
China opens new £13.5bn mega-airport in Beijing that has 'the world's biggest terminal', four runways and is designed to handle 72million passengers each year


Beijing Daxing International Airport, built in less than five years for 120 billion yuan (£13.5 billion/$16.8 billion), is designed to handle 72 million passengers a year.

北京大興國際機場,耗資1200億元人民幣(135億英鎊/ 168億美元),不到五年建成,每年可接待7200萬名乘客

The airline's first commercial flight, a China Southern Airlines plane bound for the southern province of Guangdong, took off on Wednesday afternoon, state broadcaster CCTV reported.

Daxing, designed by the late Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid, includes a terminal billed as the world's biggest at one million square metres (11 million square feet).


外文:https://www.dailymail.co.uk smiler, London, United Kingdom,

back in the UK... unable to build a runway, let alone extend an existing airport... 英國連一條跑道都修不起,更別提擴建現有機場了。

So it's OK for China to build a massive, new, 4-runway airport on a massive scale, but not for the UK to add 1 runway to an existing airport...???


So they can build a massive new airport in 5 years while UK politicians squabble about an extra runway at Heathrow or Gatwick for 15 years and end up doing nothing at all.


21 hours ago China's progress is astonishing. To build this in 5 years is incredible. The UK is a embarrassment. The UK cannot even build a much needed extra runway at Heathrow. Pathetic.


Beijing opens one of the largest airports in the world at a cost of 13.5 billion pounds, yet a simple High Speed railway in the UK will exceed over 60 billion pounds.


Hold on a minute, Cindertown, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

I was at this airport in May this year it was an amazingly swift and efficient. Well done to all involved.


At least they get things done unlike our dithering, useless politicians.


Meanwhile we are being encouraged to take fewer flights.


And we're still arguing over the pithy little Heathrow...


Not much on DM impresses me but this is an exception. Looks like a pretty cool airport.


17 hours ago Built in under 5 years and probably under budget!


Magnificent! Another icon to be proud of No wonder Trump is always on the warpath where China is concerned!

巨集偉壯觀! 又是一個值得驕傲的地標,難怪特朗普總和中國作對!

China builds the largest airport for little more than 14b while the UK has already spent 3b on consultations for HS2, also heard the other day it may cost 106b to build it! Taxpayers money going too waste.


Built from every dollar store product you buy. Stop buying their junk.


Meanwhile, Heathrow's third runway is still being argued about. Twenty years on.


The US has no money for such infrastructure projects. All the money, trillions of $s have been spent in lraq and Afghanistan and now they want to go into Syr1a and lran.


China goes full steam ahead while this country is getting further behind because of our dithering useless politicians. Makes our airports look like dumps.


World's biggest terminal means worlds biggest carbon footprint


That is a stunning piece of architecture!


And China call themselves a developing nation. More like taking the rest of the world for fools.


I'm flying to Beijing in December - will definitely see how many of those cute female staff members I can add to my WeChat!

We should build one this big on Luton, two problems solved with one stone .


beautiful building...



As if Beijing already had enough smog.


Very cool futuristic design. Built to handle 72m passengers a year. I wonder if it will ever reach that number.


AN example for us to follow.


A lot of jealous comments about china I see !

My dad who is 70 said in his student days they were talking about Heathrow expansion


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