
前幾日,江蘇無錫的一對新婚夫妻火了,起因是他們穿漢服拍結婚照,當地民政局以此為由拒絕給他們登記辦結婚證(The Local civil affairs department in Wuxi, East China’s Jiangsu Province recently rejected a couple’s registration photo for their marriage licenses because the couple appeared to be wearing traditional Hanfu clothes), 這在網上引起了激烈抗議,很多網友呼籲要珍視中華民族的傳統服裝(which sparked an outcry on the internet, with many netizens calling on valuing the traditional costumes in China.)

事情在微博上傳開後,當地民政局辯護說:“穿漢服登記結婚沒有先例。”(When the initial refusal to grant a license went viral on Weibo, the bureau initially defended itself saying “there was no precedent.” )

outcry:An outcry is a reaction of strong disapproval and anger shown by the public or media about a recent event.強烈抗議,大聲疾呼

短語:Spark/cause/provoke/lead to an outcry: 引起強烈抗議

民政局:civil affairs department/ Civil Affairs Department

xx市民政局:xxx Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau (如北京市民政局:Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

結婚證:marriage licensego viral:viral由virus衍生,意為“病毒性的”,go viral是系表結構,意為“(像病毒一樣)傳播、擴散”,也可引申為“走紅”。

有人對當地民政局的“官腔/官僚做派”極力批判/尤為不滿。“如果沒有先例就不予認可,那就永遠不會有先例。”(Some came down hard on the rigid “official-ese” presented in the story. “If you can’t agree because there is no precedent, there will never be a precedent.”)

Come down on: to criticize or punish (someone); to make a strong effort to stop or oppose (something). “hard”這裡是副詞,修飾動詞come down,表示一種程度的強調。

例如“打擊腐敗”可以說:come down (hard) on corrupt officials/ come down (hard) on corruption




而自從這事在微博上火了以後,各地民政局表示,他們當地會允許這對夫妻結婚。當事的民政局工作人員稱,由於相關法規比較模糊/存在灰色地帶,她也面臨很大壓力。(Since the story trended on Weibo, civil affairs administrations across China have chipped in to say they would have let the couple marry, and the official at the heart of the story has spoken of the pressure she has faced due to the grey area in regulations. )(Caixingglobal)

trend這裡是動詞,類似上面的go viralchip in:插話(to interrupt a conversation by saying something that adds more detail)

有律師認為,結婚證是證明婚姻關係合法有效的法律檔案,結婚證上的照片應該嚴謹、真實、不影響識別程式。(that a marriage license is a legal document proving that a marriage is legal and valid, and the photos used on the marriage license should be rigorous, authentic, and not affect the identification process.

但另一方面,民政局頒佈的規定中並沒有明令禁止漢服結婚照。在不違反公序良俗的情況下,民政局不應該對結婚照的穿著“一刀切”。(On the other hand, he said, the regulations issued by the civil affairs department do not have specific provisions to explicitly reject hanfu photos. Under the condition of not violating the public order and good customs, the marriage registration authorities should not adopt a one-size-fits-all approach to the dress of registering photos.)

“未明令禁止”可以怎麼說?do not have/have no specific provisions to explicitly reject...公序良俗:public order and good customs“民政局”的替換式說法:marriage registration authorityone-size-fits-all approach:“一刀切”的方式

他認為,只要不影響結婚照的識別,穿漢服也可以被看作是符合被登記人的個人需求的。(Xing suggested that on the premise of not affecting the identification function of the registering photos, it can be considered to properly meet the individual needs of registrants.)

有報道顯示,中國雲南、西安、陝西、長沙等地是可以穿漢服拍結婚照的,但當地民政局人員也會提醒新婚夫妻不要對照片過度修飾,也不要佩戴多餘配飾(But the staff also reminded newlyweds to not go overboard in modifying their photos and to refrain from wearing redundant accessories)。考慮到結婚照日後可能會在不同場合被使用,所以還是慎重考慮的好。

Go overboard: to do something in a way that is excessive or extreme; to do too much of something

from CGTN

對於“漢服熱”,有外媒表示,在自拍盛行的時代,漢服愛好者遍佈中國,懷舊情懷和民族主義在這一愛好裡找到了歸宿。(In the era of the selfie, hanfu supporters have proliferated in China as nostalgia and nationalism have found a home in the hobby. )

周易上有這樣一段話:有天地然後有萬物,有萬物然後有男女,有男女然後有夫婦,有夫婦然後有父子,有父子然後有君臣,有君臣然後有上下。(Only when there are heaven and earth can there be everything. Only when there is everything can there be men and women. Only when there are men and women can there be couples. Only when there are couples can there be fathers and sons. Only when there are fathers and sons can there be princes and ministers. Only when there are princes and ministers can there be ups and downs.)也就是說,人類關係始於男女關係,婚姻關係是一切倫理關係的基礎。


Introduction of Chinese Hanfu wedding (https://www.newhanfu.com/2349.html)


符合結婚照規定:in compliance with / in line with marriage registration photo specifications

漢服復甦/熱:resurgence/revival/modern rebirth

漢服愛好者:hanfu enthusiast/revivalist/proponents

結婚證:marriage license

結婚照:wedding certificate photo;marriage registration photo

傳統服飾:traditional garb


民政局:civil affairs bureau/clothing

日常服裝:daily attire

頭飾:hair accessories

婚服:wedding outfits


周制婚禮:The Zhou Hanfu wedding(先秦、漢朝)

唐制婚禮:Tang Hanfu wedding(魏、晉、唐)

明制婚禮:Ming Hanfu wedding(宋、明)

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