

Permafrost in Canada, Alaska and Siberia is abruptly crumbling in ways that could release large stores of greenhouse gases more quickly than anticipated, researchers have warned.


Scientists have long fretted that climate change - which has heated Arctic and subarctic regions at double the global rate - will release planet-warming CO2 and methane that has remained safely locked inside Earth's frozen landscapes for millennia.


It was assumed this process would be gradual, leaving humanity time to draw down carbon emissions enough to prevent permafrost thaw from tipping into a self-perpetuating vicious circle of ice melt and global warming.


But a study published on Monday in Nature Geoscience says projections of how much carbon would be released by this kind of slow-and-steady thawing overlook a less well-known process whereby certain types of icy terrain disintegrate suddenly - sometimes within days.

但週一發表在“自然地球科學”(Nature Geoscience)上的一項研究稱,對這種緩慢而穩定的解凍會釋放多少碳的預測,忽略了一個不太為人所知的過程,即某些型別的冰雪地形突然解體-有時會在幾天內解體。

"Although abrupt permafrost thawing will occur in less than 20 percent of frozen land, it increases permafrost carbon release projections by about 50 percent," said lead author Merritt Turetsky, head of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research in Boulder, Colorado.

科羅拉多州博爾德市北極與阿爾卑斯山研究所所長梅里特·圖雷茨基(Merritt Turetsky)說:“雖然在不到20%的冰凍土地上會發生突然的永久凍土融化,但它將永久凍土碳釋放預測增加了約50%。”該研究所的主要作者梅里特·圖雷茨基(Merritt Turetsky)說。

"Under all future warming scenarios, abrupt thaw leads to net carbon losses into the atmosphere," she told AFP.


Permafrost contains rocks, soil, sand and pockets of pure ground ice.


Its rich carbon content is the remains of life that once flourished in the Arctic, including plants, animals and microbes.


This matter - which never fully decomposed - has been frozen for thousands of years.


It stretches across an area nearly as big as Canada and the United States combined, and holds about 1,500 billion tonnes or carbon - twice as much as in the atmosphere and three times the amount humanity has emitted since the start of industrialisation.


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