
IFA MesseBerlin柏林展覽代表處 昨天





"創新需要一個平臺;它需要全球的關注。這就是為什麼整個科技行業的品牌和製造商都非常熱衷於來參加2021年的IFA柏林國際消費電子及家電品牌展。遺憾的是,最新的公共衛生情況給每個人的活動計劃帶來了太多的風險,"gfu德國消費電子協會監事會主席Kai Hillebrandt先生說道。"現在存在太多的不確定因素。因此,現在任何人都不太可能負責任地計劃參加任何貿易展。"

"我們並非輕易地做出這個決定的。IFA可以說是一年中對品牌商和零售商最重要的活動。IFA將我們的行業與貿易觀眾、媒體和真正的消費者聯絡在一起,這是其他活動無法比擬的。然而,每個人的健康和安全絕對是最重要的。遏制這一流行病的努力——從疫苗接種計劃的推出到國際旅行的恢復——並沒有以我們希望的速度發生。鑑於這些情況,這個困難而令人失望的決定是不可避免的。"柏林展覽公司CEO Martin Ecknig說道。

在柏林ARENA會場舉辦的柏林攝影周和SHIFT Mobility的籌備工作正在按計劃進行。

IFA主辦方現在正與來自行業、貿易和媒體的夥伴共同合作,為IFA 2022做好一切準備。IFA將在2022年恢復疫情前的規模,並在柏林國際展覽中心舉辦。


IFA是全球最重要的消費電子產品和家電行業貿易展之一,其新產品的釋出數量不斷重新整理記錄,是主要零售商、買家、行業專家以及媒體的主要交流平臺。IFA 2022於9月2日至6日在柏林舉行。



IFA 2021: NEW GLOBAL HEALTH UNCERTAINTIES FORCE CANCELLATION OF IFABERLIN 2021 – The world's leading trade show for consumer and home electronicswill return in 2022

Berlin, 19 May 2021 - Messe Berlin and gfu Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH are jointly announcing that IFA 2021 will not take place in September as a physical live event as originally planned.

The decision was made following detailed conversations with publichealth experts and multiple stakeholders. Ultimately, several key global health metrics did not move as fast in the right direction as had been hoped for -from the rapid emergence of new COVID-19 variants, for example in South Asia, to continued uncertainties about the speed of the rollout of vaccination programmes around the world. This in turn is adding uncertainty for the companies that were committed or interested in coming to Berlin, as well as media and visitors – all of whom have to plan well ahead with regards to budgets, investments and travel – not just for IFA, but all similar events around the world. Another consideration is the fact that Messe Berlin continues to support the fight against COVID-19 by converting parts of its exhibition area into a vaccination centre and an emergency hospital facility; both are now likely to be required for longer than originally anticipated.

"Innovation needs a platform; it needs the focus of global attention. That's why brands and manufacturers across the tech industry were very keen to come to IFA Berlin 2021. Unfortunately, the latest public health developments introduced too much risk into everybody's planning for the event," said Kai Hillebrandt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of gfu Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH. "There simply are now too many uncertainties. Therefore, right now it has become near impossible for anyone to responsibly plan their participation in any trade show.”

"We did not take this decision lightly. IFA Berlin is arguably the most important event of the year for brands and retailers alike. IFA Berlin connects our industry with trade visitors, media and real consumers like no other event. However, the health and safety of everybody has to be absolutely paramount. The efforts to contain this pandemic – from the roll-out of vaccination programs to the resumption of international travel - did not happen at the pace we had hoped for. Given these developments, this difficult and disappointing decision was inevitable," said Martin Ecknig, the CEO of Messe Berlin.

Preparations for Berlin Photo Week at ARENA Berlin and SHIFT Mobility are continuing as planned.

The organisers of IFA are now working with their partners from industry, trade and media to get everything ready for IFA 2022, which will be held as a full-scale live event at the Berlin exhibition grounds.

About IFA Berlin

IFA, the world's most significant trade show for consumer and home electronics with a record number of new products being unveiled is the main market place for key retailers, buyers, and experts from the industry and the media. IFA 2022 takes place in Berlin from 2-6 September.


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