

中國醫藥學:traditional Chinese medicine

中醫基礎理論:basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine

調養 to cultivate health

正氣 healthy qi

病邪 pathogenic factor

整體觀念 concept of holism

五臟five zang-organs

六腑six fu-organs

經絡系統system of meridians and collaterals

辨證論治:treatment based on syndrome differentiation 本草:materia medica /medicinal herbs

中藥Chinese herbs

四氣五味:four properties and five tastes

鍼灸acupuncture and moxibustion

各家學說theories of different schools

補土派:school of invigorating the earth

病因學說:theory of etiology


醫療實踐medical practice

治療原則:therapeutic principles

寒涼藥物:herbs of cold and cool nature

滋陰降火:nourishing yin to lower fire

先天之精:congenital essence

氣的運動變化:movement and changes of qi

形與神俱:inseparability of the body and spirit

神明: spirit/mental activity

功能活動:functional activities

陰陽失調:imbalance of yin and yang

正邪相爭:struggle between healthy qi and pathogenic factors

汗法: diaphoresis /diaphoretic therapy

下法:purgative therapy

吐法:emetic therapy

  • 不吃早餐與膽結石的關係:真相大揭秘,還有其他健康影響
  • 88歲中醫稱它為“失眠第一金方”,早晚喝2口,失眠多夢全跑光