1、 專案概述1.1 專案目標和主要內容迷宮遊戲是非常經典的遊戲,在該專案要求隨機生成一個迷宮,並求解迷宮
1.2 專案的主要功能隨機生成迷宮並求解
2、 專案設計2.1專案總體框架透過 Prim 演算法隨機建立迷宮 透過深度優先演算法求解迷宮
2.2 關鍵演算法分析prim演算法:演算法思想:*設N=(V,E)是連通網,TE是N上最小生成樹中邊的集合。*初始令U={U0},(U0∈V),TE={ }。*在所有u∈U,v∈V-U的邊(u,v)∈E中,找一條代價最小的邊(u0,v0).*將(u0,v0)併入集合TE,同時v0併入U0.*重複上述操作直至U=V為止,則T=(V.TE)為N的最小生成樹。
3、設計步驟3.1匯入模組import pyxelimport random
3.2生成迷宮採用 Prim 演算法生成迷宮。演算法分析:1、迷宮行和列必須為奇數。2、奇數行和奇數列的交叉點為路,其餘點為牆。迷宮四周全是牆。3、選定一個為路的單元格(本例選 [1,1]),然後把它的鄰牆放入列表 wall。4、當列表 wall 裡還有牆時:. 4.1、從列表裡隨機選一面牆,如果這面牆分隔的兩個單元格只有一個單元格被訪問過… 4.1.1、那就從列表裡移除這面牆,同時把牆打通… 4.1.2、將單元格標記為已訪問… 4.1.3、將未訪問的單元格的的鄰牆加入列表 wall. 4.2、如果這面牆兩面的單元格都已經被訪問過,那就從列表裡移除這面牆定義一個 Maze 類,用二維陣列表示迷宮地圖,其中 1 表示牆壁,0 表示路,然後初始化左上角為入口,右下角為出口,最後定義下方向向量。
class Maze: def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height #行和列為偶數時設定為0,0表示路,1表示牆 self.map = [[0 if x % 2 == 1 and y % 2 == 1 else 1 for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)] self.map[1][0] = 0 # 入口,第二行,第一列 self.map[height - 2][width - 1] = 0 # 出口 self.visited = [] # right up left down self.dx = [1, 0, -1, 0] self.dy = [0, -1, 0, 1] def set_value(self, point, value): self.map[point[1]][point[0]] = value def get_value(self, point): return self.map[point[1]][point[0]] # 獲取座標(x,y)的鄰居 返回資料結構為:二維陣列 def get_neighbor(self, x, y, value): res = [] for i in range(4): if 0 < x + self.dx[i] < self.width - 1 and 0 < y + self.dy[i] < self.height - 1 and \ self.get_value([x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i]]) == value: res.append([x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i]]) return res # 獲取座標(x,y) 的鄰牆 def get_neighbor_wall(self, point): return self.get_neighbor(point[0], point[1], 1) # 獲取座標(x,y) 的鄰路 def get_neighbor_road(self, point): return self.get_neighbor(point[0], point[1], 0) def deal_with_not_visited(self, point, wall_position, wall_list): if not [point[0], point[1]] in self.visited: #步驟4.1 self.set_value(wall_position, 0) #步驟4.1.1 self.visited.append(point) #步驟4.1.2 wall_list += self.get_neighbor_wall(point)#步驟4.1.3 def generate(self): start = [1, 1] self.visited.append(start) wall_list = self.get_neighbor_wall(start) #步驟3 while wall_list: #步驟4 wall_position = random.choice(wall_list) #步驟4.1 neighbor_road = self.get_neighbor_road(wall_position) wall_list.remove(wall_position) self.deal_with_not_visited(neighbor_road[0], wall_position, wall_list)#進行4.1 self.deal_with_not_visited(neighbor_road[1], wall_position, wall_list) def is_out_of_index(self, x, y): return x == 0 or x == self.width - 1 or y == 0 or y == self.height - 1
def dfs(self, x, y, path, visited=[]): # 越界 if self.is_out_of_index(x, y): return False # 訪問過 or 撞牆 if [x, y] in visited or self.get_value([x, y]) == 1: return False visited.append([x, y]) path.append([x, y]) # over if x == self.width - 2 and y == self.height - 2: return True # 遞迴過程 for i in range(4): if 0 < x + self.dx[i] < self.width - 1 and 0 < y + self.dy[i] < self.height - 1 and \ self.get_value([x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i]]) == 0: if self.dfs(x + self.dx[i], y + self.dy[i], path, visited): return True elif not self.is_out_of_index(x, y) and path[-1] != [x, y]: path.append([x, y]) # dfs def dfs_route(self): path = [] self.dfs(1, 1, path) ans = [[0, 1]] for i in range(len(path)): ans.append(path[i]) if 0 < i < len(path) - 1 and path[i - 1] == path[i + 1]: ans.append(path[i]) ans.append([width - 1, height - 2]) return ans # bfs def bfs_route(self): start = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'prev': None} now = start q = [start] visited = [[start['x'], start['y']]] # 1、從起點出發,獲取起點周圍所有連通的路 # 2、如果該路沒有走過,則加入佇列 Q,否則跳過 同時記錄其前驅節點 while q: now = q.pop(0) # 結束 if now['x'] == self.width - 2 and now['y'] == self.height - 2: break roads = my_maze.get_neighbor_road([now['x'], now['y']]) for road in roads: if not road in visited: visited.append(road) q.append({'x': road[0], 'y': road[1], 'prev': now}) ans = [] while now: ans.insert(0, [now['x'], now['y']]) now = now['prev'] ans.append([width - 1, height - 2]) return ans
class App: def __init__(self): #pyxel.init(width * pixel, height * pixel, caption='maze', border_width=10, border_color=0xFFFFFF) pyxel.init(width * pixel, height * pixel) self.death = True self.index = 0 self.route = [] self.step = 5 # 步長,數值越小速度越快,1:每次一格; 10:每次 1/10 格 self.color = start_point_color self.bfs_route = my_maze.bfs_route() self.dfs_route = my_maze.dfs_route() self.dfs_model = True pyxel.run(self.update, self.draw) def update(self): if pyxel.btn(pyxel.KEY_Q): pyxel.quit() if pyxel.btn(pyxel.KEY_S): self.death = False if not self.death: self.check_death() self.update_route() def draw(self): # draw maze for x in range(height): for y in range(width): color = road_color if my_maze.map[x][y] is 0 else wall_color pyxel.rect(y * pixel, x * pixel, pixel, pixel, color) pyxel.rect(0, pixel, pixel, pixel, start_point_color) pyxel.rect((width - 1) * pixel, (height - 2) * pixel, pixel, pixel, end_point_color) if self.index > 0: # draw route offset = pixel / 2 for i in range(len(self.route) - 1): curr = self.route[i] next = self.route[i + 1] self.color = backtrack_color if curr in self.route[:i] and next in self.route[:i] else route_color pyxel.line(curr[0] + offset, (curr[1] + offset), next[0] + offset, next[1] + offset, self.color) pyxel.circ(self.route[-1][0] + 2, self.route[-1][1] + 2, 1, head_color) def check_death(self): if self.dfs_model and len(self.route) == len(self.dfs_route) - 1: self.death = True elif not self.dfs_model and len(self.route) == len(self.bfs_route) - 1: self.death = True def update_route(self): index = int(self.index / self.step) self.index += 1 if index == len(self.route): # move if self.dfs_model: self.route.append([pixel * self.dfs_route[index][0], pixel * self.dfs_route[index][1]]) else: self.route.append([pixel * self.bfs_route[index][0], pixel * self.bfs_route[index][1]])App()
4、 結果