
許可權物件 authorization object–操作某個業務元素所需要的許可權(s_tcode,)許可權欄位 authorization–許可權管理的最小單元(作業)允許的操作 activity–允許的值 field value–

UseIn Work Clearance Management, various authorization objects and authorization profiles are required.

For more information on the SAP authorization concept, see Users and Roles (BC-SEC-USR).

FeaturesThe following table shows you the authorization objects and authorization profiles that are used in Work Clearance Management.

Authorization Objects

Authorization Object Description Authorization Field(see also Legend) UseS_TCODE Transaction code (TCODE) All transactionsI_BEGRP Authorization group (TCODE, BEGRP) All WCM objectsI_INGRP Planner group (TCODE, IWERK, INGRP) All WCM objectsI_IWERK Planning plant (TCODE, IWERK) All WCM objectsI_SOGEN Approvals (SWERK, PMSOG) All WCM objectsI_CONFLICTChecks/Simulations(IWERK, WC_CONFTYP)Operational WCDsI_WCUSEUses(IWERK, OBJART, OBJTYP, WCUSE, AKTTYP)All WCM objectsI_FCODEFunction codes(IWERK, OBJART, OBJTYP, WC_FCODE)All WCM objectsI_VALValuation(IWERK, VAL)OrderLegend for the Authorization Fields

Authorization FieldDescriptionAKTTYPActivity type (Create, change, display)BEGRPAuthorization groupINGRPPlanner groupIWERKPlanning plantOBJARTObject type (Work approval, Application, Work clearance document)OBJTYObject category (Work clearance application, additional application, WCD template, Operational WCD)PMSOGApprovalTCODETransaction codeVALValuationWC_CONFTYPConflict categoryWC_FCODEFunction codeWCUSEUse of WCM objectsAuthorization Profiles

Authorization ProfileDescriptionI_WCM_ALLAll authorizations for Work Clearance ManagementI_CONF_ALLAll authorizations for checks and simulationsI_FCODE_ALLAll authorizations for function codesI_WCUSE_ALLAll authorizations for usesI_VAL_ALLAll authorizations for the valuationI_PM_ALLAll authorizations for Plant Maintenance (PM)See also:

Electronic Signature


1、致力於SAP ERP系統應用的服務商;







  • BSA-TRITC(10mg/ml) TRITC-BSA 牛血清白蛋白改性標記羅丹明
  • SAP系統許可權管理及引數設定