開始看吧,和從開始到放棄說再見俗話說的好,沒吃過豬肉還沒見過豬跑?Python雖然對大多數小白來說,可能是從入門到放棄的過程。探究起來,可能初入門的同學沒見到過Python美麗的全景,一直埋頭寫hello world太多了,喪失了對Python的愛才是放棄的主要原因吧。
Python簡介Python是一種高階的,面向物件的,解釋性的程式語言,已經引起了全世界的關注。Stack Overflow發現其38.8%的使用者主要在其專案中使用Python。Python又名為Guido Van Rossum的開發人員建立。
適用於初學者的Python專案| Python專案範例如何使用Python建立專案?這個問題的答案非常簡單明瞭。這一切都始於學習Python的基礎知識和所有基礎知識。基本上,這是一個衡量指標,可以瞭解您使用Python的舒適程度。
Python入門級專案Python子手遊戲與Python使用Pygame的蛇遊戲使用Python的科學計算器使用Python Flask的產品目標網頁使用Python的URL縮短器Python中級專案使用Python進行網頁爬取探索性資料分析在Python中使用Kivy的Pong遊戲使用Python Flask / Django Web框架的登入系統泰坦尼克號資料的生存預測Python高階專案使用OpenCV Python進行面罩檢測使用Python進行語音識別使用Python進行文字轉語音Python中的聊天機器人使用Selenium的Web瀏覽器自動化讓我們從檢查Python專案的第一級開始。
Python初學者專案:使用Python的猜詞遊戲我們可以考慮的最好的初學者專案是Hangman遊戲。我敢肯定,閱讀此Python Projects部落格的大多數人在您生命中的某個時間點都曾玩過猜詞。簡單地說,這裡的主要目標是建立一個“猜詞”遊戲。聽起來很簡單,但是您需要注意某些關鍵事項。
Hangmanfrom string import ascii_lowercasefrom words import get_random_word def get_num_attempts(): """Get user-inputted number of incorrect attempts for the game.""" while True: num_attempts = input( 'How many incorrect attempts do you want? [1-25] ') try: num_attempts = int(num_attempts) if 1 <= num_attempts <= 25: return num_attempts else: print('{0} is not between 1 and 25'.format(num_attempts)) except ValueError: print('{0} is not an integer between 1 and 25'.format( num_attempts)) def get_min_word_length(): """Get user-inputted minimum word length for the game.""" while True: min_word_length = input( 'What minimum word length do you want? [4-16] ') try: min_word_length = int(min_word_length) if 4 <= min_word_length <= 16: return min_word_length else: print('{0} is not between 4 and 16'.format(min_word_length)) except ValueError: print('{0} is not an integer between 4 and 16'.format( min_word_length)) def get_display_word(word, idxs): """Get the word suitable for display.""" if len(word) != len(idxs): raise ValueError('Word length and indices length are not the same') displayed_word = ''.join( [letter if idxs[i] else '*' for i, letter in enumerate(word)]) return displayed_word.strip() def get_next_letter(remaining_letters): """Get the user-inputted next letter.""" if len(remaining_letters) == 0: raise ValueError('There are no remaining letters') while True: next_letter = input('Choose the next letter: ').lower() if len(next_letter) != 1: print('{0} is not a single character'.format(next_letter)) elif next_letter not in ascii_lowercase: print('{0} is not a letter'.format(next_letter)) elif next_letter not in remaining_letters: print('{0} has been guessed before'.format(next_letter)) else: remaining_letters.remove(next_letter) return next_letter def play_hangman(): """Play a game of hangman. At the end of the game, returns if the player wants to retry. """ # Let player specify difficulty print('Starting a game of Hangman...') attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts() min_word_length = get_min_word_length() # Randomly select a word print('Selecting a word...') word = get_random_word(min_word_length) print() # Initialize game state variables idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word] remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase) wrong_letters = [] word_solved = False # Main game loop while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved: # Print current game state print('Word: {0}'.format(get_display_word(word, idxs))) print('Attempts Remaining: {0}'.format(attempts_remaining)) print('Previous Guesses: {0}'.format(' '.join(wrong_letters))) # Get player's next letter guess next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters) # Check if letter guess is in word if next_letter in word: # Guessed correctly print('{0} is in the word!'.format(next_letter)) # Reveal matching letters for i in range(len(word)): if word[i] == next_letter: idxs[i] = True else: # Guessed incorrectly print('{0} is NOT in the word!'.format(next_letter)) # Decrement num of attempts left and append guess to wrong guesses attempts_remaining -= 1 wrong_letters.append(next_letter) # Check if word is completely solved if False not in idxs: word_solved = True print() # The game is over: reveal the word print('The word is {0}'.format(word)) # Notify player of victory or defeat if word_solved: print('Congratulations! You won!') else: print('Try again next time!') # Ask player if he/she wants to try again try_again = input('Would you like to try again? [y/Y] ') return try_again.lower() == 'y' if __name__ == '__main__': while play_hangman(): print()
2. Words.py
"""Function to fetch words.""" import random WORDLIST = 'wordlist.txt' def get_random_word(min_word_length): """Get a random word from the wordlist using no extra memory.""" num_words_processed = 0 curr_word = None with open(WORDLIST, 'r') as f: for word in f: if '(' in word or ')' in word: continue word = word.strip().lower() if len(word) < min_word_length: continue num_words_processed += 1 if random.randint(1, num_words_processed) == 1: curr_word = word return curr_word