Microsoft Teams just added two new apps to boost your productivity


Microsoft Power Apps Bulletins and Milestones come to Teams, and can be tailored using low-code tools.


Microsoft has unveiled two new Power Apps to add to its Teams online collaboration package, with Bulletins and Milestones arriving as line-of-business applications for Dataverse for Teams.


The Bulletins and Milestones apps are built on the Power Platform, and so can be extended using the low-code platform within Teams to tailor the apps to each business's needs, which Microsoft said would enable "immediate productivity gains". Dataverse is the new name for Microsoft's previously vaguely named big data service called the Common Data Service (CDS), which it used inside Teams.

這些公告和里程碑式的應用程式都建立在 power 平臺上,因此可以利用團隊內部的低程式碼平臺來擴充套件,以便根據每個企業的需求定製應用程式,微軟表示,這將實現“即時的生產力提高”。資料厭惡是微軟之前名字模糊的大資料服務的新名稱,稱為公共資料服務(common data service,簡稱 cds) ,它在團隊內部使用。

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