BVB-oeli(多特蒙德球迷):我靠,第一個跑到薩拉赫身邊慶祝的居然是阿利鬆!(lol Alisson first to celebrate with him.)
SurreptitiousNoun(利物浦球迷):可能其他人都累成狗了。(Rest of the team is probably tired as fuck.)
PuckdaFackers(吃瓜球迷):反正整場也沒事兒幹,只當是做點兒有氧了。(Hasn't had to do anything all night, might as well get a bit of cardio in.)
Nyhrox(曼聯球迷):瞧這身板兒,我健身卡何在?(That's it, where's my gym membership card?)
P-M(吃瓜球迷):原來阿利鬆百米衝刺就是奔著半裸型男去的,可以理解,可以理解。(Sprinted 100 meters just to hug a shirtless Salah. Don't blame him.)
A_NewYorker(切爾西球迷):說實在的為什麼很多人都驚訝於薩拉赫的身材?他可是一線球星。(Yeah seriously why is everyone surprised one of the Star footballers is in shape?)
Legendarycarnage(曼聯球迷):因為我們每週看到的都是大英帝星盧克-肖。(We see Luke Shaw week in week out mate.)
Juicydicken(曼聯球迷):阿利鬆比林加德的助攻還多了。(Alison has more assists than lingard this season.)
Muhruhwuh(利物浦球迷):真是個既有趣又悲傷的故事。(This is both funny and sad at the same time.)
brownbreaks(利物浦球迷):然而我只覺得有趣。(I just think it’s funny.)
Muhruhwuh(利物浦球迷):我可沒說五五開,有趣也就佔九成吧。(Yeah, I didn’t say it’s an even split! 90:10 in favour of funny.)
BigBoiRambo(吃瓜球迷):丹尼爾-詹姆斯追防薩拉赫像極了在生活中面對種種難題的我——有心而無力。(Dan James tackling Salah is me tackling my life problems.)
ifcarscouldspeak(利物浦球迷):我覺得還是馬蒂奇有大將風範,散著步回追,靜靜看著小傢伙兒徒勞地回追。(Even better was Matic just jogging back, watching James try and fail.)
goofygoober2(利物浦球迷):多麼酷炫的助攻啊!(What an assist by the big man.)
ozzist(吃瓜球迷):拖後組織核心型門將。(He's a very deep lying playmaker.)
egzon27(吃瓜球迷):絕對是最拖後的。(Deepest lying playmaker.)
87x(吃瓜球迷):正所謂門線型組織核心。(Goal lying playmaker.)
vivalastjimmy(巴薩球迷):真不敢相信,索帥居然比巴爾韋德和波切蒂諾還能熬!(Can’t believe Ole outlasted both Valverde and Pochettino)
cuba_gooding(吃瓜球迷):他將是下一個弗格森,無冠版本的。(He will be the next Fergie for MU. just without trophy)。
Aslan27(巴薩球迷):哪位科普一下誰是塞蒂恩?(Can anyone provide any insight on Quique Setien)
Karimbravo(皇馬球迷):控球戰術大師,雖然手上一個冠軍都沒有。(Plays good possession football. Haven't won anything yet though.)
Phineasfogg(吃瓜球迷):孩子,對於你們屢次被逆轉我感同身受。好訊息是你們將擁有99%的控球率,壞訊息是最後你們還是得輸一個。(If you're having remontada problems I feel bad for you son, you'll have 95% possession and still lose by one.)
Iycan_the_dog(巴薩球迷):同九義,汝何秀。(I wish I could give you gold man.)
Avocadoor(切爾西球迷):我只希望他結束馬德里的休假後趕緊回來。(Hope he can still carry us after he finish his vacation from Madrid.)
RamesMadrid(皇馬球迷):好吧好吧,但是結束休假後別表現得還像個休假的。(Fair enough but when you aren’t on vacation you better not seem like you were on vacation.)
harrythemay(吃瓜球迷):生命本就是死亡前的一段休假。(Life is a vacation from death.)
ceeduu(巴薩球迷):不不不,死亡是生命結束後的一段休假。(No. Death is vacation from life.)
OsyTP(吃瓜球迷):是是是,你們說的都對。(Of course, it's both.)
tHe_man_M(吃瓜球迷):說得我都想休個假了。(so I guess I need a vacation.)
hennny(曼聯球迷):吃那麼多魚,一天還睡五次?C羅是隻貓麼?(Eats mostly fish and naps 5 times a day? Is Ronaldo a cat?)
kieranfitz(吃瓜球迷):怎麼可能?貓多麼傲嬌,多麼敏捷,蹦得還高。。。。。。等等,好吧,他就是隻貓。(No cats are also vain, agile, good at jumping.........wait......yeah never mind, he's a cat.)
famasfilms(吃瓜球迷):睡眠=恢復。(Sleep = recovery.)
MaradonaPisstest(吃瓜球迷):我怎麼記得埃辛說過他一天睡12個小時。(I think Michael Essien said he slept 12 hours a day.)
Urimori(吃瓜球迷):至少我們知道登貝萊為什麼老受傷了,那小子玩《堡壘之夜》能玩到凌晨兩點。(Then we know why Dembele gets injured all the time playing fortnite at 2 AM.)
unnai123(阿森納球迷):我猜貝爾日常是吃一餐,睡一覺,其餘時間打Golf。(So Bale eat one time (one fish) , nap one time and the rest is golf.)
Spencer_Nolan_Rice(阿森納球迷):巧了,我也是除了吃就是睡。(I also spend my time eating and taking naps.)
pure_black99(利物浦球迷):所以你的五座金球呢?(Where are your five Ballon D'ors?)
Squall1990(吃瓜球迷):我猜梅西的日常是這樣的:睡到自然醒,吃點隔夜飯,喝一聽可樂,逗一會兒孩子,看會兒電視,然後可能會踢會兒球。(Messi's routine.. wakes up whenever, eats left overs from night before, drinks a can of coke, plays with his kids, watches some tv, maybeee trains.)
Croatia(吃瓜球迷):而且肯定是百事可樂。(Woah man, Messi drinks Pepsi. 注:百事可樂由梅西代言。)
juanmaaa10(吃瓜球迷):乾脆安排一場三德子 vs 拉伊奧拉的拳擊賽,一了百了。(let's settle this with a ed woodward Vs mino raiola boxing match.)
ionised(曼聯球迷):業餘五回合體重不限制級對抗。(5 rounds catchweight division.)
pakiIronman(狼隊球迷):規則是開臉護具,不帶手套,不計點數,KO獲勝。(10 ounce headguards, no gloves. Someones getting knocked out.)
Ryo720(曼聯球迷):但願今年打平明年好安排二番戰。(Draw at the first math then rematch next year.)
AlphaPi(切爾西球迷):一定要讓弗格森解說,邁克-迪恩當裁判。(Only if fergie commentates and mike dean is ref.)
dark-ent(吃瓜球迷):幸虧車子當年保持冷靜然後和他簽了一份七年的合同。(Lucky they didn’t do something stupid and sign him on a seven year contract.)
i-am-dan(阿森納球迷):我是徹底佛了,7年的合同啊,這經紀人太牛X了!(That's my favourite fact still. 7 years, he must have a bloody good agent!)
RonBurgundyNot(皇馬球迷):現在就差阿德里亞諾了。(Now all we need is an Adriano regen. 注:伊布曾說自己合作過的最強搭檔是阿德。)
GarethSouthgate(吃瓜球迷):嗯是的,可以期盼另一位米蘭傳奇迴歸了。。。路易斯-阿德里亞諾。(Time for the return of another Milan legend then ... LUIZ ADRIANO.)
codespyder(曼城球迷):帕託:”嗨夥計們,你們需要我的話,我分分鐘就能歸隊。“”嘿我知道你們收到資訊了,因為資訊都顯示已讀了!!“帕託隨後說道。(Pato: “hey guys im ready hmu if u need me”Also Pato: “i kno u guys saw my msg i can see the blue checkmarks!!”)