

Layer launches "unhackable" wallet for storing cryptocurrency

Benjamin Hubert的Layer設計工作室推出了Trove產品,這是一款數字錢包以及與其相關聯的應用系統,用於儲存密碼貨幣,防止它們丟失或被盜竊。



Benjamin Hubert's design studio Layer has launched Trove, a digital wallet and app system that allow you to store your cryptocurrency without fear of loss or theft.

Layer collaborated with fintech startup Trove to launch the products, which are designed to make it safer and easier to store and manage digital currencies such as bitcoin.

The system keeps cryptocurrency offline, making it less susceptible to hackers, and also incorporates smart security systems, making it much harder to lose if you forget your password. The designers call it unhackable and unloseable.

Trove是一款數字錢包和app系統,讓您安全離線儲存加密貨幣/Trove is a digital wallet and app system that allow you to safely store your cryptocurrency offline




Trove consists of four parts: Coin, Keep, Safe, and the Trove app.

Coin is a small wearable device that allows users to store currency for everyday spending, like a wallet or purse. Measuring just two centimetres wide, it can be easily carried around in a pocket or worn on the body like jewellery.

Currently in the prototype stage, the device comes with an inbuilt electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor that means it can only be opened biometrically. This means users need to press their skin against the contact zone on the front of the device for a few seconds to unlock it.

該系統以“鈕釦”為中心,是一種小型的可穿戴裝置,使用者可以儲存貨幣用於日常消費,就像錢包一樣/The system centres around Coin, a small wearable device that allows users to store currency for everyday spending, like a wallet or purse








Just like fingerprint or iris detection, the ECG sensor recognises the user's unique heartbeat pattern, and uses it as a mode of verification. This activates a bluetooth connection with the Trove app, providing access to the data and funds contained within.

This feature makes the product markedly different from cryptocurrency wallets that use static encryption keys – complex passwords or pin numbers – to provide access.

"Researchers speculate that 35 per cent of all bitcoins have been lost due to irrecoverable passwords," said Layer. "As the security of bitcoin is based on complex private keys that allow the transfer of funds, once the private key is lost, it is extremely improbable that lost coins can be recovered."

"This system is much simpler than existing systems that require complex password recovery systems or the need to print multiple pages of unique cryptographic hashes," it added.

Coin comes in two materials, black aerated aluminium and silver anodised aluminium, and can be magnetically attached to three different accessories, a wristband, necklace or brooch, giving plenty of options for personalisation.

The wristband comes in a variety of Kvadrat textiles, while the necklace features a variety of fascias, in material including terrazzo, acrylic or ceramic.

"The Trove Coin is designed to fit a user's personal style," said Layer. "The user has the option to openly display the Coin as a fashion accessory, or wear it in a more discreet manner."

Keep是給硬幣充電的裝置/Keep is a container used to inductively charge the Coin





Keep and Safe are both designed to be used alongside Coin.

Keep is a container made from volcanic rock and polycarbonate, which is powered by a USB-C port. It is used to inductively charge the Coin.

Meanwhile Safe is a "discreet personal home bank", protected by ECG verification, which allows users to safely store cryptocurrency at home.

"While Coin stores currency for daily use, Safe holds your decentralised personal wealth at home," said Layer.

Trove app為整個系統提供介面,它附帶跟蹤功能,幫助使用者定位他們的鈕釦/The Trove app provides the interface for the whole system. It comes with a tracking function to help users locate their Coin

Trove app為整個系統提供介面。使用者可以跟蹤他們的開銷,監視貨幣價值隨時間的變化,並比較不同加密貨幣的屬性。

Trove app附帶跟蹤功能,讓使用者知道他們的“鈕釦”在任何時候的確切位置,此外他還附帶智慧財務顧問。

Benjamin Hubert在2015年將他的工作室更名為“ Layer”,作為轉向更“以人為本”專案的一部分。該團隊開發了許多技術產品,包括無線充電電子裝置的陶瓷托盤和跟蹤碳足跡的腕帶。


The Trove app provides the interface for the whole system. Users can keep track of their spending history, monitor how the value of the currency changes over time, and compare the performance of different cryptocurrencies.

The app also comes with a tracking function to let users know exactly where their Coin is at all times, as well as an AI financial advisor.

Benjamin Hubert rebranded his studio as Layer back in 2015, as part of a shift towards more "human-focused" projects. The team has worked on numerous tech products, including ceramic trays that wirelessly charge electronic devices and wristbands that track carbon footprints.

This latest project recognises the growing interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain. Other recent designs in the field include an app that teaches kids to use the tech.


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