
Astronomers have conducted an incredible observational test for a radio telescope on Earth. They used a new radar system to capture glorious high-resolution images of near-Earth space. The target: the Apollo 15 landing site on the Moon.


The Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia was outfitted with a new custom-built transmitter of radio waves. Back in November, researchers sent signals towards the Moon in a proof-of-concept test. What they got back is an incredible picture. The Hadley region on the Moon's near-side is visible with a resolution of 5 meters (16.4 feet).


In particular, the image shows the Hadley C crater, which is 6 kilometers ( 3.7 miles) across, and the sinuous Hadley Rille, a narrow depression that extends for 130 kilometers (80 miles) with an average width of 1.2 kilometers (0.75 miles) and a few hundred meters in depth. It is believed to have been an ancient lava tube, which has over billions of years collapsed.


Dr Alfredo Carpineti

The observations have delivered some of the best views of the region ever taken from Earth, a phenomenal achievement for Green Bank Observatory (GBO), National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), and Raytheon Intelligence & Space who conducted the experiment.


“This project opens a whole new range of capabilities for both NRAO and GBO,” Tony Beasley, director of the NRAO and vice president for Radio Astronomy at Associated Universities, Inc. said in a statement. “We’ve participated before in important radar studies of the Solar System, but turning the GBT into a steerable planetary radar transmitter will greatly expand our ability to pursue intriguing new lines of research.”

“這個專案為NRAO和GBO開啟了一個全新的能力範圍,”NRAO主任兼聯合大學公司射電天文學副總裁Tony Beasley在一份宣告中說。“我們以前參與過太陽系的重要雷達研究,但將GBT變成可操縱的行星雷達發射機將極大地擴充套件我們追求有趣的新研究方向的能力。”

It works by the radar signals emitted by the Green Bank Telescope hitting the surface of whatever object is being studied, in this case, the Apollo 15 landing site on the Moon. They then reflect back and get observed by the telescopes that are part of the Very Long Baseline Array, a network spread from the US Virgin Islands to the continental United States, and all the way to Hawaii.

它的工作原理是透過Green Bank望遠鏡發射的雷達訊號擊中任何被研究物體的表面,在這種情況下,是阿波羅15號在月球上的著陸點。然後它們反射回來,被望遠鏡觀察這些望遠鏡是超長基線陣列的一部分,這個網路從美屬維爾京群島延伸到美國大陸,一直延伸到夏威夷。

The incredible test is the achievement of a two-year effort to create such a radar, but it is also currently just a proof of concept. Researchers see the current transmitter as a stepping stone to design something more powerful. Something that can be used to study far beyond the Moon.


“The planned system will be a leap forward in radar science, allowing access to never before seen features of the Solar System from right here on Earth,” explained Karen O’Neil, GBO site director.


The new transmitter is expected to be capable of capturing and providing detailed observations of small objects passing near Earth as well as the moons orbing other planets in the Solar System. If the finalized plan comes to fruition radar signals could allow us to study objects as far as the orbit of Neptune from Earth.


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