

2020年12月29日,來自美國哥倫比亞大學Eviatar Yemini等研究人員在期刊《細胞》上發表了題為“NeuroPAL: A Multicolor Atlas for Whole-Brain Neuronal Identification in C. elegans.”的研究論文,繪製出線蟲中全腦神經元鑑定的多色圖譜。




Comprehensively resolving neuronal identities in whole-brain images is a major challenge. We achieve this in C. elegans by engineering a multicolor transgene called NeuroPAL (a neuronal polychromatic atlas of landmarks). NeuroPAL worms share a stereotypical multicolor fluorescence map for the entire hermaphrodite nervous system that resolves all neuronal identities. Neurons labeled with NeuroPAL do not exhibit fluorescence in the green, cyan, or yellow emission channels, allowing the transgene to be used with numerous reporters of gene expression or neuronal dynamics. We showcase three applications that leverage NeuroPAL for nervous-system-wide neuronal identification. First, we determine the brainwide expression patterns of all metabotropic receptors for acetylcholine, GABA, and glutamate, completing a map of this communication network. Second, we uncover changes in cell fate caused by transcription factor mutations. Third, we record brainwide activity in response to attractive and repulsive chemosensory cues, characterizing multimodal coding for these stimuli.

Eviatar Yemini, Albert Lin et al, NeuroPAL: A Multicolor Atlas for Whole-Brain Neuronal Identification in C. elegans, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.12.012, Cell:最新IF:36.216

2、Nature Genetics:破譯影響人類”顏值”的遺傳因素

2020年12月7日,來自比利時魯汶大學Peter Claes等研究人員在《自然—遺傳學》雜誌上發表了題為“Insights into the genetic architecture of the human face.”的研究結果,發現破譯影響人類面部形成的遺傳因素。




The human face is complex and multipartite, and characterization of its genetic architecture remains challenging. Using a multivariate genome-wide association study meta-analysis of 8,246 European individuals, we identified 203 genome-wide-significant signals (120 also study-wide significant) associated with normal-range facial variation. Follow-up analyses indicate that the regions surrounding these signals are enriched for enhancer activity in cranial neural crest cells and craniofacial tissues, several regions harbor multiple signals with associations to different facial phenotypes, and there is evidence for potential coordinated actions of variants. In summary, our analyses provide insights into the understanding of how complex morphological traits are shaped by both individual and coordinated genetic actions.

Julie D. White, Karlijne Indencleef, Insights into the genetic architecture of the human face. DOI: 10.1038/s41588-020-00741-7, Nature Genetics:最新IF:25.455


2020年12月17日,來自美國達納-法伯癌症研究所Ellis L. Reinherz和Jia-huai Wang研究組合作在《科學》雜誌上發表了題為“Pre–T cell receptors topologically sample self-ligands during thymocyte β-selection.”的研究結果,發現在胸腺細胞β-選擇過程中,pre-T細胞受體(preTCRs)以拓撲結構方式取樣自身配體。

Fig 3| reTCRβ-pΜΗC-I複合物結構、配位





Self-discrimination, a critical but ill-defined molecular process programmed during thymocyte development, requires myriad pre-T cell receptors (preTCRs) and αβTCRs. Using X-ray crystallography, we show how a preTCR applies the concave β-sheet surface of its single variable domain (Vβ) to “horizontally” grab the protruding MHC α2-helix. By contrast, αβTCRs purpose all six complementary-determining region (CDR) loops of their paired VαVβ module to recognize peptides bound to MHC molecules (pMHCs) in “vertical” head-to-head binding. The preTCR topological fit ensures that CDR3β reaches the peptide’s featured C-terminal segment for pMHC sampling, establishing the subsequent αβTCR canonical docking mode. “Horizontal” docking precludes germline CDR1β– and CDR2β–MHC binding to broaden β-chain repertoire diversification before αβTCR-mediated selection refinement. Thus, one subunit successively attunes the recognition logic of related multicomponent receptors.

Xiaolong Li, Réka Mizsei et al, Pre–T cell receptors topologically sample self-ligands during thymocyte β-selection. DOI: 10.1126/science.abe0918, 最新IF:41.037


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