
A uniquely preserved carcass of an ancient woolly rhinoceros, discovered by scientists in the thawing Siberian permafrost in the Yakutian wilderness, was delivered to the Siberian city of Yakutsk where scientists can begin detailed studies, media outlets reported Tuesday.據媒體週二報道,科學家在雅庫特荒野中解凍的西伯利亞永久凍土中發現了一種獨特儲存的古老羊毛犀牛car體,該屍體已交付西伯利亞雅庫茨克市,在那裡科學家可以開始詳細研究。Russian scientists have presented to the media the remains of a teenage woolly rhino that died some 20,000 years ago with 80 percent of its organic material still intact, including hair, teeth, horn and even fat, according to the newspaper Siberian Times.據《西伯利亞時報》報道,俄羅斯科學家向媒體展示了一隻大約2萬年前死亡的少年羊毛犀牛的遺體,其中80%的有機材料仍完好無損,包括頭髮,牙齒,角和脂肪。The discovery was made last August in the melting Siberian permafrost in the Yakutian wilderness. The delivery was only made in late January as they had to wait for the road to freeze over, allowing drivers to traverse the difficult terrain.該發現是去年8月在雅庫特荒野中融化的西伯利亞永久凍土中發現的。交付僅在1月下旬完成,因為他們不得不等待道路凍結,從而使駕駛員能夠穿越困難的地形。"The adolescent woolly rhino is approximately 236 centimetres, which is around one metre less than an adult animal", Dr Gennady Boeskorov from the Yakutia Academy of Sciences told the Siberian Times, adding that it was 130 centimeters in height, which is around 25 centimetres shorter than a fully-grown adult.雅庫特科學院的Gennady Boeskorov博士對西伯利亞時報說:“青春期的羊毛犀牛大約為236釐米,比成年動物少一米。”他補充說,它的高度為130釐米,大約為25釐米。比成年成年人短。Scientists believe the teenage rhino died after getting trapped in a bog while running away from human hunters, but the exact cause of death has yet to be established.科學家認為,這頭少年犀牛在逃離人類獵人時被困在沼澤中後死亡,但確切的死因尚未確定。This is the second woolly rhinoceros discovered in the Sakha Republic but the first of this age bracket and level of preservation. This gives scientists an opportunity to study the ways in which the rhino grew and developed, shedding light on the organisms.這是在薩哈共和國發現的第二隻羊毛犀牛,但在這一年齡段和儲存水平上卻是第一隻。這為科學家提供了一個機會來研究犀牛的生長和發育方式,從而闡明瞭生物體。With the increasingly melting permafrost in the Siberian tundra, such discoveries are becoming more frequent. Concern has been voiced over the possible rejuvenation of ancient bacteria or viruses frozen over the millennia.隨著西伯利亞凍土帶中永久凍土的日益融化,這種發現變得越來越頻繁。人們對千年以來冷凍的古老細菌或病毒的復興可能表示關注。

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