
近年來,拓撲量子材料(TQMs),包括拓撲絕緣體(TIs)和具有非平庸能帶拓撲的半金屬,都有了巨大的發展。然而,TQMs的實際應用仍存在一些挑戰。例如,TIs是研究最廣泛的一類拓撲材料,其面臨的困難是材料在使用過程中需要一直保持其關鍵特性,而無序和缺陷的出現將破壞其量子化的電導。另一方面,由於鐵磁性和電子絕緣性之間存在互斥性,尋找具有時間反演對稱性破缺特徵的陳絕緣體(Chern insulators)是一個巨大挑戰。利用區域性拓撲不變數定義的拓撲半金屬(TSMs),因其豐富的物理特性,已經成為拓撲材料家族中的一個熱點。最重要的TSMs之一是Weyl半金屬(WSM),其在Weyl點附近的帶狀色散可以用“Weyl方程”來描述。儘管近年來非磁性WSM已經被徹底研究,但磁性WSM(MWSM)仍然很少見,儘管它們作為下一代超快拓撲自旋電子學的構件具有很大的潛力。


來自美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室奈米相材料科學中心的Mina Yoon領導的團隊,系統研究了Co基硫鉛鎳礦材料的穩定性和電子性質。對於結構穩定性,作者找到了一個很好的“描述符”(即r[M]/r]X]),不僅可以識別硫鉛鎳礦晶體結構的穩定性,還可以識別磁態的穩定性。對於電子性質,作者發現Weyl點的行為強烈依賴於化學成分。特別是,WSM Co-PbSn-S表現出非常接近費米能級的大的反常霍爾電導,是作為自旋電子傳輸器件的良好候選者。最後,透過有效的緊束縛模型,作者揭示了Co基Kagome晶格中的能帶反轉節理線來自Co原子之間的層間耦合,Weyl點的行為主要由Co原子和層間M原子之間的相互作用決定。


該文近期發表於npj Computational Materials 7: 2 (2021),英文標題與摘要如下,點選https://www.nature.com/articles/s41524-020-00461-w可以自由獲取論文PDF。

Cobalt-based magnetic Weyl semimetals with high-thermodynamic stabilities

Wei Luo, Yuma Nakamura, Jinseon Park & Mina Yoon

Recent experiments identified Co3Sn2S2 as the first magnetic Weyl semimetal (MWSM). Using first-principles calculation with a global optimization approach, we explore the structural stabilities and topological electronic properties of cobalt (Co)-based shandite and alloys, Co3MM’X2 (M/M’ = Ge, Sn, Pb, X = S, Se, Te), and identify stable structures with different Weyl phases. Using a tight-binding model, for the first time, we reveal that the physical origin of the nodal lines of a Co-based shandite structure is the interlayer coupling between Co atoms in different Kagome layers, while the number of Weyl points and their types are mainly governed by the interaction between Co and the metal atoms, Sn, Ge, and Pb. The Co3SnPbS2 alloy exhibits two distinguished topological phases, depending on the relative positions of the Sn and Pb atoms: a three-dimensional quantum anomalous Hall metal, and a MWSM phase with anomalous Hall conductivity (~1290 Ω−1 cm−1) that is larger than that of Co2Sn2S2. Our work reveals the physical mechanism of the origination of Weyl fermions in Co-based shandite structures and proposes topological quantum states with high thermal stability.

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