Selenium是開源的,可以被免費使用。諸如C#、Python、JavaScript、以及Ruby on Rails等流行程式語言,可以被無縫地用於Selenium框架。Selenium擁有龐大且持續的社群,能夠為使用者提供支援。使用者可以針對自動化的GUI測試,下載各種WebDriver,以支援諸如Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge等時下流行的Web瀏覽器。諸如Hypothesis、Robot Framework等流行且適用於Python的框架,可以透過使用它的各種輸入值,來執行測試。更多有關Selenium的詳細介紹
線上對2000多種真實的瀏覽器和作業系統,進行基於Selenium的自動化和實時互動式跨瀏覽器測試。只需更改最少量的程式碼,即可將既有的測試移植到LambdaTest平臺上。利用併發會話和並行執行的方式,來更快獲取測試結果。透過檢視LambdaTest伺服器上針對某項測試的除錯日誌,來跟蹤自動化測試,並分析失敗的原因。使用Remote Selenium WebDriver,為那些強大的程式語言(如C#、Python、Ruby on Rails等),生成並實現跨瀏覽器的功能。使用詳細的報告機制,來分析待測系統的效能。下面是使用LambdaTest在雲端進行Selenium測試的具體步驟:
步驟3:瀏覽器功能生成器(Browser Capabilities Generator)
由於要在雲端執行測試,因此您需要在Selenium Grid雲上配置各種屬性,其中包括:選擇程式語言,指定用於測試的作業系統、瀏覽器型別、解析度、以及版本號。
如上圖所示,您可以登入平臺,使用功能生成器來生成相關功能,以便執行跨瀏覽器的各種測試。之後,您需要轉到“自動化”選項卡,以監視自動化瀏覽器的測試狀態。同時,每一個測試都將具有與之相關聯的測試ID和內部版本ID。其格式為--https://automation.lambdatest.com/logs/?testID=< test-id >&build=< build-id >。
執行雲端Selenium測試有了前面的基礎,下面讓我們來看一個Python示例,它演示瞭如何使用LambdaTest上的遠端Selenium Grid,在雲端進行Selenium測試。
序列測試序列測試(Serial testing)是一種以序列方式(即,逐個順次進行)執行測試的實踐。它會在上一個測試完成之後,再執行下一個測試。使用序列測試的缺點是:由於沒有充分利用Selenium測試框架和雲基礎架構的資源,因此它增加了測試執行的時間。針對此類測試,我們來討論如下的測試步驟:
1 # Python example demonstrates Selenium testing on the Cloud using LambdaTest platform 2 import time 3 import unittest 4 import selenium 5 import urllib3 6 import time 7 import warnings 8 from time import sleep 9 from selenium import webdriver 10 11 test_url = "https://www.duckduckgo.com" 12 13 # Desired browser capabilities generated using LambdaTest Capabilities Generator 14 # https://www.lambdatest.com/capabilities-generator/ 15 16 desired_capabilities = { 17 "build" : "Selenium testing on the Cloud using LambdaTest", 18 "name" : "Selenium testing on the Cloud using LambdaTest", 19 "platform" : "Windows 10", 20 "browserName" : "Chrome", 21 "version" : "72.0" 22 } 23 24 class SeachTest(unittest.TestCase): 25 def setUp(self): 26 print("Start - SetUp") 27 28 # Ignore ResourceWarning related warnings 29 warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", message="unclosed", category=ResourceWarning) 30 31 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) 32 user_name = "user-name" 33 app_key = "app_key" 34 35 # Username and Access Token to use the LambdaTest platform 36 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub" 37 self.driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=remote_url, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities) 38 39 print("End - SetUp") 40 41 def test_selenium_on_cloud(self): 42 print("Start - test_selenium_on_cloud") 43 self.driver.maximize_window() 44 self.driver.get(test_url) 45 46 # time.sleep(5) 47 sleep(5) 48 49 # Locate the element using the Inspect tool of the browser 50 elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='search_form_input_homepage']") 51 elem.send_keys("Lambdatest") 52 53 # Execute the search 54 elem.submit() 55 56 # Sleep for 10 seconds in order to see the results 57 sleep(5) 58 59 print("End - test_selenium_on_cloud") 60 61 def tearDown(self): 62 print("Start - tearDown") 63 # Close the browser. 64 self.driver.quit() 65 66 print("End - tearDown") 67 68 if __name__ == '__main__': 69 unittest.main()
user_name = "user-name" 2 app_key = "app_key" 3 4 # Username and Access Token to use the LambdaTest platform 5 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub"
我們使用LambdaTest Capabilities Generator來生成瀏覽器和平臺的功能,同時需要選擇用於實現的程式語言,以及瀏覽器規格。在此,我們的Python程式碼為:
desired_capabilities = { 2 "build" : "Selenium testing on the Cloud", 3 "name" : "Selenium testing on the Cloud using LambdaTest", 4 "platform" : "Windows 10", 5 "browserName" : "Chrome", 6 "version" : "72.0" 7 } 8 9 ……………………………………………………………………… 10 ……………………………………………………………………… 11 self.driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=remote_url, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities)
# Locate the element using the Inspect tool of the browser 2 elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='search_form_input_homepage']") 3 elem.send_keys("Lambdatest")
為了演示雲端Selenium測試,我們使用了unittest框架,以及Selenium測試套件,從終端呼叫python命令—“python ”來執行。
並行測試Selenium中的並行測試(Parallel testing)是指:透過併發執行自動化測試套件或用例,來減少測試的執行時間。雖然測試套件的組合是在多臺伺服器上被並行執行,但是每臺伺服器一次仍然只執行一個測試。
在具體實現中,我們使用LambdaTest Capabilities Generator生成了針對Chrome和IE瀏覽器的兩種瀏覽器功能。
desired_capabilities = { 2 "build" : "Parallel Testing - Selenium testing on the Cloud [Chrome]", 3 "name" : "Parallel Testing - Selenium testing on the Cloud [Chrome]", 4 "platform" : "Windows 10", 5 "browserName" : "Chrome", 6 "version" : "72.0" 7 }
desired_capabilities = { 2 "build" : "Parallel Testing - Selenium testing on the Cloud [IE]", 3 "name" : "Parallel Testing - Selenium testing on the Cloud [IE]", 4 "platform" : "Windows 7", 5 "browserName" : "Internet Explorer", 6 "version" : "11.0", 7 "ie.compatibility" : 11001 8 }
# Python example demonstrates Selenium testing on the Cloud using LambdaTest platform 2 import time 3 import unittest 4 import selenium 5 import urllib3 6 import time 7 import warnings 8 from time import sleep 9 from selenium import webdriver 10 11 test_url = "https://www.duckduckgo.com" 12 13 # Desired browser capabilities generated using LambdaTest Capabilities Generator 14 # https://www.lambdatest.com/capabilities-generator/ 15 16 desired_capabilities = { 17 "build" : "Parallel Testing - Selenium testing on the Cloud [IE]", 18 "name" : "Parallel Testing - Selenium testing on the Cloud [ChromeIE]", 19 "platform" : "Windows 7", 20 "browserName" : "Internet Explorer", 21 "version" : "11.0", 22 "ie.compatibility" : 11001 23 } 24 25 class SeachTest(unittest.TestCase): 26 def setUp(self): 27 print("Start - SetUp") 28 29 # Ignore ResourceWarning related warnings 30 warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", message="unclosed", category=ResourceWarning) 31 32 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) 33 # user_name = "user-name" 34 # app_key = "app_key" 35 user_name = "[email protected]" 36 app_key = "fbI6kxucn5iRzwt5GWYiNvaPb4Olu9R8lwBsXWTSaIOebXn4x9" 37 38 # Username and Access Token to use the LambdaTest platform 39 remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + app_key + "@hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub" 40 self.driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=remote_url, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities) 41 42 print("End - SetUp") 43 44 def test_selenium_on_cloud(self): 45 print("Start - test_selenium_on_cloud") 46 self.driver.maximize_window() 47 self.driver.get(test_url) 48 49 # time.sleep(5) 50 sleep(5) 51 52 # Locate the element using the Inspect tool of the browser 53 elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='search_form_input_homepage']") 54 elem.send_keys("Lambdatest") 55 56 # Execute the search 57 elem.submit() 58 59 # Sleep for 10 seconds in order to see the results 60 sleep(5) 61 62 print("End - test_selenium_on_cloud") 63 64 def tearDown(self): 65 print("Start - tearDown") 66 # Close the browser. 67 self.driver.quit() 68 69 print("End - tearDown") 70 71 if __name__ == '__main__': 72 unittest.main()