

天蠍座: 關於愛你和煩你,我可以隨時抽離。

Scorpio: Regarding loving you and annoying you, I can withdraw at any time.

雙魚座 : 雙魚的溫柔是沉溺在海中的月光,看得見撈不著,她是心間明月,是海闊星河,她是溫柔本身。

Pisces: The gentleness of Pisces is the moonlight indulged in the sea, which can not be seen. She is the bright moon in the heart, the ocean and the star river, and she is gentleness itself.

金牛座 : 我的慷慨只為你一個人。

Taurus: My generosity is only for you.

巨蟹座 : 你便是溫柔本身。

Cancer: You are tenderness itself.

射手座 : 來世做春風,流浪又自由。

Sagittarius: Spring breeze in the next life, wandering and free.

處女座 : 我本應是個合格的戀人,溫柔大方善解人意之類的,但是一不小心太愛你了所以一切搞砸了,就成了幼稚又小心翼翼。

Virgo: I was supposed to be a qualified lover, gentle, generous and considerate, but if I accidentally love you too much, everything messed up, it became naive and careful.

摩羯座 : 小事憋不住,大事往死裡憋。

Capricorn: Little things can't be held back, big things are held back to death.

天秤座 : 我的天秤傾向於你 。

Libra: My Libra tends to you.

獅子座 : 我對你有十分喜歡,但是我只表達了三分,我是獅子,但我也是一直傲嬌的。

Leo: I like you very much, but I only expressed three points, I am a lion, but I have always been arrogant.

水瓶座 : 奇奇怪怪可可愛愛 喜歡水瓶的我覺得他很值得。

Aquarius: Strange, weird, cute, love, I think he is worth it.

白羊座 : 對你的喜歡,全世界都看得見。

Aries: The world can see what you like.

雙子座 : 鋒芒對外,溫柔向你。

Gemini: Outwardly, gentle toward you.

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