
Why don’t Indian girls marry Chinese men?



Manish Sharma, Living in Shenzhen, China since 2015. Have seen little bit of China.Answered Jun 5, 2017It’s just because probability of Chinese men meeting Indian girls is very less, very very less.2.5 years in China, I have not met a single single Indian girl in China. Only Indian women who are married and accompany their husband to China.因為中國男人碰到印度女孩的機會很少,少得可憐。我在中國呆了兩年半,沒有碰到一位單身的印度女孩。碰到的都是已經結婚、陪同丈夫來華的印度婦女。And very few Chinese men are working in India (don’t know anyone personally but there might be few). And India is not in top destination for Chinese to travel either.I have few friends in Chinese University, no Indian girls there too.I know couple of Chinese guys who did their masters in India (VIT), they told me there were few Chinese guy Indian girl couple in college, but they all face hard time from family. Few might have succeeded.在印度工作的中國男人很少(個人是沒有認識的,很少吧)印度也不是中國遊客的首選目的地。在中國上大學時也沒有碰到印度女孩。有幾位中國男生在印度讀碩士,他們說,在學校裡,很少中國男印度女搭配的。雙方都面臨來自家庭的壓力,很少修成正果的。
Mahwish Khan, studied at Symbiosis Institute of Management StudiesAnswered May 20, 2017One of my father’s colleagues daughter is married to one.And last time I asked they were doing pretty well.我父親一位同事的女兒就是嫁給中國人上次碰到,他們說過得挺好的。



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