

2017年,我和同事在Scientific Reports上發表了一篇名為Dose-dependent behavioural fever responses in desert locusts challenged with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum的論文。


文章名:Dose-dependent behavioural fever responses in desert locusts challenged with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum


Fever body temperatures are an adaptive response to infection in many species, and they can be achieved by physiological and/or behavioural means such as basking (Hart, 1988; Kluger et al., 1996).

這是一個非常寬泛的陳述,因此我們選擇引用一篇經典的的綜述(Hart,1988),它已經被引用了1798次(根據Google Scholar,截止到2019年1月7日),以及另一篇比較被認可的綜述(Kluger et al ., 1996),其中引用了許多不同物種的關鍵研究。透過引用這些參考文獻,我們不僅引導讀者閱讀了兩篇重要的文獻,也為本文的主題展開打下堅實基礎,而且我們也向該領域的兩位巨頭表示了致意,最後向審稿人展示了我們在該領域紮實的基礎知識。

Ectotherms rely exclusively on behavioural strategies to achieve fever, and these have been described across a diverse range of taxa including reptiles, amphibians, and insects (Kluger et al., 1996).

Behavioural fever can decrease mortality and morbidity in infected animals (Louis et al., 1986; Carruthers et al., 1992; Blanford and Thomas, 2001; Elliot et al., 2002).

在一系列分類群裡有許多研究已經證明了這一說法。然而,把這些研究的內容都列出來是不實際的。因此,在這種情況下,我們選擇與我們的研究最密切相關的那些研究來證明(即這些研究都使用了直翅目(Order Orthoptera)的動物。)

This occurs because high body temperatures are suboptimal for pathogen growth (Inglis et al., 1996; Elliot et al., 2002) [1], and increase the mortality of some pathogens (Carruthers et al., 1992) [2]; high body temperatures also enhance several aspects of host immune function (Ouedraogo et al., 2003; Boltaña et al., 2013). [3]

[1] 這兩篇文獻都支援這一說法,表明在高溫條件下,蚱蜢/蝗蟲的黴菌數量減少。有效引用參考文獻的一個關鍵因素是:簡明扼要地總結多篇文章的主要發現成果。在這種情況下,簡單的宣告 “This occurs because high body temperatures are suboptimal for pathogen growth”比列出具體結果好,

例如,“A low prevalence of Beauveria bassiana mycosis was observed in inoculated Melanoplus sanguinipes nymphs exposed to a continuous temperature of 35 and 40°C,whereas continuous exposure to 30°C did not have a significant effect on disease development”。

[2] 我們在回顧審稿人意見中加入了這項研究(見BOX 1)。在眾多的研究結果中,這篇文章顯示,發熱的溫度完全消除了透明翅蚱蜢(Camnula pellucida)身上的 Entomophaga grylli。要說明這一點非常重要,因為人們普遍認為,直翅目(Order Orthoptera)不能透過 Metarhizium感染,因此這就是為什麼我們說“某些病原體”。這是平衡的參考引用,即你需要提供會引起爭議的所有方面。

[3] 在關於這一主題的大多數文章中,Ouedraogo et al. (2003) 的文章被引用來支援這一觀點,因為這是第一次在宿主-病原體對發熱期間檢測先天免疫反應,如血細胞動力學和吞噬作用。


但是,請始終記住,繼續搜尋某個領域的文獻來尋找新發現。會有新的研究結果支援你的論點,但也可能與你的論點相矛盾。Boltana et al.(2013)強烈支援Ouedraogo et al.(2003)的觀點。同樣,請注意我們會用簡單的方式總結這兩篇文章。

在我們的原稿(同行評審之前)中,“…and increase the mortality of some pathogens (Carruthers et al., 1992)……”這一條沒有包括在內。


“L47-8 – fever may also be lethal to pathogens. If I am not mistaken, this is suggested in studies of Beauveria and E. grylli in locusts, perhaps Serratia too – earlier studies by Keith Charnley and Simon Blanford show clearing of infections I believe.”


“The idea that high temperatures kill pathogens is certainly true. The best evidence we’ve found that naturally selected temperatures can do this is for the effect of normal thermoregulatory behaviour in grasshoppers on E. grylli. Therefore, we’ve re-phrased our text to include this concept and the supporting reference (L47-51). We are not aware of any evidence for fever clearing infections in the Metarhizium/locust system [hence, we write “…of some pathogens”]

Despite their benefit for fighting infection, fever body temperatures are also costly (Casadevall, 2016).


Elevated body temperatures have been associated with increased metabolic rate (Muchlinski, 1985; Sherman and Stephens, 1998) [1], reduced growth rates (Boorstein and Ewald, 1987) [2], as well as defects in egg development (Anderson et al., 2013) [3].


[2]同樣,這篇文章比較老。然而,它再次從“發熱的代價”的角度證明了這一說法,並被引用了133次(根據Google Scholar,截止到2019年1月30日)。這也是一個不錯的研究,因為它的敘述是清晰的,這也影響了這篇文章的寫作風格,即如何將發現作為一個故事呈現。



Elevated body temperatures have been associated with increased metabolic rate, reduced growth rates, as well as defects in egg development (Muchlinski, 1985; Sherman and Stephens, 1998; Boorstein and Ewald, 1987; Anderson et al., 2013).

Furthermore, basking to achieve fever body temperatures confers additional costs in terms of missed feeding and mating opportunities, and increased predation risk (Otti et al., 2012).


These costs accrue quickly as body temperature rises, such that the temperature-fitness curves of healthy animals are often asymmetrical, with fitness declining more steeply with increasing temperature than with decreasing temperature (Martin and Heuy, 2008).


Sick individuals likely face a similar requirement to balance costs and benefits and avoid excessively high fever body temperatures, especially since behavioural fever responses are often unable to fully clear infection (Elliot et al., 2002; Ouedraogo et al., 2004) (but see Carruthers et al., 1992).

如上所述,我們爭論的一個方面是動物是否可以透過發熱完全清除感染(見Box 1)。我們和Elliot et al.(2002)以及Ouedraogo et al.(2004) ,都沒有找到證據表明蝗蟲可以擺脫Metharizium的感染;隨後,我們引用了Carruthers et al. (1992)的文章,該文章表明,發熱完全消滅了來自明目草蝗蟲(Camnula pellucida)身上的Entomophaga grylli。請注意我們處理這篇和我們論點相矛盾文章的簡單方法,即參見(Carruthers et al., 1992)。 通常,這就是提出平衡論證所必需的(或解決審稿人意見)。

In these cases, fever body temperatures might be expected to be modulated according to the severity or type of infection (Gardner and Thomas, 2002).


In support of the adaptive deployment of fever responses, the occurrence and magnitude of behavioural fever are known to vary within and between insect species (Stahlschmidt and Adamo, 2013).

我們用另外一個比較寬泛的宣告來開始這一段,引用了一篇閆行為發熱的薈萃分析文獻。 使用薈萃分析文章可以一次總結多篇文章,從而作為宏觀的結論。

Crickets, Acheta domesticus, elicited behavioural fever responses when infected with thermo-susceptible parasites (e.g. Rickettsiella grylli), but not thermotolerant ones (e.g. Serratia marcescens, and the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea) (Adamo, 1998).


House flies, Musca domestica, infected with a higher dose of the fungus Beauveria bassiana exhibited higher-intensity fever responses than flies infected with a lower dose, putatively limiting fever costs (Anderson et al., 2013).

The physiological fevers of humans may also vary in magnitude according to the severity of infection (Kluger et al., 1996).

當我們從人類健康的角度探討發熱領域時,我們可以引用許多文獻來支援這一說法,但是,我們認為最好再次引用Kluger et al.(1996),因為讀者在其中可以瞭解到關於該主題的最重要的基礎文章細節。

Thus, the adaptive deployment of fever may be a widespread phenomenon.


In this study, we investigate whether desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, behavioural fever responses differ in intensity according to the severity of Metarhizium acridum infection.

Metarhizium acridum is a specialist pathogen of locusts and grasshoppers and the basis of commercial biopesticides used for their control (Lomer et al., 2001).

Whilst numerous laboratory and field trials have demonstrated the efficacy of these biopesticides, the speed of kill following application is highly variable (see van der Valk, 2007, and references therein).

The prevailing theory is that environmental temperature leads to this variability, by allowing or preventing effective behavioural fever responses (Elliot et al., 2002).

這是我們第四次引用這篇文章。雖然(Elliot et al., 2002)的研究並不是第一個提出這一理論的,但它是第一個明確表現出發熱的適應性價值研究,因此它被認為是關於這個課題的一篇突破性文章。

Thus, additional knowledge of locust behavioural fever responses to Metarhizium infection may also help inform the application of biopesticides for locust control.


· 每項陳述至少有一篇論文支援(除目標和最初假設外)。








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