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Working principle of fixed frequency air conditioner and variable frequency air conditioner

The biggest difference between constant frequency air conditioning and variable frequency air conditioning lies in their different working principles. The constant frequency air conditioner is started and shut down according to the temperature set by the air conditioner. Because its output power is certain, so when the indoor temperature reaches the set temperature, the constant frequency air conditioner will stop working. When the temperature rises, the constant frequency air conditioner starts to operate again. The frequency conversion air conditioner can automatically adjust according to the indoor temperature. When the indoor temperature exceeds the set temperature, the frequency conversion air conditioner will output power at low frequency, intelligent control, and maintain the indoor temperature unchanged.

Is inverter air conditioning really energy saving?

Some people do not understand, feel that constant frequency air conditioning intermittent performance, it is easy to lead to a cold at home. And work noise is also very big, night will affect the quality of family sleep. Therefore, they prefer to buy the so-called energy-saving and comfortable inverter air conditioner.

But is inverter air conditioning really energy saving? In fact, it's all deceiving. We use frequency conversion air conditioning in our home. Only when it is turned on for 6 hours for a long time and continues to turn on, the power consumption of frequency conversion air conditioning will be about 30% less than that of constant frequency air conditioning. But most of our families can't meet this standard. Few people turn on the air conditioner during their parents' time. Therefore, variable frequency air conditioning is not as cheap as the publicity.

Another sad point is that the price of variable frequency air conditioner is very expensive, about 1 / 3 to 1 / 4 higher than that of constant frequency air conditioner. Moreover, the internal system of variable frequency air conditioning is very complex, so the failure rate is still high. Many people are willing to buy it, but the maintenance cost is heartbreaking. The maintenance cost is even more than the electricity cost saved for many years. It's really not worth the loss.

Let me recommend several ways to save electricity

1. Correct purchase and reasonable use

First of all, the purchase of air conditioning should be based on demand. Whether it is the appearance or the number of pieces of the product, only when the purchase is correct, the user will not feel waste in the future use or the number of pieces is too small and consume too much power. This is also a kind of low-carbon and healthy use of air conditioning. Secondly, we should learn to use air conditioning more energy-saving in our daily life.

2. The room should be well sealed

If the air-conditioned room is not airtight enough, the maintenance structure of the room needs to be improved. For some rooms with poor door and window structure and large gap, some should be improved; it is better to use thick curtains with thick cloth and dark color to reduce the impact of room temperature caused by sunlight radiation, and reduce the loss of cold air. At the same time, opening fewer doors and windows can reduce the heat input outside the room and save electricity.

3. Turn off the air conditioner ten minutes in advance

Before going out, you should turn off the air conditioner in advance. It's better to turn off the air conditioner 10 minutes before leaving home. In this 10 minutes, the room temperature is enough to make people feel cool. Form the habit of turning off the air conditioner in advance when going out, which can save electricity.

4. The outlet of air guide plate is upward during refrigeration

When refrigeration, the air outlet is upward, and when the air temperature becomes lower, the cold air flow is easy to go down, so the refrigeration effect is good, and the effect of energy saving can also be achieved.

5. The outside machine should be ventilated to avoid sunlight

Air conditioner outside the machine to try to choose a ventilated place and the shady side of the room, the summer sun is hot, it is easy to heat the outside machine, thus affecting the cooling effect of the air conditioner itself. If conditions do not permit, the outdoor unit can only be installed on the sunny side, and residents can install awnings on the top of the outdoor unit. If the conditions are not met, the outdoor unit of air conditioner shall be covered with sunshade.

6. Don't wear "raincoat" on the outside machine

Some people worry that the external unit of the air conditioner will be damaged and rusted due to rain and other climatic reasons, so they put rain proof materials on the external unit of the air conditioner. As a matter of fact, outdoor units of brand air conditioners generally have waterproof function, so "wearing raincoat" for air conditioners will affect heat dissipation and increase power consumption.

7. Clean the radiator and filter screen regularly

Too much dust on the external heat sink will affect the heat exchange, which can greatly increase the power consumption. In general, it's better to ask a professional to clean it for more than 3 years. The filter screen of air conditioner should be cleaned frequently, which can make the air supply of air conditioner unobstructed, reduce energy consumption and benefit human health. Otherwise, the net cover blockage will also affect the refrigeration effect.

8. Sleep also saves electricity

In sleep, should use the sleep function of air conditioning, can play 20% of the power saving effect.

9. Don't turn on and off frequently

In order to save electricity, some people often turn the air conditioner on and off. In fact, the frequent switching of the air conditioner consumes the most electricity, and the compressor is easy to wear and tear. During the operation of the air conditioner, if you feel too cold, you don't need to turn it off, just raise the set temperature. The "ventilation" switch cannot be in the normally open state, otherwise the power consumption will be increased. Less open doors and windows can reduce the heat entering outside the house, which is conducive to saving electricity.


Of course, frequency conversion air conditioning saves electricity, but it depends on the use of air conditioning in families. In fact, the state now stipulates that the production of high-energy electrical appliances is prohibited, so the technology is constantly improving. If the energy consumption is high, you can see the energy efficiency ratio on the label. If you want to save money,

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