

科幻小說 · 三體






Ye Wenjie, the daughter of a physics professor at Tsinghua University, was supposed to grow up to be an excellent physicist and live a peaceful and beautiful life, but due to the Cultural Revolution, her life path was changed forever.

During the criticism meeting against her father, her mother participated in the Red Guards' queue. She witnessed her father being whipped to death while her mother was indifferent, and from then on, her disappointment and hatred for human beings were buried in her heart, and she even wanted to destroy human beings in order to liberate those who were in the abyss.

Some time later, she was sent down to the Daxinganling to do tree-cutting related activities, and by some chance she befriended Bai Mu-lin - a reporter for the Great Production Newspaper - and learned about a book, Silent Spring, which was a book that influenced her life.

Because of this book, she once again fell to the bottom of the trap and almost lost her life, but also because of this incident, she was sent to the copywriting base to do research related to physics, as if isolated from the world.

One day, she discovered the existence of a "three-body civilization" in the universe, and her inner desire was awakened again; she firmly believed that the "three-body civilization" could solve "human problems that humans cannot solve by themselves", based on this, she secretly sent the exact location of Earth to the "three-body" in order to let it rule the Earth, but this was known by her superiors, in order to keep the code, she killed her superiors and her husband.

Many years later, she set up the "Tri-Body Organization" to recruit high-level talents through the "Tri-Body" game. As the organization developed, it was divided into three factions, the Advent, the Rescue and the Survival factions, and Ye Wenjie gradually lost control of the development of the organization.


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