


Lucas A Hartsough, Mooncheol Park, Matthew V Kotlajich, John Tyler Lazar, Bing Han, Chih-Chun J Lin, Elena Musteata, Lauren Gambill, Meng C Wang, Jeffrey J Tabor. Optogenetic control of gut bacterial metabolism to promote longevity. eLife, 2020; 9 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.56849


The reviewers and editors feel that the approach and techniques presented are exciting, with important future applications – especially given progress on extension the approach to e.g. B. subtilis. You convincingly demonstrate the utility and value of your novel optogenetic approach for investigating bacterial metabolism.



王蒙博士與其合作者使用了光遺傳學 (這種方法將光和基因工程的光敏感蛋白結合在一起,以有針對性的方式調節活細胞或生物體中的分子事件),即利用綠光誘導常駐大腸桿菌產生可樂酸,從而保護腸道細胞免受壓力誘導的細胞損傷,並延長了線蟲的壽命。這種方法可以應用於研究其他細菌,並提出它也可能在未來提供一種新的方法來微調宿主腸道中的細菌代謝,以最小的副作用帶來健康益處。

在該工作中,該團隊對大腸桿菌進行了工程化改造,使其在綠光刺激下產生親長壽化合物----colanic acid(可蘭酸,一種常見的外多糖,由腸桿菌科的許多菌屬產生。它可以透過調節線粒體動力學來延長宿主C.elegans的壽命),並在紅光下關閉其生產。他們發現,將綠光照射在攜帶改造後的大腸桿菌的透明線蟲上時,可以誘導細菌產生可蘭酸,從而保護線蟲的腸道細胞免受線粒體破碎帶來的消極影響 (線粒體已被越來越多的人認為在衰老過程中扮演重要角色)。

當暴露在綠光下時,攜帶這種大腸桿菌菌株的蠕蟲也更長壽。光線越強,壽命越長。光遺傳學提供了一種直接的方法,以時間、數量和空間控制的方式操縱腸道細菌代謝,並增強宿主的健康。在這裡reviewer提出了個疑問:“One of the key claims made by the authors is that the optogenetic approach allows for more fine scale control of metabolite production and further that they "investigate how the lifespan extending effect of CA relates to CA levels". However, aside from one ex vivo assay (Results, Figure 2B/C), the amount of CA being secreted (or taken up by the host) is not reported. The authors claim, but don't actually show a relationship of lifespan with CA level, just green-light intensity. The relative CA production levels of the engineered strains under green light vs. the over-producing mutants should ideally be quantified and both compared to realistic exposure levels in vivo of conventionally grown C. elegans. If this cannot be done without additional experiments, the authors should be careful to temper their claims here.” (大意是:線蟲壽命延長與細菌分泌的可蘭酸的量有關,但是,作者沒有提供線蟲體內可蘭酸的濃度,而只是提供了綠色熒光的光強)。

Reviewer的這個問題著實有點刁難------因為尚沒有分析化學方法檢測出線蟲體內可蘭酸的濃度(估計在pM-nM 級別?),但是王蒙博士團隊給出了個精彩的回覆:“We appreciate the reviewer’s comment on the comparison of CA levels among different conditions. Technically, it is currently impossible to measure CA levels in bacteria grow on solid agar plates or in the worm gut, or in the host cells. Thus, our conclusion is based on the ex vivo assay using liquid culture and the positive relationship between green-light intensity and the amount of CA being secreted. Based on the reviewer’s suggestion, we have revised the text to explicitly state this relationship. In addition, we have included new results presenting a direct comparison of CA levels between the Δlon mutant and the light inducible strain (new Figure 4A).”(大意是,感謝reviewer提出問題,但是,從技術上講,目前不可能測量生長在固體瓊脂板上或線蟲腸道中的細菌或宿主細胞中的可蘭酸水平。根據審稿人的建議,作者已經修改了文字,明確說明綠光強度與CA分泌量之間的正相關關係。)



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