






September 3 marks the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. During the 14-year war against Japanese invasion, more than 3.8 million Chinese soldiers lost their lives. According to data released by China's State Council Information Office, the total number of Chinese casualties, both military and non-military, exceeded 35 million, accounting for a third of the total deaths in World War II.

In this episode, we focus on a letter written by Captain Norman Skinner, of Britain's Royal Army Service Corps, to his wife in 1944 just days before he was killed during the D-Day landings.


諾曼·斯金納(Captain Norman W. G. Skinner),英國皇家陸軍後勤部隊上校。1944年6月7日犧牲於法國諾曼底,終年38歲。




Captain Norman W. G. Skinner, who was with the Britain's Royal Army Service Corps, was among the 156,000 allied troops who set sail from England for Normandy, France, on June 5, 1944, to take part in the D-Day landings, one of World War II's defining moments.

He landed on the Sword Beach on June 6 but was killed the following day, leaving two young daughters.

Before setting sail to Normandy, Captain Skinner wrote a letter to his wife Gladys on June 3, 1944. The letter, in which he talked of his deepest love towards his wife and his children as well as his sadness for not being able to be with them, was later found in his pocket when he died at the age of 38.




At the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings on June 5, 2019, Former British Prime Minister Theresa May recited this heartfelt letter, relaying the words of Captain Skinner that touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.



My darling, this is a very difficult letter for me to write. As you know, something may happen at any moment and I cannot tell when you will receive this. I had hoped to be able to see you during last weekend, but it was impossible to get away and all the things I intended to say must be written.


I'm sure that anyone with imagination must dislike the thought of what's coming, but my fears will be more of being afraid than of what can happen to me. You and I have had some lovely years, which now seem to have passed at lightning speed.


My thoughts at this moment, in this lovely Saturday afternoon, are with you all now. I can imagine you in the garden having tea with Janey and Anne, getting ready to put them to bed.


Although I would give anything to be back with you, I have not yet had any wish at all to back down from the job we have to do.


There is so much that I would like to be able to tell you. Nearly all of which you've heard many, many times. But just to say that I mean it even more today. I'm sure that I will be with you again soon and for good.


Please give my fondest love to my Anne and my Janey. God bless and keep you all safe for me.


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