
鹽課在清代的賦稅收入中佔有重要地位。而清代山東的鹽課, 則可分為商課、灶課、雜課三大類。商課, 山東也稱稅課、引課, 主要是對鹽業銷售者的課稅。《清鹽法志》載: “清初廢開中法, 僉商納課行鹽。東鹽有引有票之分, 引課、票課區以別矣。後因發借運本而始有帑利, 因河南高堰各項要需而始有加價, 因籌備餉需而始有鹽釐, 此其犖犖大者也。”



英文名稱:Shandong salt class twelve silver ingots





銀錠是熔鑄成錠的白銀。目前出土銀錠中年代最早的,是漢景帝中元二年 (公元前148年) 所鑄。漢武帝元狩四年 (公元前119年) 作白金 (即白銀) 三品。王莽鑄有銀貨二品。其後歷代皆有鑄造,惟流通不廣。隋唐以前稱銀錠為“銀餅”、“銀鋌”,稱扁平形銀幣為“鈑”、“笏”、“版”,棒形的稱“鋌”、“挺”,宋以後改稱“銀錠”。元代於銀錠之外總稱“元寶”,形式變為馬蹄形,故亦稱“馬蹄銀”。明清兩代均沿用“元寶”一詞。








英文名稱:Guangxu Yuanbao, Jilin Province








英文翻譯:The salt class played an important role in the tax revenue of Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, the salt class in Shandong Province could be divided into three categories: commercial class, kitchen class and miscellaneous class. Business classes, also known as tax classes in Shandong, are mainly tax levied on salt sellers. "Qing salt law" contains: "in the early Qing Dynasty, the legal industry salt class. East salt has a ticket points, citing class, ticket class area to do not. In addition, people in Henan began to borrow money from people in ancient times. In addition, people in Henan began to raise prices because of the need to borrow money. In addition, people in Henan began to have salt in the preparation of rates.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Shandong salt class twelve silver ingots

Shandong Salt Class Twelve Silver Ingots

Specification: 4 pieces

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Beautiful

This product is shandong yanke 12 liang silver ingot, the exact casting period is unknown, or xianfeng or tongzhi, it is possible. The name of the "King's Book" on it was the name of a silversmith. Shandong salt class of twelve ingots, can see today in addition to the name of Wang Daquan, more have a stamp Li Dongyu, Xiao Dacheng, Li Jincheng and so on.

A silver ingot is molten silver cast into ingots. The earliest unearthed silver ingots are cast in the second year of the reign of Emperor Jingdi of the Han Dynasty (148 BC). Emperor Wudi Yuan four years (119 BC) for white gold (that is, silver) three products. Wang Mang cast two silver goods. Later dynasties all have casting, but the circulation is not wide. Before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, silver ingots were called "silver cake" and "silver collar"; flat silver coins were called "ban", "hud" and "pan"; bar coins were called "collar" and "ting"; after the Song Dynasty, they were called "silver collar". Yuan Dynasty in the silver ingot outside the general name "ingot", the form into a horseshoe shape, so it is also called "horseshoe silver". The word "ingot" was used in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Among them, the bottom of the ingot can be seen honeycomb. At the same time, these honeycombs are deep, while some honeycombs are small in size and large in size. Their honeycombs are naturally distributed in different shapes and stem like distribution at the bottom. Thus has the original true silver ingot state. Honeycomb is the most basic and most important feature of the ancient silver ingot. Although the honeycomb of the silver ingot in the Qing Dynasty is not as large as the ingot in the Ming Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Song Dynasty and Tang Dynasty because of the process improvement, it is also covered all over the body, and only the honeycomb cavity is usually less than the ancient ingot. This honeycomb feature is very difficult and easy to distinguish in modern casting.

Yiningot is the ancient Chinese currency, that is, the silver cast into the ingot. It began in the Han Dynasty and was cast in the subsequent dynasties, but the circulation was not wide. To the Ming Dynasty prevailing, but not the national legal silver ingot currency. In the Qing Dynasty, it began to circulate as a major currency. Different weight, because of the "two" as the main weight unit, it is also called silver two. Silver and silver are legal currency, not only for folk transactions, but also for the government to collect and collect taxes. With the development of economy, people begin to pursue more and more historical and cultural things. Therefore, silver yuan treasures with historical vicissitudes of life are more and more sought after by collectors. And silver ingot is to collect the very popular collection in the market all the time, auction market reflects its extremely high seal a deal rate, visible its get close attention deeply, future collect appreciation space is quite huge, potentiality is infinite.

Guangxu Yuanbao is a special currency in the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. With the characteristics of Qing Dynasty currency, because of the unstable situation at that time, there were special currency foundry in almost every province of the country. Therefore, we find that the coins of that period are clearly inscribed to indicate the province in which the mint was made. The appearance is intact, the font is clear, the shape is regular, the texture is fine, the font is smooth, the decoration is fine, this kind of coin is rare in existence, and has a high collection value. We can see that this copper coin is very well preserved, the characters are very clear, and it has distinctive characteristics.

Jilin province in the qing dynasty is a big province, domestic extremely important basic assumes the north-south, the southernmost basic line overlap with the province, the most northern arrived in northern sakhalin island, including the east of the province, the east of heilongjiang province and Russia today primorsky region and khabarovsk region south, as well as sakhalin all of them. Jilin derives from the word "jilin wula", which means "city along the river" in Manchu. And Jilin Province silver coin edition changes the most, is China's silver coin system is the most complete, the preservation and inheritance of the most rich kind. It is the first machine coinage in China and has a milestone significance in the history of Chinese coin casting.

At that time, in order to stabilize the financial market, Xi Yuan, a general of Jilin, wrote to the court that there was a shortage of coins (ancient coins, square hole coins) in Jilin Province, and the market was becoming increasingly depressed. After repeated discussions, he decided to make silver coins in the style of coins to solve the problem of the shortage of cash. After the approval, in the 10th year of Guangxu, he first withdrew 5,000 liang of silver from military wages, and ordered Jilin Machinery Officer Bureau (that is, the Arsenal Factory) to cast five kinds of full color silver dollars with denomination of 1, 2, 7, half, 3 and 1.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: guangxu yuan bao of jilin province

English Name: Guangxu Yuanbao, Jilin Province

Specification: 4 pieces

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Beautiful

Although Jilin is located in the border area, but with the continuous inflow of reclamation, the shortage of silver money in the region is becoming more and more serious, Guangxu 22 years (1896), Jilin General Chang Shun after playing quasi, at the end of the year commissioned Jilin Machinery Bureau trial production of silver, to the end of the next made of 5 kinds. There have been cast Ganzhi Jinian and no Ganzhi Jinian two categories, including small plate and so on. Jilin Province made silver time earlier, the overall cast less.

This several silver coin front double circle, outer ring made in Jilin Province, under the ring value of the Kuping one money four cents four percent, painting Guangxu Yuanbao four words straight reading, the middle of Yin and Yang Tai Chi figure, very Chinese classical cultural characteristics.

Dragon pattern on the reverse of the coin: Chinese dragons are worshipped as sacred objects. "The Dragon Tu is the totem of the Chinese people. The emperors and their descendants in all dynasties of China are called the Dragon Son and the Dragon Sun. The image of the dragon was used exclusively on royal articles. According to historical records, as early as in the period of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the "three platinum products" were cast with the figure of "dragon". Later, in the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, a small number of coins in circulation were cast with dragon patterns. Especially in the history of money, the dragon is more graphics. In the late Qing Dynasty, during the reign of Guangxu and Xuantong, the gold, silver and copper coins cast by the government were mostly cast with dragon figures on the back.

The four coin for the original light patina, downy light, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated coin on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, destroyed the wrapped slurry is equivalent to destroy the protective layer, more important is the wrapped slurry is the most simple and effective method for identification of new and old COINS. Look closely at the four coins with perfect appearance, no knock, damage, deformation and so on. It is a rare collection of coins. It is suggested to collect and pass down.

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