斯汀大酒店行政總廚。自2001年開啟酒店行業的職業生涯,擁有超過18年的廚房團隊管理經驗,她先後在成都、西安、北京、多倫多等地的多個國際知名酒店集團工作,如萬豪、希爾頓、雅高等。在加入西安威斯汀大酒店前,董嘉琪女士在希爾頓集團旗下的華爾道夫酒店工作。相信憑藉她卓越的領導力和專業精神,為酒店創造更多佳績。

Tiffany Tung has been appointed as Executive Chef at The Westin Xian. Tiffany starts his career in 2001 and has more than 18 years’ experience of culinary team management. She has worked in many international famous hotel groups in Chengdu, Xian, Beijing, Toronto,etc.,include Marriott, Hilton, Accor, etc. Prior to join The Westin Xian family, Tiffany served at the Waldorf Astoria. We believed under Tiffany’s leadership, The Westin Xian will continue the success.

萬豪國際集團任命詹俊峰(Mr. James Zhan)先生為西安威斯汀大酒店中廚房廚師長。自1998年開啟酒店行業的職業生涯,擁有超過21年的烹飪及管理經驗,精通粵菜、川菜、湘菜、蘇菜、浙菜及上海菜等多個菜系的烹飪方法並善於創作新的菜品。相信憑藉他精湛的廚藝,定會為來自世界各地且鍾情於威斯汀品牌的賓客們帶來一段回味無窮的用餐體驗。

James Zhan has been appointed as Chinese Kitchen Chef at The Westin Xian. James starts his career in 1998 and worked in various international hospitality brands. He has solid knowledge & skills in Cantonese, Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai cuisine’s cooking technique, also when he works in a new place, he is keen to explore use local ingredients for creating new dishes. We believe that with his excellent cooking skills and innovative ideas, he will surely bring exquisite, novel and memorable food experience to guests that come from all over the world.

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