
Python由荷蘭數學和計算機科學研究學會的Guido van Rossum 於1990 年代初設計,作為一門叫做ABC語言的替代品。Python提供了高效的高階資料結構,還能簡單有效地面向物件程式設計。Python語法和動態型別,以及解釋型語言的本質,使它成為多數平臺上寫指令碼和快速開發應用的程式語言,隨著版本的不斷更新和語言新功能的新增,逐漸被用於獨立的、大型專案的開發。

Python was designed in the early 1990s by Guido van Rossum of the Dutch Society of Mathematics and Computer Science Research as an alternative to the ABC language. Python provides efficient high-level data structures, as well as simple and effective object-oriented programming. Python syntax and dynamic typing, as well as the nature of interpreted languages, make it a programming language for scripting and rapid application development on most platforms. With the continuous update of the version and the addition of new language features, it has gradually been used for independent, large-scale applications. Project development.(來源:Google翻譯)


Python直譯器易於擴充套件,可以使用C或C++(或者其他可以透過C呼叫的語言)擴充套件新的功能和資料型別。 [4] Python 也可用於可定製化軟體中的擴充套件程式語言。Python豐富的標準庫,提供了適用於各個主要系統平臺的原始碼或機器碼。

The Python interpreter is easy to extend, and you can use C or C++ (or other languages that can be called by C) to extend new functions and data types. Python can also be used as an extended programming language in customizable software. Python's rich standard library provides source code or machine code suitable for each major system platform.(來源:Google翻譯)



One of the design goals of Python is to make the code highly readable. It is designed to use punctuation and English words frequently used in other languages as much as possible to make the code look neat and beautiful. It is not like other static languages, such as C and Pascal, which require repeated writing of declaration statements, nor does it often have special circumstances and accidents like their syntax.(來源:Google翻譯)


Web 和 Internet開發







Python is an interpreted scripting language that can be used in the following areas:

Web and Internet development

Scientific calculations and statistics

artificial intelligence

Desktop interface development

Software development

Back-end development

Web Crawler

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