In the nearly five years since their first direct detection, gravitational waves have become one of the hottest topics in astronomy.
With facilities such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), researchers have mostly used these ripples in spacetime to study the inner workings of merging black holes, but LIGO has also detected gravitational waves from other sorts of celestial crashes, such as the collisions of ultradense stellar remnants called neutron stars.
Sometimes, however, LIGO serves up gravitational waves that leave astronomers scratching their heads—as was the case for GW190425, an event detected last April that was recently attributed to a neutron star merger.
The trouble is that LIGO’s data suggest this neutron star pair was substantially overweight—collectively, some 3.4 times the mass of the sun, which is half a solar mass heavier than the most massive neutron star binaries ever seen.
“It is the heaviest known by a pretty wide margin,” says Chad Hanna, an astrophysicist at Pennsylvania State University who hunts gravitational waves.
賓夕法尼亞州立大學(Pennsylvania State University)的天體物理學家查德·漢納(Chad Hanna)說:“從相當大的邊際來看,這是已知的最重的行星。”他是一位研究引力波的天體物理學家。
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