suddenly i look at my rain cloth ,there are many leeches on it my hair also got one . Suddenly I took my rain cloth off ,then pull and threw the leeches which I could find on my clothes.i heard some one screwned again. “look at your jean on"
也顧不了那麼多了 ,我直徑跑到了汽車的後面,脫下了這條這條牛仔褲,只有一個信念:幹掉了它!
而後,檢查了又檢查,確保這條牛仔褲,是安全的 才重新穿上了身。
腳上有幾個紫色的小點,司機叫我可了勁的在小點周圍拍打,幾條小螞蝗露出了頭來,剛想去拉,司機小哥說 輕點,不要讓它斷在裡面,這樣就麻煩了... 待續