



外國科學家驚喜:“中國撈到寶了 ”



The age of the samples will help fill in a gap in knowledge about the history of the Moon between roughly 1 billion and 3 billion years ago. They may also yield clues as to the availability of economically useful resources on the Moon such as concentrated hydrogen and oxygen.


"These samples will be a treasure trove," Mr Jolliff said.


My hat is off to our Chinese colleagues for pulling off a very difficult mission; the science that will flow from analysis of the returned samples will be a legacy that will last for many, many years, and hopefully will involve the international community of scientists.

The samples will also allow scientists to more precisely calibrate the "chronometer" they use to age surfaces on the inner Solar System planets.







Beijing has not "staked out some sort of declarative statement where they want to replace the United States as leader in space," said Brendan Curry, chief of Washington, D.C. operations at the Planetary Society.


中國嫦娥探月工程於21世紀初開始,當時美國總統喬治·W·布什(George W. Bush)宣佈,NASA宇航員將在2020年前重返月球。當奧巴馬政府取消月球計劃,重點關注諸如小行星和火星等更遙遠的目的地時,中國仍堅持著原來的路線。The development of the Chang'e probes started in the early 2000s when President George W. Bush declared that NASA astronauts would return to the moon by 2020. It continued that path when the Obama administration canceled that moon program and focused on more distant destinations like an asteroid and Mars.


And even as the Trump administration touted a return to the moon, China has shown no urgency to accelerate its plans of sending Chinese astronauts to the moon in the 2030s. If NASA astronauts arrive earlier, China seems to be in no rush to beat them.



Some hope that a competition between China and the United States could change to cooperation. But NASA is currently limited from directly working with the Chinese space agency or Chinese-owned companies.

該限制於2011年由當時的弗吉尼亞州共和黨議員弗蘭克·沃爾夫(Frank Wolf)納入管理NASA經費的法律中......

Some hope that a competition between China and the United States could change to cooperation. But NASA is currently limited from directly working with the Chinese space agency or Chinese-owned companies. That provision was inserted in 2011 into the law financing NASA by Frank Wolf, then a Republican congressman from Virginia...

The restrictions...will also be a disappointment for many scientists in the United States in the years to come.

美國聖母大學(University of Notre Dame)土木工程和地質科學教授克萊夫·R·尼爾(Clive R. Neal)對美國不抱期待,悲觀且失望地寫道:


"They represent a completely different era of lunar history and will definitely help in our quest to understand the evolution of our moon," wrote Clive R. Neal, a professor of civil engineering and geological sciences at the University of Notre Dame who said he would love a chance to examine the new samples.


"Alas," Dr. Neal added in his email, "I don't think this is possible."


That was followed by a sad face emoticon.


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