You will get more than chess
最近我看到以色列IM Vitaly Neimer寫的一篇文章——How to Use Psychology to Win Chess Games(如何運用心理學贏得國象比賽)頗為有趣。這篇文章給出了8個步驟,既有自我診斷,也有戰鬥機巧,還有風險規避。可以說是比較全面的棋弈心理戰手冊,值得一學。
Step1:Know thyself 了解自己
Did you refuse to accept a draw against a lower rated player, only to lose instead? Pride goes before the fall.是否在因為不甘於同”弱手“和棋而最終卻導致輸棋。記住:驕兵必敗。Did you get overconfident and stop paying attention, only to lose your queen?是否因為過於自信而注意力不集中以至於丟掉了皇后?Did you become needlessly afraid and react to threats that weren't there?是否對於一些本不存在的威脅過於小心?(走軟著、浪費時間)Step2:Hiding your threat 隱藏你的威脅
A good example of hiding your threats is to make sure that when your opponent asks himself, "Why did he move there?" he has an easy answer available. Good threats are moves that answer threats, and make threats of their own. "Why did he move his bishop there? Oh, to defend the knight that I'm attacking." And many a player will stop right there, satisfied that he has answered the question, and too lazy to bother asking whether there could be another reason. The stronger the player, the harder they will work.
Step3:Use three threats in a row 連續製造三個威脅
Step4:Take ten moves to do what you could do in two 綿裡藏針
This makes your opponent begin to lose his caution. He finds no meaning in your last six moves, and gives up looking. Make sure these meaningless moves are done in safe positions and are not giving him the opportunity to create problems for you.
Step5:Surprise your opponent 出其不意
Sometimes even an unsound piece sacrifice can win just due to the shock value. That doesn't mean you should make unsound sacrifices, but one of the reasons overly aggressive players often win is that they have succeeded in intimidating their opponents and rattling them into unsound defense.
Step6:Use fake outs over the board 聲東擊西 (盤外招少用為好)
This includes not looking at the part of the board you're actually thinking about, pretending to concentrate when your opponent has forgotten to hit the clock so that he doesn't notice his time running, as a few examples of this kind of cheap bluffing.
這些手段包括“不看你正思考的棋局方向(進攻王看後翼)”“當對手沒按鐘的時候故意不看棋鍾” “站在你的對手後面看棋施加壓力”等等。
Step7:Facing older people:open up the position 盲拳打死老師父
Try to open up the position and get them into a game that is all "Tactics" because this is where they break down and make mistakes in calculations or they just "miss" seeing a few threats.
Step8:Avoid shortcomings 避免短板