//經驗1.字串系列://<1>長度//C語言: int strTotalLen = strlen(s);//python: strTatalLen = len(s)//<2>判斷字串中是否有空格//c語言:while (' ' == s[i])//判斷有幾個前導空格 //python: s = s.lstrip()//去掉前導空格//<3>判斷字串中是否存在數字//c語言:while (s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9')//python: if s[i].isdigit(): //<4>字串轉換為對應的整數 //c語言: s[i] - '0'//python: int(s[i])
//經驗2.二維陣列//<1>定義並初始化為同一狀態://C語言: bool dp[strTotalLen][strTotalLen]; for (int k = 0; k < strTotalLen; k++) { for (int q = 0; q < strTotalLen; q++) { dp[k][q] = 0; } }//python:import numpy as npdp = np.zeros((strTatalLen, strTatalLen))//<2>定義並初始化為不同狀態://C語言: #define START 0 #define SIGNED 1 #define IN_NUMBER 2 #define END 3 #define MAX_STATE 4int map[MAX_STATE][MAX_STATE] = {//將表格轉換為二維陣列 {START, SIGNED, IN_NUMBER, END}, {END, END, IN_NUMBER, END}, {END, END, IN_NUMBER, END}, {END, END, END, END} };int state = 0;state = map[state][START];//python://無法宏定義不同狀態,可用字串表示,使用字典索引map = { 'START': ['START', 'SIGNED', 'IN_NUMBER', 'END'], 'SIGNED': ['END', 'END', 'IN_NUMBER', 'END'], 'IN_NUMBER': ['END', 'END', 'IN_NUMBER', 'END'], 'END': ['END', 'END', 'END', 'END'] }state = 'START'state = map[state][0]
//經驗3.for迴圈://<1>如何終止for迴圈// C語言: for (int strLen = 0; strLen < strTotalLen; strLen++) { for (int strStart = 0; strStart + strLen < strTotalLen; strStart++) { int strEnd = strStart + strLen;// python: for strLen in range(strTatalLen): for strStart in range(strTatalLen): strEnd = strStart + strLen if strEnd >= strTatalLen: break //<2>for迴圈起點調整// C語言: for(i = 1; i < len(s); i++)// python: start = 1 for i in range(start, len(s)):
//經驗4.邏輯關係與:// C語言: dp[strStart][strEnd] = (s[strStart] == s[strEnd] && dp[strStart + 1][strEnd - 1]);//Python: dp[strStart][strEnd] = (s[strStart] == s[strEnd] and dp[strStart + 1][strEnd - 1]) // C語言: 或 || 與&&if (ans > IntMax / 10 || (ans == IntMax / 10 && pop > IntMax % 10)) return 0;if (ans < IntMin / 10 || (ans == IntMin / 10 && pop < IntMin % 10)) return 0;//Python: 或or 與andif ans > IntMax // 10 or (ans == IntMax // 10 and pop > IntMax % 10): return 0 if ans < -(IntMin // -10) or (ans == -(IntMin // -10) and pop < IntMax % -10): return 0
//經驗5.C語言和Python中的整除“/”和取餘“%”//c語言:7 / 4 = 1//Python:7 // 4 = 1 //Python中 7 / 4 = 1.75 表示浮點數除法;雙斜槓 //表示整數除法//再看一下符號對整除是否有影響://c語言: // python: 7 / 4 = 1 7 // 4 = 1 -7 / 4 = -1 -7 // 4 = -27 / -4 = -1 7 // -4 = -2-7 / -4 = 1 -7 // -4 = 1//可以看出,除數和被除數符號不同時,計算結果是不同的。//再看一下,取餘C語言和python是否有區別://c語言: // python: 7 % 4 = 3 7 % 4 = 3 -7 % 4 = -3 -7 % 4 = 17 % -4 = -3 7 % -4 = -1-7 % -4 = -3 -7 % -4 = -3//可以看出,除數和被除數符號不同時,計算結果是不同的。結論:/*當除數與被除數符號一致時,整除和 取餘運算在c語言和python中所得結果是一樣的;當除數與被除數符號不一致時,注意調整python中符號。整除時,除數和被除數符號不一致時,調整完除數的符號時,要根據結果看是否調整最後結果的符號;取餘時,除數和被除數符號不一致時,由於結果與除數符號相同,只需要調整除數符號即可。*/
//經驗6.C語言和Python中的32位最大整數//C語言:#define INTMAX ((unsigned)(-1)>>1)#define INTMIN (~INTMAX)//Python://Python沒有宏定義 IntMax = 2 ** 31 - 1//指數^用**表示 IntMin = -2 ** 31
//經驗7.三目運算子//C語言: return (flag == 1? IntMax:IntMin);//Python:return IntMax if flag == 1 else IntMin
//經驗8. if-else if -else//C語言: if(' ' == s[i]) { state = map[state][START]; } else if('+' == s[i] || '-' == s[i]) { state = map[state][SIGNED]; } else if(s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9') { state = map[state][IN_NUMBER]; } else { state = map[state][END]; }//Python: if(c == ' '): state = map[state][0] elif (c == '+' or c == '-'): state = map[state][1] elif(c.isdigit()): state = map[state][2] else: state = map[state][3]
class Solution: def myAtoi(self, s: str) -> int: IntMax = 2 ** 31 - 1 IntMin = -2 ** 31 map = { 'START': ['START', 'SIGNED', 'IN_NUMBER', 'END'], 'SIGNED': ['END', 'END', 'IN_NUMBER', 'END'], 'IN_NUMBER': ['END', 'END', 'IN_NUMBER', 'END'], 'END': ['END', 'END', 'END', 'END'] } flag = 1 state = 'START' ans = 0 for c in s: if(c == ' '): state = map[state][0] elif (c == '+' or c == '-'): state = map[state][1] elif(c.isdigit()): state = map[state][2] else: state = map[state][3] if(state == 'START'): continue if(state == 'SIGNED'): if(c == '-'): flag = -1 if(state == 'IN_NUMBER'): if ans < IntMax // 10 or (ans == IntMax // 10 and int(c) < 8): ans = ans * 10 + int(c) else: return IntMax if flag == 1 else IntMin if(state == 'END'): break return flag * ansif __name__ == "__main__": s = "-91" test = Solution() ans = test.myAtoi(s) print(ans)