


似乎一夜之間 人人都開始下國際象棋



根據沃爾特·特維斯的小說改編,這個成長故事探索了天才背後真正的代價。20 世紀 50 年代末,年幼的貝絲·哈蒙(安雅·泰勒-喬伊飾)被遺棄並託付給肯塔基州的一家孤兒院。她具有驚人的國際象棋天賦,同時對政府提供給孩童的鎮靜劑上癮。貝絲被自己心中的惡魔所困擾,在藥物和痴迷的雙重作用下,她變成了一個令人印象深刻、技藝高超且富有魅力的棄兒,並決心打破男性主導的國際象棋界建立的傳統界限。




With the coronavirus restrictions, business has been slow at one of Los Angeles oldest toy stores, except for one item that has been selling like hot cakes.

"Everyone started out picking up chess," said Lily Kipper, manager of Kip's Toyland. "We got wiped out of chess sets, you can't even order them now."

It all started out in late October, when Netflix released a new mini-series called "The Queen's Gambit."

"All of a sudden everyone starts talking about The Queen's Gambit. We had the one weekend when the show came out, and I get a text message from John, saying, 'Lily we're almost entirely sold out of chess sets'."

The show is based on 1983 American novel that traced a life of a chess prodigy, Beth Harmon, from her childhood in an orphanage to her rocky path to global stardom in the world of chess.

Sales of chess sets have jumped by 87 percent in the U.S. and chess books are up by 603 percent, according to a market research firm. Even online searches for the words "chess" and "how to play chess" hit a nine-year peak.

The number of new players online has nearly quintupled. Chess.com, a popular website for online chess players, had been adding one million members each month after lockdowns began in March, but nearly 2.8 million new players joined in November alone. Professional chess players are excited to see the new-found interest in the game, inspired by the success of a young girl in a world once dominated by men.

Sean Manross, president of the Southern California Chess Federation, believes that a wave of female chess players will turn into female chess leaders and organizers in the coming years. "I just look forward to everyone's daughters getting involved in chess."

As much of the world is spending more time at home during the pandemic, a popular streaming show alone seems to have triggered a new trend that could possibly narrow the gender gap in one of the world's oldest games.


Does the story of an orphaned chess prodigy rising to stardom renew your interest in the game?

What's your favorite part of The Queen's Gambit?

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