
A Dramatic Before-and-After Look at China''''s First Aircraft Carrier中國第一艘母改造前後變化對比

A picture of China’s first aircraft carrier before it was eventually completed has surfaced on the Chinese internet. The images showed up on Tencent’s microblog and show a rusty, unfinished hulk. The ship, built for the USSR but never completed, was towed to China where it eventually became the carrier Liaoning. The article also lists the technical challenges naval engineers faced, particularly with the ship’s unfinished—and largely absent—propulsion systems.中國首艘航母最終完工前的一張照片在中國網際網路上流傳。騰訊發的這些圖片展示了一個生鏽的、未完工的龐然大物。這艘為蘇聯建造但從未完工的船艦被拖到中國,最終成為遼寧號航母。文章還列出了海軍工程師面臨的技術挑戰,特別是在航母上的推進系統尚未完工----應該說基本不存在的情況下。In the early 1980s, the Soviet unx began construction on a new generation of aircraft carriers designed to match U.S. carriers. Two Admiral Kuznetsov-class carriers were ordered; the first, Kuznetsov itself, was completed and served with the Soviet Navy, and was later transferred to the Russian Navy where it serves to this day (despite many issues). The other ship, Riga, was only 68 percent completed when the USSR was dissolved in 1991.上世紀80年代初,蘇聯開始建造與美國航母相匹敵的新一代航空母艦。兩艘庫茲涅佐夫號級別的航母奉命建造;第一艘就是庫茲涅佐夫號航母,已經完工並在蘇聯海軍服役過,後來被轉移到俄羅斯海軍服役至今(儘管它存在許多問題)。另一艘航空母艦,里加號,在1991年蘇聯解體時只完成了68%。

Photo credit: STR - Getty ImagesThe ship languished for years, until a Chinese businessman bought it in 1998 with the stated intention of turning it into a floating casino—though with the actual intention of delivering it to the People’s Liberation Army Navy. The PLAN studied the design of the ship, and then refurbished it to operational status. The ship was launched in 2012 as Liaoning, China’s first ever aircraft carrier.這艘船艦沉寂了好幾年,直到1998年,一位中國商人買下了它----當時商人明確表示要把它變成一個海上賭場,但實際意圖是把它交給中國人民解放軍海軍。中國海軍研究了這艘航母的設計,然後將它整修至可執行狀態。該船艦於2012年作為中國第一艘航空母艦遼寧號下水。The article on Tencent describes the problems propulsion engineers had with the unfinished ship. In March 2004 Chen Ming, the director of the Boiler Research Office, was sent to inspect Riga’s rusty hulk. “Chen Ming found that except for the main boiler of the military ship, the combustion system, control system, auxiliary machinery accessories, valves and meters were all missing.”騰訊的文章描述了推進系統工程師在這艘未完工的船艦上遇到的問題。2004年3月,鍋爐研究室主任陳明被派去視察里加號生鏽的船體。陳明發現,除了主鍋爐本體外,燃燒系統、控制系統、輔機輔件、閥門儀表等都不見了。Photo credit: TencentRiga was built to use supercharged boilers, but China had no prior experience with them. Engineers had to fabricate a new propulsion system and test it on land. By 2011 the new propulsion system had been installed on the ship, and it departed for sea trials.里加號使用增壓鍋爐建造,但中國以前沒有使用增壓鍋爐的經驗。工程師們不得不製造一個新的推進系統並在陸地上進行測試。到了2011年,新的推進系統得以安裝到船上,並開始進行海上試驗。Another picture of the carrier’s rear starboard quarter shows an unpainted steel hull with long streaks of rust, a legacy of the ship remaining ignored and unfinished in Ukraine for the better part of a decade. Liaoning’s refurbishment was a considerable technological feat, though we may never know the full details of its complete makeover.另一張航母右後舷的照片顯示,未上漆的鋼製船體上有長長的鏽跡,這是這艘船艦十多年來在烏克蘭一直被忽視和未完工的遺蹟。遼寧號的改造是一項相當大的技術成就,儘管我們可能永遠不知道它徹底整修的全部細節。

評論翻譯:PhilWestern marine engineers will recognize a lot of the equipment. For a country under international technology sanctions, China managed to score some pretty nice stuff to install / copy for the propulsion system....西方的海洋工程師能認出很多裝置。對於一個受到國際技術制裁的國家來說,中國在安裝/複製推進系統上取得了不錯的成績……WalterLeeChina''''s air force uses russian-soviet tech so getting a matching soviet air craft carrier makes sense....China spends a smaller fraction of its GDP on defense than the USA so using more affordable soviet russian makes sense. ...buying used makes sense because China has the resources to repaire and upgrade this old aircraft carrier at a lower price point than starting out with a new ship....中國空軍使用的是蘇俄的技術,因此拿到一艘與之相匹配的蘇聯航空母艦是正常的……中國在國防方面的支出佔其國內生產總值的比例低於美國,所以使用更實惠的蘇聯航空母艦是說得通的。購買二手航空母艦是因為中國有資源能修復和升級這艘舊航空母艦,比從一艘新船開始花費更少……BKI remember seeing the Riga moored at the ship yard where it was abandoned in Kherson, Ukraine.我清楚地記得看到里加號停泊在烏克蘭赫爾鬆廢棄的船塢裡的情景。

StableGeniusIt is reported that on the inside of the ship, the rust streaked walls and floors still remain. The exterior is merely a showpiece with models of aircraft posed on deck for photo ops...據報道,在船的內部鏽跡斑斑的牆壁和地板仍然保留著。外部用於展覽,用模型飛機放在甲板上展示然後拍照……IokiProlly would have made a better casino then navy vessel.Opportunity lost imo.或許當海上賭場比做成海軍軍艦更好哦。我覺得真是錯過了一個好機會SeraphIt looks like they bought a fixer upper and flipped it.看起來他們像是買了一個鞋面,然後把它翻了過來。WilliamA little paint here a little spackle there can go a long ways towards looks. However functionality , that remains to be be seen. Russia certainly hasn’t done well with hers!!!在這裡塗一點顏料,在那裡擦一點牆粉,然後看起來更漂亮了。不過,功能作用還有待觀察。很顯然俄羅斯那艘表現並不好!!!Dwayne PHow odd... Yahoo publishing a positive story about China''''s ageing aircraft carrier. Tomorrow there will be a story about how obsolete the Nimitz class carriers are.反常哦……雅虎發表了一篇關於中國那艘老化航空母艦的正面報道。明天肯定會有一篇關於尼米茲級航母有多過時的文章。Jennifer DeGMy fear is when it sinks, it hits one of our subs on the way down.我擔心的是,當它下沉的時候,它會撞到我們的潛艇。

Anti LibA good paint job.這表面塗得不錯Home Theater GuyChina, the kings and queens of copy paste.中國,複製貼上之王。AnonymousMade in China.中國製造。LEXChina carriers are NO match for America''''s carriers. Even as China advances with each, America advances 2 ticks further and faster.Now that our Rail Cannon''''s are going to start being installed on our Naval ships, which is going to be a massive game changer.中國的航空母艦比不上美國的航空母艦。即使中國各方面都在進步,美國的進步是雙倍速度的快。現在我們已經準備要把軌道炮安裝在我們的海軍軍艦上了,它將改變遊戲的規則。Larry E.Amazing before and after pictures.改造前後照片對比驚人。JamieThe only aircraft carrier that needs to be towed into position.唯一一艘需要拖曳才能就位的航空母艦。

JamesDoes it come with an extended warranty?這航母有延長的保修期嗎?

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