地時間8月5日,美媒CNBC記者費伯(David Faber)在該頻道的新聞節目上表示,微軟和短視訊應用TikTok計劃在三週內完成收購談判,這筆交易的估值最多達300億美元。且微軟已同意,若交易成功,將在一年內把維持TikTok運營的全部程式碼從中國帶回美國。這其中包括多達1500萬行的人工智慧程式碼,有助於鞏固其在收購該公司方面的領先地位。
此前微軟在一篇博文中證實,他們正在與TikTok母公司位元組跳動進行談判,計劃收購TikTok在美國、加拿大、澳洲和紐西蘭的業務。《商業內幕》報道稱,儘管美國是TikTok最大的市場之一,但根據移動應用資料分析公司Sensor Tower的資料顯示,過去一個月裡,微軟提到的這四個國家的使用者下載量僅佔TikTok整體下載量的10.3%。
蓬佩奧表示,他同司法部長巴爾(William Barr)、國防部長埃斯珀(Mark Esper) 等官員一同,敦促美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)撤銷和終止授權中國電信、中國聯通、Pacific Networks Corp及其子公司ComNet (USA)等三家公司在美國的往來電信服務。
2、乾淨的應用商店(APP Store):從美國移動應用商店中刪除不受信任的APP應用。這些APP應用威脅著我們的隱私,傳播病毒,並傳播宣傳和虛假資訊。必須在手機上保護美中國人最敏感的個人和商業資訊,防止其遭到剝削和盜竊。
The Clean Network program is the Trump Administration’s comprehensive approach to guarding our citizens’ privacy and our companies’ most sensitive information from aggressive intrusions by malign actors, such as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Today, I am announcing the launch of five new lines of effort to protect America’s critical telecommunications and technology infrastructure.
These programs are rooted in internationally accepted digital trust standards and built upon the 5G Clean Path initiative, announced on April 29, 2020, to secure data traveling on 5G networks into U.S. diplomatic facilities overseas and within the United States.
The five new lines of effort for the Clean Network are as follows:
Clean Carrier: To ensure untrusted People’s Republic of China (PRC) carriers are not connected with U.S. telecommunications networks. Such companies pose a danger to U.S. national security and should not provide international telecommunications services to and from the United States.Clean Store: To remove untrusted applications from U.S. mobile app stores. PRC apps threaten our privacy, proliferate viruses, and spread propaganda and disinformation. American’s most sensitive personal and business information must be protected on their mobile phones from exploitation and theft for the CCP’s benefit.Clean Apps: To prevent untrusted PRC smartphone manufacturers from pre-installing –or otherwise making available for download – trusted apps on their apps store. Huawei, an arm of the PRC surveillance state, is trading on the innovations and reputations of leading U.S. and foreign companies. These companies should remove their apps from Huawei’s app store to ensure they are not partnering with a human rights abuser.Clean Cloud: To prevent U.S. citizens’ most sensitive personal information and our businesses’ most valuable intellectual property, including COVID-19 vaccine research, from being stored and processed on cloud-based systems accessible to our foreign adversaries through companies such as Alibaba, Baidu, and Tencent.Clean Cable: To ensure the undersea cables connecting our country to the global internet are not subverted for intelligence gathering by the PRC at hyper scale. We will also work with foreign partners to ensure that undersea cables around the world aren’t similarly subject to compromise.Momentum for the Clean Network program is growing. More than thirty countries and territories are now Clean Countries, and many of the world’s biggest telecommunications companies are Clean Telcos. All have committed to exclusively using trusted vendors in their Clean Networks.
The United States calls on our allies and partners in government and industry around the world to join the growing tide to secure our data from the CCP’s surveillance state and other malign entities. Building a Clean fortress around our citizens’ data will ensure all of our nations’ security.