
軟磁鐵基非晶合金具有強度高、軟磁效能優異、耐蝕性強等優點。80年代研究人員成功開發出的Fe-Co-P-B和Fe-Co-Si-B己經被用作軟磁材料,其商業名稱為METGLAS。1988年,研究者開發出Fe-Si-B-Cu-Nb (FINEMET)奈米晶合金,又顯著地提高了其軟磁效能。此後幾十年儘管研究人員研發了大量的新型合金成分,但目前產業化應用的合金主要仍是上世紀八十年代開發的METGLAS和FINEMET。這從側面說明目前的大部分新型合金成分的綜合性能如非晶形成能力、飽和磁感應強度、矯頑力、磁導率和熱穩定性等仍然難以滿足服役要求。一方面,目前缺乏可以定量描述鐵基非晶合金成分與效能之間關係的準則;另一方面,迄今為止,鐵基非晶合金的成分設計主要依賴傳統的實驗試錯方法,這一研發過程複雜、效率低下、週期漫長且成本較高昂,成為快速、準確設計鐵基非晶合金亟需突破的技術難題。

隨著人工智慧技術的進步,機器學習(Machine Learning)方法在資料探勘領域獲得了長足的發展。在材料科學領域,機器學習已逐步應用於材料建模來更準確地預測材料特性。這些方法為解決材料的成分最佳化、處理工藝設計和效能研究等提供了科學有效的先進手段。然而,目前大多數機器學習演算法都存在“黑匣子”問題,很難建立可定量描述鐵基非晶合金成分與效能關係的合金設計模型。因此,提高機器學習模型的可解釋性和透明度,將有助於模型的除錯、引導未來的資料收集方向、為特徵構建和效能預測提供真正可靠的資訊,最終建立合金本徵特性與效能之間的定量關係。

圖1. XGBoost機器學習演算法實現輸入特徵評分


圖2. ML預測的實驗驗證。


該文近期發表於npj Computational Materials 6: 187 (2020),英文標題與摘要如下,點選https://www.nature.com/articles/s41524-020-00460-x可以自由獲取論文PDF。

Interpretable machine learning strategy for soft magnetic property and thermal stability in Fe-based metallic glasses

Zhichao Lu, Xin Chen, Xiongjun Liu*, Deye Lin, Yuan Wu, Yibo Zhang, Hui Wang, Suihe Jiang, Hongxiang Li, Xianzhen Wang & Zhaoping Lu*

Fe-based metallic glasses (MGs) have been extensively investigated due to their unique properties, especially the outstanding soft-magnetic properties. However, conventional design of soft magnetic Fe-based MGs is heavily relied on “trial and error” experiments, and thus difficult to balance the saturation flux density (B_s) and thermal stability due to the strong interplay between the glass formation and magnetic interaction. Herein, we report an eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine-learning (ML) model for developing advanced Fe-based MGs with a decent combination of B_s and thermal stability. While it is an attempt to apply ML for exploring soft magnetic property and thermal stability, the developed XGBoost model based on the intrinsic elemental properties (i.e., atomic size and electronegativity) can well predict B_s and T_x (the onset crystallization temperature) with an accuracy of 93.0 % and 94.3 %, respectively. More importantly, we derived the key features that primarily dictate B_s and T_x of Fe-based MGs from the ML model, which enables the revelation of the physical origins underlying the high B_s and thermal stability. As a proof of concept, several Fe-based MGs with high T_x (>800 K) and high B_s (>1.4 T) were successfully developed in term of the ML model. This work demonstrates that the XGBoost ML approach is interpretable and feasible in extraction of decisive parameters for properties of Fe-based magnetic MGs, which might allow us to efficiently design high-performance glassy materials.

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