





It was the same item on the same e-commerce website. But if one switched accounts, from a VIP account to a newly registered account, the price shown on the page went down 25 yuan.

This is what a Beijing-based consumer found when she tried to join in the Singles Day sales in late October. New visitors were offered bigger discounts while loyal customers were given higher prices. The finding resonates with many consumers' experience — internet companies charge different prices based on data analytics they gather about the individual consumer.

According to a survey done by Beijing Consumers Association in 2019, more than half of those surveyed report that they have been charged higher prices because of their past purchasing decisions. The problem is most commonly found in the field of e-commerce, travel booking and ride-sharing, where a few industry giants have an outsized influence.



In the past few years, internet companies in China have experienced exponential growth and came to dominate the ecosystem. The top three tech giants, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent, now have a combined market worth of more than $1 trillion. While Baidu captures almost 70 percent of the search market in China, Alibaba and Tencent are each the undisputed leaders in e-commerce and gaming.

But as the tech giants came to secure their market position, they locked in their market advantage by acquiring their potential competitors at an early stage. According to CB Insights, those three tech titans have acquired 158 companies over the last two decades. Their large industry presence allowed them to preempt potential threats to their dominance quickly, through measures such as blocking links to apps from other companies.

Increasingly, they tap into the enormous amount of user data they possess and turn them into valuable artificial-intelligence services. Apps are now able to build detailed profiles of each user, including information such as their age, their preference and their purchasing potential. Algorithms developed by the apps allow them to drive user engagement.





Those practices have come under heavier scrutiny as the Chinese government rolled out a series of regulations to curb monopolistic practices from internet giants. The State Administration for Market Regulation unveiled draft guidelines on November 10, announcing that they would look into curbing anti-competitive behaviors rife in the internet industry such as selling goods below cost, imposing price discrimination and requiring sellers to sign exclusivity clauses.

In its latest move, the State Administration for Market Regulation announced Monday that it would fine Alibaba- and Tencent-backed China Literature, for failing to report their past acquisition deals. The merger of game streaming platforms, Huya and Douyu, both backed by Tencent, is also under review.

"The penalty will send an alarm to other industry players that there will be strong antitrust enforcement if acts of violation take place… and it will also stop companies from stymying innovation in addition to promoting healthy development of the industry," said a spokesperson for the market regulator during a press conference.




China is playing catch-up in regulating big tech companies. Earlier this year, the European Commission introduced a legislative package known as the Digital Service Act to regulate big online platforms. In the U.S., there have been ongoing debates about the need to loosen some of the existing antitrust doctrines to enable U.S. courts to address anticompetitive practices by digital platforms.

It is a rare consensus among states around the world today that technology companies are growing too big and too powerful. This week, the EU unveiled two landmark legislations amid a long-planned clampdown on Big Tech.

“ 大家都知道,一旦在某個領域形成壟斷,它就會妨礙競爭,損害消費者權益,最終也會損害公平以及創新。而強化競爭,其實就是要做到千帆競發,百舸爭流,把創新動能釋放出來。市場主體活躍了,消費者就會有更多選擇權,經濟迴圈起來也就更活絡了。”

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