



Tim Cook:你好




Tim Cook:感覺如何

How are you?

Tim Cook:今天和你見面是我的榮幸

I'm meeting you today, so this is my privilege.


Oh, thank you. Really? I'm just 22-year-old Chinese university student. And you're the CEO of Apple. That's so cool. I just heard you wake up 4:00 AM every day and go to the gym. Is that true?

Tim Cook:是的!每個人都有自己的方式來保持精力充沛頭腦清醒,我就是每天早起去健身房,這是一天中我能自己掌控的部分,我喜歡透過健身開啟全新的一天

It's pretty true. All of us have things that we do to stay energetic and to sort of clean our minds out, and mine is to get up early and go to the gym. It's the part of the day I control. And so I love to work out, and then to start the day fresh

何同學:我也一直想早起鍛鍊,但我太懶了無法堅持地去健身房,我得加油了!或許我該買一塊新的 Apple Watch督促自己

I always want to do the same thing, but I'm just too lazy, I'm just too lazy to go to the gym. I think i should work harder, yeah,i should work harder. And i should get myself a better Apple Watch to support that? I don't know

Tim Cook:我學生時代也沒有四點起過床,所以不用擔心

I didn't get up at 4:00 AM when I was a student, either, though.So don't worry about that.

何同學:謝謝!好吧,那我們現在開始,很榮幸有機會採訪您,我是一名資深果粉,沒有人比您更瞭解 iPhone, iPhone12系列推出了許多新的功能,祝賀您!每年打造新產品一定壓力很大,蘋果是如何做到持續創新的?

Thank you! Okay, lets get started, Tim, it's such a privilege to talk to you today. I've been a fan of Apple products for a very long time, and you know about Apple products more than anyone in the world. Congratulations on the iphone 12 lineup.It has so many new features. But creating new things every year must be a very stressful process for you guys. How do you guys do it? How Apple prepare for all those new things every year?

Tim Cook:創新沒有唯一的公式,蘋果有一種創造與合作的文化,兩者相結合會碰撞出巨大的創新,我們的員工擁有不同的技能從不同的角度觀察世界,他們可能來自不同的地方有著不同的背景,有的是軟體專家,有的是硬體工程師,有的專注於服務,有的可能是音樂家藝術家。他們致力於設計卓越的產品,因為這個相同的目標聚集在一起,他們共同迸發出來的力量是驚人的!

There's no one formula for innovation, but what we do is we have a culture of creativity and a culture of collaboration. And these two things together, when they intersect, create enormous innovation. You know, you put people together that have different skills, that look at the world differently. Maybe they're from different places, they have different backgrounds. Some are software experts. Some are harre. Some are services. Some may be musicians and artists. But you put them all together on a common purpose, to design an incredible product, and it is amazing what can come out of it


Yeah ,So innovation about putting people together, putting creative and different people together?

Tim Cook:建立多元化的團隊為他們提供一個包容的環境,讓他們能相互滋養汲取能量。我們的員工在意自己所做的事,希望創造出世界上最好的產品。由於在意他們有時會半夜起來打電話告訴別人一個好的想法,因為他們知道透過分享和交流能夠進一步完善推進創意。在蘋果一加一永遠大於二,我們就是這麼做的。對了,感謝你對iPhone12的讚譽,我們乾得很帶勁,我真心認為2020年是蘋果最具創新力的一年,不論是手機、手錶、iPad還是M1晶片。

Putting people together that are diverse in an inclusive kind of environment, where people can feed off of one another, feed off the energy. And you pick people that care enough, that really want to develop the best products in the world. And they care enough to call somebody up at midnight when they've just had a great idea, because they know that if they'd share the idea that they can make that idea go further. One plus one has always been more than two at Apple. And so that's how we do it. And by the way.I appreciate your comment about iphone 12. We're having an incredible time with it. I really believe that 2020 was our top year of innovation ever, between the phones and the Watch and the ipad, and M1

何同學:是的是的M1,我非常喜歡M1晶片,我有一臺搭載M1晶片的Macbook Air,它的續航能力太強了,好像可以一直用下去,這實在是太酷了!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, M1, I love M1, I have an M1 Macbook Air, and that thing just has long-lasting battery life. You know I never killed a battery on that, personally, It just lasts forever! It just lasts forever! It's really cool.

Tim Cook:的確令人驚歎對嗎?好得出乎意料!感覺蘋果不知從哪兒變出了一個黑科技,一下子實現了全天候續航,這真的很酷。

It's kind of jaw-dropping, isn't it? It's unexpected. Yeah, yeah Yes, it's just out of nowhere, And Apple used some black magic to make the computer last all day. It's really cool!

Tim Cook:而且它的速度快效能強勁,我們得到了很多積極的反饋,希望大家都親自試一試。

And it screams, It's so fast, the performance. We're getting such great comments on it. I'd encourage everyone to try it out

何同學:我用Final Cut進行編輯,我真的很愛這臺裝置,它比16英寸的 Macbook Pro更強大,有沒有什麼功能是基於中國消費者的反饋?

Yeah, I'm a Final Cut editor, and I just love that machine, which perfoms much better than my 16-inch Macbook Pro. But is there any feature that is developed based on Chinese consumer's feedback?

Tim Cook:有很多功能都是如此,比如五筆型輸入法 相機中的二維碼模式等,5G在中國很多方面獲得了活力,因為中國在5G的覆蓋遙遙領先於全世界。交叉路口的路況十分複雜,所以我們在地圖應用中增加了街景功能。夜間模式的靈感也來源於中國,我們非常認真地傾聽中國使用者的需求,並將在此基礎上開發出來的功能推廣至世界各地 。所以你說得沒錯,我們有很多功能都是基於中國消費者的反饋。

Oh,there's a ton of features there that are. Whether it's specifi keyboards, whether it's the QR code mode. 5G, in a lot of ways,was energized in china, because China is so far ahead in the coverage model for 5G. Junction View in Maps because of the complex intersections and so forth. Junction view in Maps because of the complex intersections and so forth. Night Mode was another one where... The inspiration for Nigh Mode came from China. And so we listen very carefully to our customers there, and wind up creating things based on that that is then given to the world. So yeah, we get a lot of feedback from China.


Talking about customer's feedback, my Grandma always wanted to learn how to use an iPhone, so she can watch my videos and make Facetime calls. But in the meantime, she finds it really hard to learn to use an iphone. What can Apple do to give wings to the elderly and to the digital world?

Tim Cook:我們一直努力為所有人設計產品,確保產品設計符合大腦的運作方式直觀易懂,不需要看說明書自然而然就能上手,我們的蘋果零售店裡也會開設課程,我們非常希望奶奶也可以去學習如何使用 iPhone。對於有需要的使用者我們還提供電話支援服務,但我們的初衷和目標是儘量設計得直觀易用,不需要看說明書就能使用。

Well, we try really hard to design our products for everyone. And we try very hard to design the product like the mind works, so you don't have to have an instruction manual, you can pick it up and it works the way that you would think it would work. We have classes in Apple Retail, where we'd love to train your grandmother on using Phone right there in the class. And we have Telephone Support and so forth for people that need that. But our hope is and our desire is always to design the product in such a way that it works as you would expect it to do, so that no instruction is needed


Yeah, thats the best way to use a product. You don't have to actually learn it. You just grab it and you naturally know how to use it.

Tim Cook:是的這正是我們的目標。比如使用 Final Cute時可能就需要一些額外的指導,我們的零售店開設了相關課程教授使用者如何使用,我旁聽過一些課程,我很驚喜地看到人們學得很快

Exactly. That is our objective. And sometimes you know if you're using Final Cut, you may need a little more help there. And so we have classes in our Retail stores to help customers. I've sat in on a number of those classes, and it's amazing how fast people can learn


Yes And I do hope that everybody can learn all these technologie, because it's such an important way to communicate with other people. Just if you don't know to use a smatphone, you're just being left out of the entire world.

Tim Cook:我完全同意,現在人們生活的方方面面都依賴於智慧手機,這在中國最為明顯,從就餐外賣到銀行支付,再到健康記錄一切都在手機上

I totally agree because so much of our lives are on the smartphone, and there's nowhere that that's more true than in China. From eating to delivery to banking to paying to your health records, everything is on the phone.


Yeah, and we use QR code for everything. We use that all the time. That's pretty cool, and you have been to China many times during the past few years. What is your most memorable part of your visits in China?

Tim Cook:我始終樂於與人交流,我喜歡到零售店去傾聽消費者的想法,我熱愛中國的歷史和文化,2019年我參觀了故宮博物院,去年是故宮600週年紀念,這令我驚歎不已,在美國可沒有600年曆史的東西,能夠親身感受真是太美好了。讓我印象深刻的還有上海藝倉美術館,它的展品中融入了増強現實技術令人驚豔,但要說印象最深的還數中國的人民,我喜歡和開發者見面瞭解他們在做些什麼,中國有很多傑出的的創業者,他們不斷地開拓未來工作很有成就。我喜歡與使用者交流了解他們如何使用我們的產品,看到人們用各種方式使用我們的產品就是對我們最大的褒獎,就像你自己你會在工作中會用到我們的產品,我很想了解你的創作過程。

Well,I always love interfacing with people. And so I love to go to our stores to talk to customers to see what's on their minds. I love the history in China,and the atrs. Last year, I went to the Palace Museum in BeiJing. They were celebrating their 600th anniversary. This for me, is unbelievable because there's nothing in the U.S, that's, obvously, 600 years old. And it was so fantastic being there. The Modern Art Museum in Shanghai is another place that was incorporating augmented reality into their exhibits. Fantastic! But if I say one thing, it's about people. It's meeting people, It's meeting developers, to see what developers are working on. There's some incredible entrepreneurs in China that are pushing the envelope and really doing incredible work. It's customers, and seeing what customers do with our products. The largest reward we get for our work is seeing what other people do with it. You know, like yourself, you use our products in your work. And so I'm so excited to understand what your process is.

何同學:我的創作過程有意思的是,我最常用的蘋果產品其實並不是什麼大件,而是 iPhone上自帯的備忘錄,我用它來記錄我所有影片上的字幕,也並不需要什麼高階的功能,它用起來很方便,我在 Macbook上寫好稿子,iCloud就會自動同步到我的iPad和 iphone上,有了iCloud我隨時隨地都可以編輯修改,非常方便,我超級喜歡這項功能。我用 Final Cut Pro X在16英寸的 Macbook Pro上編輯所有的影片,和我同齡的學生經常使用 Apple Pencil和iPad。當你走進一間教室,用來記筆記,是的直接用 Apple Pencil在iPad上做筆記,因為真的很方便。所以我認為平板上舒適的書寫體驗的確非常重要,雖然不是所有人都用來繪圖,很多人只是普通的書寫,這對於學生來說非常有用。

Yeah, my process is actually quite interesting. The most useful Apple product that I use it not something really big. It's actually the default Notes app on my iphone. I use that to write every script on my video. It's not because it's got some advanced features. It's just simply because I write the script on my MacBook, and it just automatically appears on my ipad and my iphone with the icloud,I can edit wherever I want. It's just so convenient, I really love that feature. And I just edit all my videos on a 16-inch Macbook Pro with Final Cut Pro X. And you know, students around my age, one thing that I found out: We use Apple Pencil and ipad a lot like you walk in to a classroom. For taking notes? yeah,yeah,yeah.Taking notes directly with their Apple Pencil on their ipad, because it's really convenient, So I do think that like better writing experience on tablet is really important. Even though we are not all drawing. We're just like writing words. It's so very useful for students like us.

Tim Cook:我完全同意,我也經常使用 Apple Pencil和備忘錄,我會用備忘錄記下自己的想法和主意以免忘記。除了電子郵件之外,備忘錄應該是我最常用的應用。

I agree! Yeah,I use the pencil significant as well. And I use the Notes app. I use the Notes app for ideas, to record ideas so that I won't forget about them. And it's probably my most used app as well, other than maybe email.


Yeah,I mean, you read a lot of emails every day, right?

Tim Cook:有很多是使用者發來的電子郵件。

Lots of email from customers and so forth.


Yeah,Yeah,yeah,yeah.People always tell me that Tim Cook like actually reads those emals from customers. That's quite amazing! You're like the busiest person on this planet, and you still read every single one of them. But do you remember any specific email, like sent to you by customers?

Tim Cook:我記得有一封郵件是有關上海的一個七歲男孩,他已經在教別人如何程式設計了,真的難以置信,據我所知這是全球最年輕的程式設計老師

Oh,I remember one that came in about a seven-year-old boy in Shanghai, that is already teaching people how to code. It's unbelievable. The youngest age that I know of in the world.


Like using Swift and Xcode?

Tim Cook:是的

That's right. That's right


Absolutely amazing! I don't think I have the coding ability to teach other people how to code. I'm actually majoring in engineering,and I just I'm not really good at coding. So I really respect that

Tim Cook:是的,人的潛力總是令人驚歎不已

Yeah, It's amazing what people can do


And there's another question. Like many rural children in China, they don't have access to all those advanced technologies to help them learn. But you are the Tsinghua SEM Board Chair. What's your advice making sure that education is accessible to everyone?

Tim Cook:非常榮幸擔任清華經管學院顧問委員會主席,我很高興能從事這份工作和與許多清華學生交流,清華的學生才華橫溢,我真是很榮幸。在Apple我們始終相信教育是偉大的均衡器,因此在中國我們與中國發展研究基金會合作,幫助貧困地區兒童脫貧,我們為山區學校提供技術,那裡的改變令我們印象深刻。我們開發了“人人能程式設計”和“人人能創造”等課程免費提供給所有人,因為我們認為程式設計和創造力是面向未來的兩項重要技能。

Well,it's an honor and a privilege to be the SEM Board Chair. I'm having a great time doing that and meeting many of the students there. The talent in the study body is unbelievable.And so it's a real privilege. We've always viewed at Apple that education is the great equalizer of people. And in China, we're helping with the CDRF. And they're focused on raising children out of poverty. And that means for us providing technology in schools. And we've been really impressed there with what we've seen. We've designed curricula. Like Everyone Can Create and Everyone Can Code. And we've just given it away for everyone because we believe that coding and creativity are two of the important skills of the future.

何同學:我也一直想學程式設計,我覺得 Playgrounds很有用,Swift Playgrounds真的很有用。

Yes,I always wanted to learn how to code. And I do think that app Playgrounds helps a lot. I love that.That Swift Playgrounds is really helpful

Tim Cook:我們儘量把它設計得簡單易學,就像我們的產品那樣直觀易用

We've tried to make it very simple. We've tried to make as simple to learn as our products are to use. We've tried to make it very simple. We've tried to make as simple to learn as our prodcts are to use


And actually,I leaned all of my video skills on the Internet. So I do think that those tutorials really helps.They're really helpful. I agree. it's amazing what you can learn there. And Mr. Cook, from my observation, you are likely really passionate about your work. you know, many other people,like they are tired or they don't want to go to work. You're like you are really passionate about it. Is that an innate passion that you're just born with,or Is it somthing that has slowly developed during your work process?

Tim Cook:就像人需要能量熱情也需要源泉滋養,你需要有意識地培育它,我的做法是和志同道合的人一起工作。如果你身邊是志同道合的人就能從他們身上汲取能量,我經常和年輕人交談年輕人充滿理想,他們相信自己能改變世界也有這個能力做到這一點。在Apple我們也相信能夠改變世界讓世界變得更美好,這種信念讓我每天一早感到充滿活力積極開啟新的一天,我每天自問我為別人做了什麼,如果能夠不停地這樣自問,就會形成一種磁場激勵自己不斷前進。

Well, think you have to feed it, like you have to feed yourself and so forth. You have to ensure that you're constantly working on it. And the way that I do that is I surround myself with people I love to work with. And if you suround yourself with people that you love to work with, then you feed off their energy. If you talk to young people a lot, the younger generation is idealistic, and believe they can change the world,which they can. And we believe we can change the world for the better. And so it's that belief that gets me up every morning and to charge again to sort of ask the question of what am I doing for other people. And if you keep asking yourself that over and over, it will drive you, it will provide the magnetic field that it takes to keep moving forward


Yes, because at the end of the day, just realize that money doesn't matter, wealth doesn't matter. The most important thing is the happiness from helping other people.

Tim Cook:是的

Thats right.


I don't know. I feel pretty energetic every day. I pretty much just jump to work, jump to my classroom every day. I'm just jumping, jumping, jumping.I just feel really happy,I guess. I feel really energetic, and I can do a lot of things; but in the meantime, I know nothing.I can do nothing. It's like you know when you want to do good in an area, you've got to spend all that time and energy into it, but in the meantime, you're too young to actually be good at anything. Like shooting videos.There are so many cool video directors in the world. And I'm just shooting videos in my living room in my bedroom. This is actually my bedroom. I grew up in this place.

Tim Cook:是嗎?現在已經很有工作室的模樣了

Really? It's quite the studio now.


Oh, thank you. Thank you very much. Yeah, we have some really cool Lights in here. And yes, we've got a lot of cinema cameras. Yeah, it's a good start. I hope this gets better in the future.


Thank you, Mr. Cook! And is there any advice that you want to give to like graduates like us, how to find a job that we actually like?

Tim Cook:我以前的老闆喬布斯曾說過一句很深刻的話,當你找到自己的熱情所在,你的心會告訴你。如果你還沒有找到,應該繼續尋找,因為你期望感受到這份熱情找到工作的意義,你所做的對這個世界是有意義的,能夠讓世界有所不同,如果你找到了,一切都會變得不同。你的心會告訴你,因為你能真切地感受到。每天早上起床,你會感到精神煥發,充滿動力,否則就不會有這種感覺。所以如果大家還沒有找到自己的熱情所在,我鼓勵大家繼續尋找,我相信會找到的!

Well, you know my old boss, Steve, said something he said something very profound. He said, You'll know it when you find it. And if you haven't found it yet, you should keep looking because you want the passion.You want to feel this passion that you're working for a good reason that what you're doing matters in the world, that is, you're making a difference in the world. And if you find that, it makes all the difference in the world. And you will know it when you find it because you will feel it. You'll be able to get up every moming and feel refreshed and charged up, ready to go again. And if you don't, you won't. And so I would say to everyone out there, if they haven't found it yet,to keep looking. They will find it!


Yeah, so I just keep looking and when I find it,I just know it. I don't have to have other people tell me what's the best job for me. I just know what's the best for myself

Tim Cook:要保持好奇心,有了足夠的好奇,就能順著生活中的弦來找到未來的方向,然後就會有各種發現。

Yeah. And stay very curious. Stay curious enough to keep pulling the string to find out where it takes you next. And you'll find all sorts of things.


That's really important. And Tim, one thing I really respect about you is that, you don't avoid talking about Steve Jobs. If were you, I don't want to talk about my egendary ex-boss all the time. It's just like, you're really comfortable with it,I really respect that!

Tim Cook:謝謝!我敬愛喬布斯,他的基因依然是公司的基石,永遠都是如此。我對他充滿崇敬 ,希望他依然在我們身邊

Well,thank you! I love Steve. And he's still his DNA is still the foundation of the company, and always will be. I revere him and wish that he were still here


Yeah, we all wish that. You know, I came from not a really big city in China. And I'm talking to Tim Cook right now. So I do have to thank the Internet for that.

Tim Cook:很高興接受你的採訪,過去這一年著實考驗了我們的韌性,祝願大家快樂健康,這些可能在過去都是視作理所當然的事情,過去這一年讓我們意識到它們有多麼重要,中英文有一句非常相似的成語:同舟共濟,我堅信我們都在同一條船上,可以一起做了不起的事情。我們可以一起戰勝疫情,我們一起可以做的事情太多了。

It has been wonderful talking with you. This has been a year that we've needed resilience like no other. And I can't wish enough happiness and health, and all of those things that sometimes we take for granted, but we've been reminded of the last year of how important they are. There's an old English and Chinese saying about we're all in the same boat. And I do believe that. I believe we're all in the same boat, and we can do amazing things together. We can get out of this pandemic together. There're so many things that we can do together

Tim Cook:新年快樂!

Happy New year!

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