
一、 前言



一定注意閱讀git上的README.md說明,避免 system 使用者被鎖定。


1、需要使用oracle使用者執行2、使用說明1)、多例項下執行此指令碼:宣告例項名;執行時跟上此例項對應的 system 密碼

$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl$ chmod +x orawatch.sh$ ./orawatch.sh system/yourpassword

或者是將此例項對應的 system 密碼填寫到指令碼中,隨後執行

$ vi orawatch.shsqlstr="system/system"$ chmod +x orawatch.sh$ ./orawatch.sh

2)、請注意一定要將對應例項名的對應system密碼填寫至指令碼如下位置,或是執行時跟上對應例項的system密碼,否則將造成 system 使用者因密碼錯誤而被鎖定


SQL> alter user system account unlock;alter user system identified by yourpassword;



#!/bin/bash# script_name: orawatch.sh# Author: Danrtsey.Shun# Email:[email protected]# usage:# chmod +x orawatch.sh# export ORACLE_SID=orcl# ./orawatch.sh system/yourpasswordipaddress=`ip a|grep "global"|awk '{print $2}' |awk -F/ '{print $1}'`file_output=${ipaddress}'os_oracle_summary.html'td_str=''th_str=''sqlstr=$1test $1if [ $? = 1 ]; then echo echo "Info...You did not enter a value for sqlstr." echo "Info...Using default value = system/system" sqlstr="system/system"fiexport NLS_LANG='american_america.AL32UTF8'#yum -y install bc sysstat net-toolscreate_html_css(){  echo -e "<html><head><style type="text/css">    body        {font:12px Courier New,Helvetica,sansserif; color:black; background:White;}    table,tr,td {font:12px Courier New,Helvetica,sansserif; color:Black; background:#FFFFCC; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;}     th          {font:bold 12px Courier New,Helvetica,sansserif; color:White; background:#0033FF; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;}     h1          {font:bold 12pt Courier New,Helvetica,sansserif; color:Black; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;} </style></head><body>"}create_html_head(){echo -e "<h1>$1</h1>"}create_table_head1(){  echo -e "<table width="68%" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0px" style="border-collapse:collapse">"}create_table_head2(){  echo -e "<table width="100%" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0px" style="border-collapse:collapse">"}create_td(){    td_str=`echo $1 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"}''{i=1; while(i<=NF) {print "<td>"$i"</td>";i++}}'`}create_th(){    th_str=`echo $1|awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"}''{i=1; while(i<=NF) {print "<th>"$i"</th>";i++}}'`}create_tr1(){  create_td "$1"  echo -e "<tr>    $td_str  </tr>" >> $file_output}create_tr2(){  create_th "$1"  echo -e "<tr>    $th_str  </tr>" >> $file_output}create_tr3(){  echo -e "<tr><td>  <pre style=\"font-family:Courier New; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap\" >  `cat $1`  </pre></td></tr>" >> $file_output}create_table_end(){  echo -e "</table>"}create_html_end(){  echo -e "</body></html>"}NAME_VAL_LEN=12name_val () {   printf "%+*s | %s\n" "${NAME_VAL_LEN}" "$1" "$2"}get_netinfo(){   echo "interface | status | ipadds     |      mtu    |  Speed     |     Duplex" >>/tmp/tmpnet_h1_`date +%y%m%d`.txt   for ipstr in `ifconfig -a|grep ": flags"|awk  '{print $1}'|sed 's/.$//'`   do      ipadds=`ifconfig ${ipstr}|grep -w inet|awk '{print $2}'`      mtu=`ifconfig ${ipstr}|grep mtu|awk '{print $NF}'`      speed=`ethtool ${ipstr}|grep Speed|awk -F: '{print $2}'`      duplex=`ethtool ${ipstr}|grep Duplex|awk -F: '{print $2}'`      echo "${ipstr}"  "up" "${ipadds}" "${mtu}" "${speed}" "${duplex}"\      |awk '{print $1,"|", $2,"|", $3,"|", $4,"|", $5,"|", $6}'  >>/tmp/tmpnet1_`date +%y%m%d`.txt   done}ora_base_info(){  echo "######################## 1.資料庫版本"  echo "select ' ' as \"--1.Database Version\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_base_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  echo "Select version FROM Product_component_version Where SUBSTR(PRODUCT,1,6)='Oracle';" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_base_`date +%y%m%d`.txt}ora_archive_info(){  echo "######################## 2.歸檔狀態"  echo "select ' ' as \"--2.DB Archive Mode\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_archive_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  echo "select archiver from v\$instance;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_archive_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  sed -i '33!d' /tmp/tmpora_archive_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  archive_string=`cat /tmp/tmpora_archive_\`date +%y%m%d\`.txt`  if [ $archive_string = STARTED ];then    echo "set linesize 333;	col FILE_TYPE for a13;    select FILE_TYPE,PERCENT_SPACE_USED as \"佔用率(%)\",PERCENT_SPACE_RECLAIMABLE,NUMBER_OF_FILES,CON_ID from v\$flash_recovery_area_usage where FILE_TYPE = 'ARCHIVED LOG';    show parameter log_archive;	col NAME for a40;	col 已使用空間 for a13;	select NAME,SPACE_LIMIT/1024/1024 as \"最大空間(M)\",SPACE_USED/1024/1024 as \"已使用空間(M)\",SPACE_RECLAIMABLE,NUMBER_OF_FILES,CON_ID from v\$recovery_file_dest;" >ora_sql.sql    sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_archive_`date +%y%m%d`.txt	for i in `seq 2`; do sed -i '$d' /tmp/tmpora_archive_`date +%y%m%d`.txt ; done  fi}ora_mem_info(){  echo "######################## 3.1 記憶體引數memory"  echo "select ' ' as \"--3.1.DB memory\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_mem_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  echo "set line 2500;  show parameter memory;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_mem_`date +%y%m%d`.txt}ora_sga_info(){  echo "######################## 3.2 記憶體引數sga"  echo "select ' ' as \"--3.2.DB sga\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_sga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  echo "set line 2500;  show parameter sga;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_sga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt}ora_pga_info(){  echo "######################## 3.3 記憶體引數pga"  echo "select ' ' as \"--3.3.DB pga\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_pga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  echo "set line 2500;  show parameter pga;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_pga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt}ora_dbfile_info(){  echo "######################## 4.表空間是否自動擴充套件"  echo "select ' ' as \"--4.DB dbfile\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  echo "set lines 2500;  col TABLESPACE_NAME for a15;  col FILE_NAME for a60;  select FILE_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME, AUTOEXTENSIBLE, maxbytes/1024/1024 as max_m,increment_by/1024/1024 as incre_m  from dba_data_files;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_`date +%y%m%d`.txt}ora_dbfile_useage_info(){  echo "######################## 5.表空間使用率"  echo "select ' ' as \"--5.DB dbfile useage\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_useage_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  echo "set line 2500;  col 表空間名 for a14;  SELECT UPPER(F.TABLESPACE_NAME) \"表空間名\",D.TOT_GROOTTE_MB \"表空間大小(G)\",D.TOT_GROOTTE_MB - F.TOTAL_BYTES \"已使用空間(G)\",TO_CHAR(ROUND((D.TOT_GROOTTE_MB - F.TOTAL_BYTES) / D.TOT_GROOTTE_MB * 100,2),'990.99') || '%' \"使用比\",F.TOTAL_BYTES \"空閒空間(G)\",F.MAX_BYTES \"最大塊(G)\" FROM (SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME,ROUND(SUM(BYTES) / (1024 * 1024*1024), 2) TOTAL_BYTES,ROUND(MAX(BYTES) / (1024 * 1024*1024), 2) MAX_BYTES FROM SYS.DBA_FREE_SPACE   where tablespace_name<> 'USERS' GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME) F,(SELECT DD.TABLESPACE_NAME,ROUND(SUM(DD.BYTES) / (1024 * 1024*1024), 2) TOT_GROOTTE_MB FROM SYS.DBA_DATA_FILES DD where dd.tablespace_name<> 'USERS' GROUP BY DD.TABLESPACE_NAME) D WHERE D.TABLESPACE_NAME = F.TABLESPACE_NAME ORDER BY 1;" >ora_sql.sql  sqlplus $sqlstr <ora_sql.sql>>/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_useage_`date +%y%m%d`.txt}create_html(){  rm -rf $file_output  touch $file_output  create_html_css >> $file_output  create_html_head "0 Network Info Summary" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  get_netinfo  while read line  do    create_tr2 "$line"   done < /tmp/tmpnet_h1_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  while read line  do    create_tr1 "$line"   done < /tmp/tmpnet1_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  create_table_end >> $file_output  create_html_head "1 Version of Database" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  ora_base_info  sed -i '27,33!d' /tmp/tmpora_base_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  sed -i '2,3d' /tmp/tmpora_base_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  create_tr3 "/tmp/tmpora_base_`date +%y%m%d`.txt"  create_table_end >> $file_output  create_html_head "2 Status of archive_log" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  ora_archive_info  sed -i '2,11d' /tmp/tmpora_archive_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  create_tr3 "/tmp/tmpora_archive_`date +%y%m%d`.txt"  create_table_end >> $file_output  create_html_head "3.1 memory Config of Database" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  ora_mem_info  sed -i '1,30d' /tmp/tmpora_mem_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  for i in `seq 2`; do sed -i '$d' /tmp/tmpora_mem_`date +%y%m%d`.txt ; done  create_tr3 "/tmp/tmpora_mem_`date +%y%m%d`.txt"  create_table_end >> $file_output  create_html_head "3.2 sga Config of Database" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  ora_sga_info  sed -i '1,30d' /tmp/tmpora_sga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  for i in `seq 2`; do sed -i '$d' /tmp/tmpora_sga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt ; done  create_tr3 "/tmp/tmpora_sga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt"  create_table_end >> $file_output  create_html_head "3.3 pga Config of Database" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  ora_pga_info  sed -i '1,30d' /tmp/tmpora_pga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  for i in `seq 2`; do sed -i '$d' /tmp/tmpora_pga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt ; done  create_tr3 "/tmp/tmpora_pga_`date +%y%m%d`.txt"  create_table_end >> $file_output  create_html_head "4 dbfile autoextensible of Database" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  ora_dbfile_info  sed -i '1,30d' /tmp/tmpora_dbfile_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  for i in `seq 2`; do sed -i '$d' /tmp/tmpora_dbfile_`date +%y%m%d`.txt ; done  create_tr3 "/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_`date +%y%m%d`.txt"  create_table_end >> $file_output  create_html_head "5 dbfile usage of Database" >> $file_output  create_table_head1 >> $file_output  ora_dbfile_useage_info  sed -i '1,30d' /tmp/tmpora_dbfile_useage_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  for i in `seq 2`; do sed -i '$d' /tmp/tmpora_dbfile_useage_`date +%y%m%d`.txt ; done  create_tr3 "/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_useage_`date +%y%m%d`.txt"  create_table_end >> $file_output    create_html_end >> $file_output  sed -i 's/BORDER=1/width="68%" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0px" style="border-collapse:collapse"/g' $file_output  rm -rf /tmp/tmp*_`date +%y%m%d`.txt  rm -rf ora_sql.sql}PLATFORM=`uname`if [ ${PLATFORM} = "HP-UX" ] ; then    echo "This script does not support HP-UX platform for the time being"exit 1elif [ ${PLATFORM} = "SunOS" ] ; then    echo "This script does not support SunOS platform for the time being"exit 1elif [ ${PLATFORM} = "AIX" ] ; then    echo "This script does not support AIX platform for the time being"exit 1elif [ ${PLATFORM} = "Linux" ] ; then  create_htmlfi

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