
  1. clammy: damp and sticky

2. nimble : to move quickly and easily ------ agile

a nimble elephant

3. gnarled: your hands are twisted as a result of age or illness/ full of knots

gnarled treeHis hands were gnarled with arthritis.

4. fumbling : to grope fro or handle something clumsily

5. calloused : if feet or hands are calloused, they are covered with hard areas of skin.

callous cartoon

6. ample:

a. more than enough

You"ll have ample opportunity to ask questions after the conference.

There"s ample evidence that he knew what he had done.

b. If the shape of someone"s body or a part of their body is ample, it"s large.

7 shaky : characterized by shaking

shaky hands/ voice

shaky ground

Their marriage is on shaky ground. 岌岌可危

8. slender: thin and delicate, often in an attractive way

small in amount or size

slender means: with little money

a girl of slender means 貧窮的女孩

win by a slender margin/ majority 以微弱優勢 / 多數獲勝

9. leathery

rough and overworked hands


粗糙的手 rough/leathery/ ragged hands

老繭: calloused hands

靈活/靈巧/敏捷: nimble/agile hands

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