


Haruki Murakami once said: Real art can stand the test of time, and any age group can resonate from it. "Shawshank's Redemption" is such a movie!


Everyone is in the system

電影中,瑞德在得知布魯克自殺後,說: “監獄裡的高牆實在是很有趣。剛入獄的時候,你痛恨周圍的高牆;慢慢地,你習慣了生活在其中;最終你會發現自己不得不依靠它而生存。這就是體制化。”正如許多人在一個穩定的環境中呆久了,就會發現他們的談吐、言行逐漸趨於一致,他們的生活、所關注的東西逐漸處於同一維度,雖各自沉浮,生活卻難以拓展。慢慢地,被環境所同化,如同魚兒離不開水,依靠這個環境生存了自己,卻也喪失了自己。所有的一切都是有規律可循的,適應了這種舒適區,讓自己對外面的世界失去了好奇和渴望,也喪失了面對外界生活的能力,儘管是平和的外界生活!

In the movie, after learning of Brooke's suicide, Reid said: "The high walls in the prison are really interesting. When you first went to prison, you hated the high walls around you; slowly, you got used to living in them; finally You will find that you have to rely on it to survive. This is institutionalization.” Just as many people stay in a stable environment for a long time, they will find that their conversation, words and deeds gradually become consistent, and their lives and concerns The east and the west are gradually in the same dimension. Although they are up and down, life is difficult to expand. Slowly, being assimilated by the environment, like a fish cannot do without water, relying on this environment to survive, but also loses itself. Everything is a rule to follow. Adapting to this comfort zone makes one lose curiosity and desire for the outside world, and also lose the ability to face the outside world, even if it is a peaceful outside life!


Institutional reality will make you vulnerable, just like an animal in captivity. Once you get rid of the shackles and exiled to the wild, you will suffer a disaster for lack of necessary survival skills.


To be free, first learn to forbear and plan


After Andy was imprisoned, despite many misfortunes, he still did not despair. Instead, he judged the situation, planned the layout, and prepared for his escape plan. "Some birds can't be kept in cages, their wings are too dazzling." Andy's incredible plan and tolerance, driven by freedom and hope, he used a small hammer to dig tunnels with a small hammer. For twenty years. In the end, he crawled through the five hundred-yard sewage pipe, endured the stench that ordinary people could not imagine, and fled Shawshank while vomiting. He is just like a newborn baby. His second life must be through filth, stench, darkness, and squeezing, breaking through the difficulties and obstacles of birth, and gaining life.


Life is a lonely journey


Living the life you want is inherently a painful thing, it requires you to endure countless humiliation and suffering. Andy defeated not only the rules of this world, but also all the weaknesses of his own personality, laziness, fear, and selfishness. With all his courage and wisdom, he stood on the top of the world and was above the rules. Perhaps, this is true freedom.





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