A Christmas "surprise" was unveiled on Thursday as the UK and the European Union (EU) finally reached a free trade deal following months of tortuous negotiations, with only a week to go before the Brexit transition period ends on December 31.
在宣佈協議達成的新聞釋出會上,英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)表示困擾英國數十年的政治問題終於得到解決,英國拿回了控制權,重新掌握了國家的命運。
“我們重新掌控了國家的法律和命運”"We have taken back control of laws and our destiny."“我們今天解決了一個困擾數十年的政治問題。”"We have also today resolved a question that has bedeviled our politics for decades."“作為一個全新的、真正獨立的國家,我們應該共同認識到這一時刻的巨大意義,最大程度把握歷史機遇”。"As a newly and truly independent nation. To realize the immensity of this moment and to make the most of it."
“我想要強調的是,雖然我們和歐洲的朋友們有時存在巨大的分歧,但我相信這一份協議對我們的朋友、夥伴以及整個歐洲都是有利的。”"And I want to stress that although, of course, the arguments with our European friends and partners were sometimes fierce; this is, I believe, a good deal for the whole of Europe and for our friends and partners as well."“雖然我們已經離開了歐盟,但是英國在文化、情感、歷史、戰略、地理上仍將與歐洲保持聯絡。”"Because although we have left the EU, this country will remain culturally, emotionally, historically, strategically and geologically attached to Europe."
在個人推特賬號上,他還曬出了一張雙手豎起大拇指的照片,並配文 “協議達成”。
歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)在布魯塞爾召開的新聞釋出會上則表示,談判之路漫長而曲折,但雙方終於達成了一份“公平和平衡”的協議。
“我們終於達成了協議。這是一條漫長而曲折的道路。但我們仍有很多事要做。這是個公平也是平衡的協議,對雙方來說也是正確和負責任的協議。”"We have, finally, found an agreement. It was a long and winding road. But we have got a good deal to show for it. It is fair and balanced. And it is the right and responsible thing to do for both sides."
“以往談判成功後我會十分開心。但今天除了成功的喜悅和滿足,我還有一種如釋重負之感。對一些人來說,這是一個艱難的日子。我想對英國朋友們說,離別是如此甜蜜而又悲傷”"At the end of successful negotiations I normally feel joy. But today I only feel quiet satisfaction and, frankly speaking, relief. I know this is a difficult day for some. And to our friends in the United Kingdom I want to say: parting is such sweet sorrow. "
“我還想引用艾略特的一句詩:我們稱為起點的地方常常是終點,結束亦是另一個開始。所以,對所有歐洲人來說,我認為是時候翻過‘脫歐’這一頁了。”"But to use a line from T.S Eliot: What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. So to all Europeans I say: It is time to leave Brexit behind."
“離別是如此甜蜜而又悲傷”:出自莎士比亞戲劇《羅密歐與朱麗葉》托馬斯·艾略特(T.S Eliot):英國詩人、劇作家和文學批評家,詩歌現代派運動領袖,代表作品有《荒原》、《四個四重奏》。1948年被授予諾貝爾文學獎。#長達2000頁
According to a statement by the European Commission, the UK-EU agreement covers not just trade in goods and services, but also a broad range of other areas, such as investment, competition, fisheries and social security coordination.
貿易方面,雙方將對適用原產地規則的所有商品實行零關稅和零配額;The agreement provides for zero tariffs and zero quotas on all goods that comply with the appropriate rules of origin.漁業問題上,雙方將就共同管理的水域中漁業資源制定新框架,兼顧彼此漁業和漁民的利益;The EU and the UK agreed on a new framework for the joint management of fish stocks in EU and UK waters.交通領域,英國正式“脫歐”後其國內企業將失去歐盟單一市場的准入資格,但雙方將確保航空、公路、鐵路及海運通道的暢通;On transport, the agreement provides for continued and sustainable air, road, rail and maritime connectivity, though market access falls below what the Single Market offers.能源領域,雙方將構建能源交易和互聯互通新模式,並保證該領域雙方公開公平的競爭關係。On energy, the agreement provides a new model for trading and interconnectivity, with guarantees for open and fair competition.這一協議仍需得到雙方議會的批准。英國議會將於下週開會投票,而歐盟方面將於明年初開始審議協議草案。
2016年6月,英國全民公投決定脫離歐盟,大衛·卡梅倫(David Cameron)隨後宣佈辭職。
2016年7月13日,特雷莎·梅(Theresa May)接替卡梅倫出任首相,帶領英國開始走上“脫歐”之路。然而她未能完成這一任務,於2019年6月7日辭去首相一職。