
森林館 The Forest Pavilion ©TK Studio



森林館目前是泰國知名專案芳林城市(The Forestias)的售樓處,未來將改造成居住社交的中心,人們在這裡共享歡樂時光。森林館還作為通往廣闊城市森林的門戶,為人們帶來歡樂。該專案的特色有5米高的瀑布、倒影池、階梯式水景、活動草坪、圓形劇場、自然步道和空中步道。帶有蝴蝶屋頂的泰式館象徵著文化與自然的融合。

The Forest Pavilion currently functions as The Forestias sales gallery, and will be converted into a hub of residence society for sharing joyful moments. It also serves as gateway to the broad urban forest, which supports human delight. The project features 5m-tall waterfall, reflecting pond, stepped water feature, event lawn, amphitheater, nature walk and skywalks. The Thai style pavilion with butterfly roof symbolizes mixture of culture and nature.

森林館在芳林城市中的具體位置 Location of Forest Pavilion in The Forestias ©TK Studio

總平面圖 Master Plan ©TK Studio




The landscape concept embraces three objectives: planting the future of symbiosis with nature, immersing the wilderness, and balancing human activities and the growth of urban forest – by transforming rigid form of pavilion into the natural freeform of central forest.

森林館設計概念圖 Concept diagram of Forest Pavilion ©TK Studio


Visual effect has been carefully studied for variety of forest scenes, resulting tranquil picturesque landscape. The multi-layering landscape design maximizes the functional spaces, while putting the spotlight on the remaining natural softscape. Under the power of nature, the forest will continue to grow so that all users will be immersed with a sense of thriving forest and nature, various ecosystems and local biodiversity.

實施了可持續場地認證(SITES)、WELL 建築標準、綠色建築評估體系(LEED)國際標準。遊客將在城市肌理中享受全新的自然生活體驗,可持續設計與高品質現代生活方式相結合。

International standards of SITES, WELL, and LEED were implemented. Visitors will enjoy a refreshing living experience with nature among the urban fabric, which integrated sustainable design with high-quality modern lifestyle.




The site of the Forest Pavilion is relatively flat. With the existing clayey and poor drain soil, plant species has been meticulously selected to ensure that they will thrive successfully. Several design measures have been applied to tackle the site constraints—including flood and water tolerant plants, and tree pits have been designed with effective sub-drain system; and some tree have been planted on berms to raise their root balls above the water table.


Dense vegetation along the site boundary and landscape elevation has been incorporated to maximize the privacy within the Forest Pavilion.

森林館剖面圖:茂密植被與景觀高程結合,保護場地內隱私 Sections of Forest Pavilion: Dense vegetation and landscape elevation are employed to protect privacy ©TK Studio

選擇183種本土物種和23258株樹苗組成宮脅生態林,提供豐富的生物多樣性和更高的隱私。A mix of 183 indigenous species and 23,258 saplings are selected for creating Miyawaki eco forest, with dense layering canopy for greater biodiversity and higher privacy for all users. ©TK Studio



森林館,外形為標誌性的泰式涼亭(Sala Thai)形和蝴蝶屋頂結構,象徵當地文化與自然的融合。建築的形式被簡化,並轉化為中央森林的自然自由形態。因此,結合廣場、水景和開闊的草坪等景觀元素,體現了建築的簡約理念,以鬆散的森林形態,實現建築與景觀設計的無縫流動。自然而然,這座蝴蝶形建築破繭而出煥發無限生機。

The iconic Forest Pavilion with the shape of Sala Thai (Thai style pavilion) and butterfly roof structure represents the mixture of local culture and nature. The form of architecture has been simplified and transformed into the natural freeform of the central forest. Therefore, landscape elements, such as plaza, water feature, open lawn, reflect the idea of simplification of architecture to the loose form of forest, resulting a seamless flow of design between architecture and landscape. Subsequently, the butterfly-shaped building will be brought to life.

泰國風格展館和蝴蝶屋頂結構的標誌性建築代表了當地文化和自然的融合。The iconic building with the shape of Thai style pavilion and butterfly roof structure represents the mixture of local culture and nature. ©TK Studio


After the sales period, the Forest Pavilion will be will be converted into a hub of residence society and an exhibition center for the public. Separated circulations and security control will be implemented with skywalks systems.

空中步行天橋系統,分離私人住宅和公共場所,可欣賞森林館的全景,並俯瞰中央森林。Separated skywalk systems for private residences and public are designed for enjoying a broad view of the Forest Pavilion and overlook to the central forest. ©TK Studio

森林館被生態森林環繞,遊客可以從地面步行道和天橋上享受宜人的森林氛圍。The Forest Pavilion is surrounded by eco forest. Visitors can enjoy pleasant forest atmosphere both from ground level walkway and the refreshing skywalk. ©TK Studio


The landscape design concept embraces three objectives: planting the future of symbiosis with nature, immersing the wilderness, and balancing the human activities and the growth of an urban forest. This dynamic landscape is a living paradise, where residents will become part of this evolving ecosystem, and they will have intimate connections with natural processes and memorable experience of the forest growth first-hand.




As visitors arrive the Forest Pavilion, they will come in at the canopy tree plaza or reach the parking area with EV charging stations. When they enter the grand drop off plaza, visitors can see the special pavement design of leaves-shaped tiles imprinted on the plaza pavement, which represent the falling leaves from the feature trees—scattered and mark the threshold to the urban forest, with the background of the iconic building. The south wing will be used as reception lobby and administration; while the north wing will be used as show units.






For the 3-storey of show units, the visual effects have been carefully studied from indoor rooms to outdoor landscape to ensure the views of varying forest scenes as they move up or down the floors.

On the ground floor, many tree trunks standing among the vertical water feature will be seen, creating a soothing landscape scenery.

On the second floor, visitors will see the top of the waterfall feature for a pleasant vibe of urban forest.

On the third floor, visitors will be able to enjoy the dense, lush green canopies, while the visual barrier will ensure the privacy of the residences adjacent to the site.

Moreover, a 5 meters tall waterfall feature and the forest planting create a pleasant backdrop for the show units and screen out the residence pathway behind, resulting a tranquil picturesque landscape.

森林展館是通往芳林城市更大綠色區域的入口,提供了體驗與自然共存的原型的機會。它將成為一個分享快樂時刻的社群中心。The Forest Pavilion is the entrance gateway to the greater green areas of The Forestias, providing opportunities to experience the prototype of living with nature. It will be a hub of residence society for sharing of joyful moments. ©TK Studio

森林館的景觀設計將刻板的建築格網形式轉化為自然形式,並使之軟化。與植物相結合的曲線臺階將帶領遊客進入多功能草坪和森林。Landscape design of Forest Pavilion is to transform and soften the rigid form of architectural grid into natural form. The curvilinear steps integrated with plants will lead visitors into the multipurpose lawn and the forest. ©TK Studio


The atmosphere changed from the rigid, manmade show units building as visitors walk towards the organic, natural landscape near the open lawn area. The signature trapezium unit of stones come from the simplified form of architecture, which will be stacked and arrayed as various combinations of seating areas, paths, and water features. Next to the event lawn, water flows from the water outlets to the stacking of water feature steps. Small water fountain jets have been installed at the lower step area to create a water play plaza for children. Stacks of water feature steps gradually scatter towards the lawn, creating the illusion of water flow and splash on the event lawn.

座位、小徑和水景的各種組合 various combinations of seating areas, paths, and water features ©TK Studio


The project integrates and encourages visitors to access to nature through direct and indirect connection. The outdoor landscape has been designed to support functions, which will set in nature among lush planting design, and pleasant water features such as the waterfall. The landscape and planting are designed as sustainable systems to support each other, so the visitors can enjoy being in nature.


The glass cladded building will provide panoramic nature views looking out from the Forest Pavilion building. Nature will be reflected on the glass cladded building, seamlessly connecting the space indoor and outdoor. Meanwhile, the glass cladding of the building allows abundant natural light into most spaces of the Forest Pavilion.

自然將對映在玻璃幕牆建築上 Nature will be reflected on the glass cladded building ©TK Studio


The team maximized the efficiency of spatial design by clustering functional spaces and introducing multi-layering landscape approach. Human controlled environment for social uses is limited to a certain extent, while putting the spotlight on the remaining natural softscape. The forest will continue to grow into a wilderness environment under the power of nature, so that all users will be immersed with a sense of nature, seeing and growing with the thriving forest, various ecosystems and local biodiversity.

森林館將按照可持續場地認證(SITES)、WELL 建築標準、綠色建築評估體系(LEED)國際環境標準,實施一系列可持續景觀設計元素。將350平方米的生物沼澤和2230平方米的生態林作為藍綠基礎設施(藍色指水文,綠色指植被),用於收集和過濾過多的雨水和徑流。鋪路材料經過精心挑選以滿足環境和安全設計要求。此外,所有選用的植物物種都將達到SITES可持續場地認證的設計標準,其中大部分是低維護、少用水和非入侵性物種。

A series of sustainable landscape design elements will be installed at the Forest Pavilion following the international environmental standards of SITES, WELL, and LEED. There will be 350 square meter of bioswale and 2230 square meter of eco forest as green and blue infrastructure to collect and filter the excessive rainwater and runoff. Paving materials have been carefully selected to fulfil environmental and safety design requirements. In addition, all plants species selected will attain the design standard of SITES, with the majority of low maintenance, less water required and non-invasive species.

一條863米長的令人愉悅的迴圈步道,鼓勵人們在自然環境中行走。A 863m long loop of delightful circulation is provided to encourage people to walk in natural setting. ©TK Studio

綠色空間和藍色空間,包括草坪、森林、滯留池和水景,都位於森林館大樓 100 米的步行距離內,所有普通大樓的住戶都可以使用。景觀設計中採用了特殊的種植設計方案。在入口處,將種植雨樹作為森林館的地標。走進內院,將選擇專門的植物種類組合,創造維護需求低的森林般的環境。遊客可以沿著自然步道漫步到中央森林。

Green and blue spaces, including lawn, forest, detention pond, and water features are all located within 100 meters walking distance from the Forest Pavilion building and are accessible to all regular building occupants. Special planting design schemes have been applied in the landscape design. At the entrance area, feature Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. (Chamchuri tree) will be planted as the landmark of the Forest Pavilion. When moving to the inner courtyard, a mix of plant species will be specifically selected to create forest-like environment with low maintenance requirement. Visitors can enjoy strolling along the nature walkways to the central forest.

立在垂直水景之間的樹幹提供了視覺屏障,創造一種排他感,同時它賦予瀑布舒緩和平靜的聲音,並將周圍的自然對映到森林館中。The tree trunks standing among the vertical water feature provides visual barrier to create a sense of exclusivity, while it gives the soothing and calming sound of the waterfall feature and reflecting the surrounding nature into the Forest Pavilion. ©TK Studio




Happiness—a simple yet powerful manifesto advocated in The Forestias project of living close to nature with urban forest at the center of the development. Residents will share mutual benefits with nature harmoniously, learning how to be part of nature and raising awareness to create a better and more sustainable world.


Forest Pavilion is the ideal living sanctuary that demonstrates the simple happiness of a secured quality of dwelling within the natural urban forest. A good quality of environment will nurture the best quality of people, eventually leading to a kind and warm society, and last but not least the perfect place for intergeneration families to enjoy living in this happy development.




專案位置:泰國 北欖府

專案面積:11,435 m²


設計單位:TK Studio 設計事務所

主創設計:Tawatchai Kobkaikit

設計團隊:Nantawan Sirisup, Punyada Klinpaka, Passaporn Shompoopun




Location: Samut Prakan Province, Thailand

Landscape area: 11,435 m2

Client: Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC)

Landscape Architects: TK Studio Co.,Ltd.

Chief designer: Tawatchai Kobkaikit

Design Team: Nantawan Sirisup, Punyada Klinpaka, Passaporn Shompoopun

Design: 10/2018 to 11/2019

Date of Application: 12/08/2021

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