








Akadémiai Kiadó是匈牙利最古老的持續經營的出版社,也是中歐和東歐最大的科學出版社之一。AK Journals的著名刊物具有重大影響,其範圍已超出了歐洲和北美的學術界。AK Journals的刊物和文集持續吸引著中國讀者的興趣。

AK期刊的研究已覆蓋超過141個國家,包括聖文森特和格林納丁斯、所羅門群島、特克斯和凱科斯群島以及關島的讀者。AK Psychology collection是AKJournal中瀏覽量最大的文集,其中讀者人數排名前三的國家分別是美國、中國和德國。

AK Psychology上閱讀量最高的文章:

·Reach for your cell phone at your own risk: The cognitive costs of media choice for breaks

·Towards an understanding of Internet-based problem shopping behaviour: The concept of online shopping addiction and its proposed predictors

·Relationship of Smartphone Use Severity with Sleep Quality, Depression, and Anxiety in University Students

·Culture and psychedelic psychotherapy: Ethnic and racial themes from three Black women therapists

·Will esports result in a higher prevalence of problematic gaming? A review of the global situation




Pensoft Biodiversity

生物多樣性領域的期刊總能引起人們的極大興趣,因此讀者人數也在不斷增加。自今年年初以來,Biodiversity collection by Pensoft已經獲得了超過四萬五千名新讀者,其中4月份的數量創下新高。


Pensoft Biodiversity上閱讀量最高的文章:

·On the identity of the fossil aquatic beetles from the Tertiary localities in the southern part of the Upper Rhine Graben (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Dytiscidae)

·A second species of Oculogryphus (Coleoptera, Lampyridae), with notes on the phylogenetic affinities of the genus

·Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta)

·Cherax (Astaconephrops) pulcher, a new species of freshwater crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda, Parastacidae) from the Kepala Burung (Vogelkop) Peninsula, Irian Jaya (West Papua), Indonesia

·The Stenopodainae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) of Argentina

De Gruyter

在Nanotechnology collection中,De Gruyter在2022年的頭幾個月收穫了驕人的讀者群。其90%的讀者來自中國和美國,歐洲國家、加拿大和印度的學者也展現出了穩定的興趣。

·Highly ordered arrays of hat-shaped hierarchical nanostructures with different curvatures for sensitive SERS and plasmon-driven catalysis

·A study on interfacial behaviors of epoxy/graphene oxide derived from pitch-based graphite fibers

在Energy Collection中,除了中國和美國之外,許多感興趣的用戶也來自德國、法國和加拿大。

·Electrical design analyses studies on ultra-high voltage air insulated surge arresters

·Performance analysis of grid interactive single-phase solar powered fault tolerant cascaded inverter


Bioscientifica Open Endocrinology的讀者群跨越80多個國家。在法國、加拿大、荷蘭、新加坡和英國,該刊擁有穩定的讀者群,而90%的讀者來自中國和美國。

在reproduction collection上,讀者人數在過去一個季度裡持續增長,讀者群體來自39個國家,橫跨歐洲、北美洲、亞洲和非洲。

Bioscientifica Open Endocrinology上的最新文章:

·Bone metastases from neuroendocrine tumors: clinical and biological considerations

·The impact of Klinefelter syndrome on socioeconomic status: a multicenter study

·Using optimal subset regression to identify factors associated with insulin resistance and construct predictive models in the US adult population

·A high TSH level is associated with diabetic macular edema: a cross-sectional study of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

·Late-night salivary cortisol and cortisone should be the initial screening test for Cushing’s syndrome

EDP Sciences

Parasite Journal正吸引著新的讀者群。它的大部分讀者來自穩居前三名的美國、中國和德國,但其在新加坡和加拿大的影響力也在逐漸擴大。

·Diagnostic accuracy of fluorescence flow-cytometry technology using Sysmex XN-31 for imported malaria in a non-endemic setting

·Monitoring the elimination of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the historical focus of Batié, South–West Burkina Faso

·Transcriptional changes of proteins of the thioredoxin and glutathione systems in Acanthamoeba spp. under oxidative stress – an RNA approach

·Confounding factors affecting faecal egg count reduction as a measure of anthelmintic efficacy


Karger Publishers在ScienceOpen上的文章集包含了對各個醫學領域的前沿研究。在過去的幾個月裡,Neurology and Neuroscience的用戶量有所增加,在2022年上半年有超過6.2萬篇文章被訪問。


Karger Neurology的新文章:

·Evolving Views on the Pallium

·Timing as a Mechanism of Development and Evolution in the Cerebral Cortex

·The Multicomponent Day-Care Program Prevents Volume Reduction in a Memory-Related Brain Area in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment

·Cognitive Impairment and Associated Factors among Older Adults with Diabetes in a Suburban Primary Health Center in Thailand

·Associations of Peripheral Neuropathy Defined by Monofilament Insensitivity with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Older Adults



在VASA collection中,印度學者的興趣度不斷增長。

VASA – European Journal of Vascular Medicine中分享次數最多的文章:

·German S3 guideline for the prevention of venous thromboembolism updated Comment on Vasa Supplement 92

·Cohort study of risk factors for 30-day readmission after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

·Three year results of endovascular therapy with a new generation nitinol stent for femoro-popliteal artery lesions – a single-center outcome analysis of a subcohort of MISAGO 2 study

·Venous occlusion due to cystic adventitial degeneration of the common femoral vein

·A carotid bifurcation pseudoaneurysm treated endovascularly in a patient with irradiated neck

Pluto Journals的國際讀者群

Pluto Journals以生產世界一流的期刊為榮,這些期刊處於當今人文科學研究的最前沿。而Pluto Journals在ScienceOpen上也擁有世界頂流的使用量。

World Review of Political Economy擁有來自181個不同國家的讀者。從格陵蘭島到巴布亞新幾內亞,從東帝汶到海地,該期刊的名聲和宗旨足以說明其影響力。

·Deficiencies of the Three-Factor Theory of Value : External Deficiencies of the Modern Factor Theory of Value

·The Neoliberal Strategy of South Korean Conglomerates

Socialist Lawyer的前十名名單上有來自加拿大、愛爾蘭、以色列和黎巴嫩的學者的數百次訪問。

·People must stand up against injustice. We are very proud of the protesters

·Be seen, be heard

The International Journal of Disability and Social Justice雖然到目前為止只出版了兩期,但用戶數據表明,來自美國、英國、德國、法國、加拿大和澳大利亞的讀者群已實現穩固增長。

·Disability, Justice and Freedom as Non-Domination

·Quick Trust and Slow Time : Relational Innovations in Disability Performing Arts Practice

Arab Studies Quarterly及其研究成果的受眾跨越153個國家,其中荷蘭、黎巴嫩、愛爾蘭、英國、以色列和埃及的讀者對其持續關注。

·Gothic Politics in Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad

·How can Social Cohesion Foster State-Building and Confront Tribalism? A Comparative Analysis of the Post-Arab Uprisings Period in Tunisia and Libya

Decolonial Horizons / Horizontes Decoloniales以其在全球範圍內政治和宗教話語之間的學術研究進行探索,反映了人們對美國日益增長的興趣,有來自美國、加拿大、哥倫比亞、墨西哥和巴西的數百名學者定期訪問。

·Descolonizar la mente, sacralizar la existencia : Una opción budista ante la confusión de nuestro tiempo

·Una teología destituyente : La neutralidad política de los Testigos de Jehová


翻譯: Yulia

校對: HB

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