拜登的過渡團隊稱,他們週四被告知,與國防部的會談將會被擱置。對此,拜登過渡團隊執行主任約翰內斯·亞伯拉罕(Yohannes Abraham)表示,雙方本已有限的合作在本週突然中斷,令他感到擔憂。
The incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden warned Friday of risks to national security after it said the Pentagon suddenly halted briefings for the transition team.
Yohannes Abraham, executive director for the Biden transition team, said he was "concerned to learn this week about an abrupt halt in the already limited cooperation there."
President Trump, a republican, who is refusing to acknowledge his election loss to Biden, until recently held back from allowing government agencies to cooperate with Biden's team, as is the custom.
But some of Trump's political appointees in the defense department have recently stopped cooperating, according to Abraham.
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios.
Miller's move, which stunned officials throughout the Pentagon, was the biggest eruption yet of animus and mistrust toward the Biden team from the top level of the Trump administration.摘自美國Axios新聞網文章
Earlier on Friday, acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller said in a statement that some meetings have been rescheduled but none have been canceled or refused, saying the department and the transition team had agreed to a two-week pause in discussions over the December holiday period.
Abraham said this was not true. "There was no mutually agreed upon holiday break," he told reporters, warning that "a failure to work together could have consequences well beyond" Biden's inauguration in January.