

Sanchayan Sarkar, PhD Research Fellow at University of Pittsburgh (2017-present)

Sanchayan Sarkar 匹茲堡大學博士研究員(2017年至今)

No. Certainly more documented but not more advanced. The Indian Civilisation dates to over 7500 BC according to current archaeological facts. The oldest site of civilised Indus Saraswati City is Bhirrana (7500 BC). Please note that artefacts from the underwater sites of Dwarka has been found over 32000 BC and the site itself is predicted around 12000 BC. That takes it before the Ice Age melting around 10000 BC. Note that the Dwarka excavation is still under progress and the facts are empirical in nature.

Coming to the Indus Valley Civilisation, it has been proved that they are the largest occupying civilisation of the early bronze age with exceptional engineering and urban planning, high sophistication in creation of public places like baths (Bath of Mohenjo Daro) , Granaries of Harappa and perfectly aligned brick houses. The Dholavera site has also excavated a stadium of the biggest proportion in the ancient world. Not just that reservoirs , underground running water drainage system , Toilets and many such structures were refined. There is no parallel to that in any other civilisation. Not just that , the social order of the civilisation was advanced in the way that the priest formed the highest tier, yoga is depicted there and spiritual knowledge existed. They also had seals , weighted trade coins , etc.

China has no such contemporary history . China’s history co-incides with the Iron Age of India and it does not match with India . Chinese scholars themselves praised universities like Nalanda and Taxilla in India and the greatness of the Indian empires like Guptas and the Pallavas. Indian rock cut archtiecture was at the finest in the world at that time. Indian metal was the finest in the world. India had plenty of water trade routes and that meant large navies and ships. The Cholas , Pandyas , Guptas , Mauryas had all powerful navies.


現在說說印度河流域文明,已經證實他們是最大的青銅時代早期文明,擁有超高水平的工程和城市規劃,公共場所如(Mohenjo Daro浴室)、哈拉帕穀倉和完全一致的磚房的建設非常複雜。Dholavera遺址還出土了古代世介面積最大的體育場。不僅僅是水庫,地下自來水排水系統,廁所和許多這樣的建築也得到了改善。不僅如此,社會文明的秩序也得到了發展,祭司成了最高統治者,出現了瑜伽和精神知識。當時也出現了印章,貿易硬幣等。


Spiritual knowledge in India is the most sophisticated. It’s not bragging but it’s true and all eastern philosophies were heavily influenced by India . China did not influence India but India influenced China , Japan , South East Asia , Korea and also west Asia. China invented paper but India used barks of tree to record. India was extremely advanced in mathematics rivalling the Egyptians and the Greeks. Both Vedic Maths and Classical Maths were advanced in India. Infact the Persians and the Arabic people borrowed a lot of maths from India. The decimal number system evolved in India , binary numbers evolved in India . India utilised value of PI much before any europeans.

Indian epics were the oldest and the longest. The Mahabharata is the longest epic in the world till date. Now this is the current history .If you follow the Vedic history , then the civilisation is far more advanced. Ayodhya , Dwarka and Bharatavarsha were the grandest empires in the world.



Akshit Singh, B.A. History, St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi (2018)

阿克希特·辛格 德里大學聖斯蒂芬學院歷史學士(2018)

In the Ancient China, there were many philosophical groups like Confucianisn, Taoism , Buddhism , Legalism, but Confucianism were more prevalant and effective.

Confucianism can be characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy built on ancient religious foundations to establish the social values, institutions, and transcendent ideals of traditional Chinese society.

I’ll list out some features of Confucianism and will compare with Ancient Indian Civilisation :




1.Confucius believed that the quality and merits of individuals were greater than the circumstances of his birth and environment , but in Indian Ancient Civilisation , all the respactable jobs were hereditary and were trasferred from father to son. Farmers son will become a farmer and nobles king will get a good respectable job in the kingdom.

2.Law, according to Confucianism, was concerned with not how to sort out the rights and wrongs of each case but how to re-establish social harmony. Penalties were more like social rites than individual punishments. The custom oriented, practical nature of the law was apparent in the fact that no separate court system existed ,

severe corporal and capital punishment was illegal, the state seldom interfered with clan justice. , but in Indian Subcontinent, the land was diverse which was ruled over by many kings, so there was no uniformity and moreover we cannot find this kind of law and order as it is in Confucianism.



3.The attitude that the Chinese had of superiority and self sufficiency and looking upon foreigners as ‘barbarians’, led the western scholars to coin the term ‘Sinocentrism’ to describe the way the Chinese perceived themselves.

All countries that desired relations with China had to accept the tributary system, while in Indian Subcontinent , there were no centralisation of power and every kindom had their own rituals and ethics , that means no uniformity.

4.Society was traditionally divided into four occupational classes. Highest of all were the scholar administrator (shi); peasants (nung), artisans (kung) and lastly the merchants (shang). Above these four orders were go nment bureaucrats and below were the ‘degraded’ people, who were denied the rights enjoyed by the common people.

These were actors, prostitutes, soldiers, yamen messengers, vagrants etc. Traders were not given priviledge earlier because the economy of China was well eqipped,but in Indian Subcontinent we found trade from many countries like Rome , Middle East which opened the way for foreigners to intervene.



We cannot say that the Confucianism was the best but if we see in total Confucianism had more pros than Indian Ancient Civilisation.

Confucius - founder of Confucianism



Damon Kent 達蒙.肯特

What do you mean when you are talking the civilization?

Which country has more complex artworks?

Which country has more princely buildings?

Which country has more militarist?

which country has more treasure?

That is pointless!

I think China is more advanced than India in Ancient age, For:

China has the continuous honest history, not myth or epic.

Even most of the India ancient history are reform according the China historical records.

India's ancient history is created by Indian, recorded by Chinese, explored ruins by British.











Vdhay Kumar N, Consultant at Oil and Gas Industry (2017-present)

維德.庫馬爾 石油天然氣行業顧問(2017年至今)

It's hard to answer such questions india and china both are ancient cultures and have Large history of inventions & innovations.

India did a lot on yoga, mathematics, philosophy , astronomy, medicine etc. Chinese did lots of inventions like paper, gun powder, compass etc. they have also did lots of

research on indian scriptures and translations to their language and are successful in developing it to a new level. Many chinese museums have India's oldest scriptures collected by people like xuang xang etc and are restored perfectly.

Buddha was from india, Chinese have spread it entire east, kalari a form of martial art in Southern India was developed into khumfu, karate etc by Chinese.




Guo Yang 郭洋

Ancient China is far ahead of India, territorial expansion to Central Asia, Europe has a lot of records about ancient China, China has a history of more than two thousand years, India's history has come to China to visit (India itself has no detailed historical records, because they Like the mythology as history.) Chinese culture affects South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, Central Asia. Ancient China despise India, ancient Indian culture has long been destroyed, alien invasion and so on. China, South Korea, Malaysia, Malaysian Chinese, Thai Chinese, Indonesian Chinese, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China are among the countries that are influenced by Confucian culture. The However, most of India's culture is influenced by religion, and China is deeply influenced by Confucius philosophy


Alexander Tan 亞歷山大·譚

As a Chinese person, India was more sophisticated than China in ancient times. Why?

During the Ancient period, the most sophisticated civilization was the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Persia shared a border with India, letting India receive much of their innovations. China did not have the advantage of an already advanced civilization bordering them.

However in the late ancient period when Han China was in power, then definitely China was more sophisticated. Chinese inventions are always being recorded, whereas Indian advancements were mostly cultural (at least those recorded). Chinese had more physical development.




Kush Rajput, Good Knowledge of History and Civilization of India.

庫什·拉吉普特 了解印度的歷史和文明

The origin of all the civilizations is India or you can Say Bharatvarsh(Ancient name of India). So if India was the first civilized country then it would be more advance than Chinese Civilizations as per my Knowledge. As I know about the histories of India, it is a country of Gods, Scientist, Technologies and lot more. But now days its going back from those things and India is following the westernization which will lead us toward the hell. I hope you will be satisfied with the given answer.


Raisal Ven, History buff 麗莎 歷史愛好者

In terms of soft culture? Only Greece matched India, with all the religions, philosophy, debates, culture, etc.


Orz Chin

The toilets in India are better than in China


Vikash Tewarie, Counsellor (1992-present) 維卡什·特瓦里 顧問(1992至今)

To keep it short and simple, ponder about this quote from Chinese ambassador and philosopher, Hu Shih: “India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border”


Kimberly Keith 金伯利·基思

Hieroglyphics from Ancient Egypt are dating back nearly 30,000 years, making them older than Vinca script in Europe, which is only 7000 years. That is my response to Justin Green's answer, which is incorrect. Furthermore, Ancient India is responsible for many religions, philosophies, technologies, and cultural traditions in China. The ancient Chinese learned from ancient Indians

古埃及的象形文字可以追溯到3萬年前,比歐洲的溫卡文字還要古老,而歐洲的溫卡文字只有7000年的歷史。這是我對Justin Green的迴應,他說的是不正確的。此外,古印度是中國許多宗教、哲學、技術和文化傳統的發源地。古代中國人向古代印度人學習。

Danethy Neutron

No, Ancient India acquired farming, literacy, and a written script BEFORE the Ancient Chinese; they also had a larger civilization and population then Ancient China during the Indus Valley civilization. They also discovered and utilized Iron metallurgy and sophisticated metal working BEFORE Ancient China. They also constructed numerous building's out of stones and bricks, and out of pure bedrock, SOMETHING STILL UNPARALLELED BY ANYONE IN THE ANCIENT ERA EXCEPT FOR MAYBE THE MESO-AMERICANS; they also had constructed monuments and artifacts out of pure iron steel, like the iron pillers of India, which has NOT rusted or corroded TO THIS DAY to when it was first constructed in the BC period!

Whereas the Ancient Chinese mainly utilized wood for their structures. Ancient Indians already had tidal docks and ports thousands of years before the Ancient Chinese, all the way back to the IVC civ. The Ancient Indians also had invented and come upon modern Pythagorean geometry, Advanced algebra and trigonometry, binary, and the modern numerical system and the concept of zero BEFORE the Ancient Chinese. They came upon the concept of Atoms BEFORE the Ancient Chinese. THEY CREATED AND INVENTED THE MODERN GAME OF CHESS WITHOUT AND BEFORE THE ANCIENT CHINESE! Even modern martial arts like Kung fu and Judo, WERE CREATED AND INVENTED BY ANCIENT INDIANS! Even MODERN BODYBUILDING WAS CONCEIVED OF AND CREATED BY ANCIENT INDIANS!



By the medieval period, Ancient India WAS ALREADY DOING CALCULUS LEVEL AND LIKE MATHMATICS BEFORE ANYONE ELSE! Ancient India during the medieval period, WAS THE MOST ADVANCED CIV OF MATHEMATICS DURING THE MIDDLE AGES JUST FOR THIS FEAT ALONE! During the Middle ages, Ancient Indians came upon carbon nanotube technology and wootz steel making, which was the strongest high quality steel in the Middle ages; this technology would later be known as “damascus steel” and would be known in the world for being the most effective and high quality steel on the market back then, par none, AND NO ONE EXCEPT ANCIENT INDIANS AND MIDDLE EASTERN NATIONS HAD ACCESS TO THE DAMASCUS STEEL TECHNOLOGY!





Yes, 100% agree.

First there was no India civilisation at all, it was a fake civilisation as Indian media put it.

All the Indian histories were recorded by other languages including Chinese.

Iron metallurgy and Brass etc. were first innovated and discovered by Chinese





Suman Smith Adhikari, Living in a developing free India. 蘇曼·史密斯·阿迪卡里,生活在一個發展中的自由印度

Both were equally advanced.Chinese however discovered many essential items like compass,paper,gunpowder etc.But Indians were no less.All know about the great forbidden city,the great wall of China and many more wonderful architectures but many do not know about India(especially the Chinese judging by their answers).Many people in the west also live in their little bubble never exploring outside their “great” Roman or Greek civilization


Lakshay Negi


Don't you know they were the greatest of all time.Their inventions changed over life for ever.We all today are alive because of ancient China.What do you think Ancient China was just limited to paper,compass etc?

Ancient India was nothing but some black monkeys fighting each other.Infact Ancient India was not even India.They we were just some naked tribal people.T hey just have some make up stories of their not real God who teach us that even God have to face their good or bad karma(In Ramayan and Mahabharat).They did not invented Flush toilets that's why you can see why Half of the India's population don't have them

It's all a lie that they invented WOOTZ steel,ironpillar,buttons,rulers,cotton,numericals,zero,binary,shampoo, 10k+ languages etc.If they could be civilized any close to Chinese then Europeans would not be able to rule India。China was,is,will be Number 1 forever.They were always united.

是的! ! ! !




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